The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 885

Chapter 885: Braggart

The two turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a group of men and women dressed differently from others walking towards this side.

Yanila's gaze fell on the hand held by Albert and Isobel, and raised her head up and down to look at the red-haired girl who was suspected of Albert’s girlfriend in front of him. Although the other party said she was not as beautiful as herself, she was still the same. She is also a beautiful woman.

"Your friend?"

Isobel noticed that the other person was looking at his eyes, and was not annoyed. Instead, he gently turned his head and asked his boyfriend beside him, his tone sounded as if he was asking Albert if he knew the little girl next door.

"Friends I met when I went to Spain during the summer vacation." Albert always felt that the surrounding atmosphere was very bad.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I hope this will leave you with good memories." Isobel stared at Yanila's eyes and said with a smile.

Yanila frowned suddenly. Although the person in front of her was smiling, it always gave her an unpleasant feeling. What happened to the feeling of being seen through?

"Well, let's not squeeze here to talk, it will disturb other people's business. The weather is a bit cold, do you want to go in for a drink?" Albert greeted them into the tavern.

Yanila directly followed the two into the bar. Her family opened a bar, and she was also curious about what a British bar looked like.

"Let's go in too."

Furong was very dissatisfied with Yanila's unauthorized actions, but she wanted to see Yanila's embarrassed appearance, so she greeted others to enter the bar.

After entering the Three Broomsticks Bar, Albert saw many acquaintances. Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were whispering together.

After Cedric saw Albert, he raised his glass and greeted him.

The originally noisy bar gradually quieted down. After seeing Albert, the whispering girls gradually calmed down. They turned their heads and looked at Isabel's face next to Albert. Soon he brought a touch of unconcealable loss.

Everyone was quickly attracted by the Bussbarton students who appeared at the door, especially Furong, which caused a lot of commotion and caused the boys in the tavern to be extraordinarily weird. This group of guys actually began to subconsciously. They cleaned up their appearance, and some people even accidentally overturned their drinks, but still smirked at Furong.

Yanila sat down next to Albert. Fleur took her sister Gabriel and sat down at Albert’s table. The other Busbarton students could only stare at the other side far away from here. Sit down at a table.

"What do you want to drink?"

Albert felt that the atmosphere in the bar had become very strange, as if all the customers were looking here.

"Same as you." Yanila said with a smile.

"What about you?" Albert asked Sister Delacour.

Gabriel, who looked at the tavern with great interest, heard Albert's words and said in a sweet voice: "My sister and my big brother are just fine."

"Then Butterbeer."

Albert got up and walked to the bar, and caught a glimpse of Fred, George, and Lee Jordan smirking at him.

"Those people are all VIPs, aren't they?" Ms. Rosmerta also looked at the faces of the students with interest.

"They are all students at Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Albert introduced briefly.

Rosmerta looked at the two charming girls, blinked at Albert and said, "Your friends are so wide."

"Five glasses of Butterbeer." Albert didn't answer the other party's words.

Suddenly there was a sound of something falling to the floor in the bar, and it was obvious that someone accidentally knocked over the wine glass on the table.

Ms. Rosmerta put five cups of warm butterbeer in front of Albert, glanced over the glass that fell on the floor, and said in a reproachful tone: "Your charming friend has increased my workload."

"I'm sorry, ma'am." Albert said helplessly. He paid, took out his wand and waved it lightly, letting five cups of Butterbeer float and follow him.

"This is a sweet beer with toffee flavor. You should like it." Albert put a glass of butter beer in front of Gabrielle. Then divide the remaining butterbeer among others.

Gabriel held the cup in both hands, took a sip, smiled and said, "Drink, thank you, brother."

"It tastes good, but I prefer fruit wine." Yanila sipped a sip of butter beer and commented briefly: "However, this thing is indeed more suitable for drinking in winter."

Fleur did not touch the butter beer in front of him. Instead, he looked around the Three Broomsticks Bar and said in a critical tone: "I don't like this kind of small bar. It's too small and crowded, and the drinks are average."

"It's not that you don't like small bars, but you don't like bars. No matter which country you are in, bars are actually similar to here. It's nothing more than bigger. I dare say that Barnabus Bar can definitely be ranked in the whole of Europe. However, you still look down on it." Yanila said unceremoniously, "As far as I know, there are no luxurious bars in Wizard Street in France."

Furong snorted dissatisfiedly. She really didn't like bars, and even less the look of other people's delusion.

The "Kacha" picture suddenly sounded not far away. Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound. The photographer next to Rita Skeeter was holding a **** camera that was slightly smoking. Aim here to take pictures.

After looking around the bar, Rita Skeeter cast an equally interested look here, seeming to want to make a fuss about Albert.

Before the potbellied photographer took another photo, he saw that his feet seemed to be tripped by something. The whole person fell to the ground with a sound of "Ouch," and even the expensive camera fell to the ground. I don't know if it was broken.

Some sporadic low laughter suddenly sounded around. Rita Skeeter and his photographer Fu Zuo were obviously not popular here, and the girls made no secret of their gloat.

"Reporters are always annoying. They often fabricate specious things without morals." Yanila made no secret of her dislike of reporters and whispered: "I have read her report, and they are almost talking about it. The savior boy named Harry Potter didn't even mention Albert's name and misspelled Fleur's name."

Furong snorted softly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

There was a commotion at the door, and Rita Skeeter, who was planning to leave, met someone she was looking for at the door of the bar.

Rita Skeeter reached out and wanted to go to Rahali, hoping to do another interview with Harry, but he was swiftly avoided by Harry, and he didn't know what was going on, Rita Skeet was embarrassed. Fell to the ground.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the bar, and then a burst of laughter broke out, and the girls who hated Rita Skeeter unscrupulously turned towards the woman they hated.

"Go in and be careful, the ground here seems to be slippery." Harry murmured, pretending that he didn't see Rita Skeeter who fell, and walked into the bar.

For a woman like Rita Skeeter, it's best to leave him alone.

Hermione glanced at Harry secretly from the corner of her eye, raised her eyebrows slightly, and a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. She also didn't like Rita Skeeter. This woman was talking nonsense in the newspaper a while ago, which caused her a lot of trouble.

The other party was obviously not at ease looking for Harry.

Hermione just didn't want Harry to use this method to solve the problem.

Albert was also surprised by Harry's actions. He naturally saw that Rita Skeeter's fall was not accidental, but that someone secretly cursed her and caused her to fall.

Albert hadn't thought about what he had said before, letting Harry Potter free himself completely.

"Albert, are you ready?" Yanila's voice drew Albert's attention back, "I remember you are about to start your first project on the 24th."josei

"I'm actually looking forward to the content of the first project." Albert said with a smile, "I don't know what surprises the Ministry of Magic will prepare for us."

"Surprise?" Furong's voice was slightly higher, "There have been many dead people in the Triwizard Tournament of the past dynasties."

"It's normal, isn't it?"

"It's normal?"

"No, I don't think you are normal." Fleur looked at Albert with a weird look.

"The Triwizard Tournament tests the warriors from many different aspects, testing their magical talents, superiority, courage, theory, reasoning ability, and ability to overcome danger." Albert's tone suddenly stopped and he said. "These are just verbal good words. This game is notorious in history. It is said that every event is difficult. If safety measures are not taken, it is normal for the Warriors to lose their lives in the game. Take 1792. For the Triwizard Tournament of 2015, the Warriors wanted to catch a Basilisk. Do you think you can subdue and grab a Basilisk without preparation?"

"If it's really dangerous," Isobel said, holding Albert's hand. "I hope you can put your own safety as your first priority. Other things are not that important."

"I think your worry is unnecessary. With Albert's ability, you can easily pass the first project." Yanila glanced at Fleur and continued: "Now everyone says that Albert will win the championship. Even Maxim thinks so."

"Isobel refers to the risks behind this game." Albert explained for Isobel. "The risk behind?" Furong said in a weird tone, "Is there anything we don't know about this game?"

"He obviously means there are four warriors." Yanila's mind is very good. "I think there is a problem with that'Harry Potter' being called the savior. I think you all know what this title means. ."

Fleur looked up at Harry's seat, and his eyes met Ron's, causing Ron to panic and knock over the butterbeer on the table.

"Potter is a very amazing person. Every year, something will happen, and it will not be a trivial thing. This year, I think you should not be able to guess. He somehow became the fourth warrior.

"Isn't it caused by Hogwarts?" Furong sneered, "In order to give myself a chance to win?"

"You actually believe that." Yanila looked at Furong with a foolish look.

"Cheating in games between schools is actually very common. Cheating is part of the Triwizard Tournament tradition." Isabel took a sip of butter beer and said in a low voice, "So, you don't really need to care too much about this. I think the principal of Boothbarton will definitely find a way to cheat for you, and the principal of Durmstrang will definitely cheat for their warriors."

Fleur did not expect to hear such words from others. She herself actually did not want to believe it, because Mrs. Maxim did not intend to cheat for her so far.

"Don't be surprised. I encountered this situation when I was participating in the Magic School Potions Championship with Isabel. All the players were cheating. The whole game was like a joke." Albert made no secret of it. Own contempt and disdain, "So, you don’t actually need to care about the Triwizard Tournament. The so-called honor is a joke. It is more important to protect your safety, especially in this unusual Triwizard Tournament where Porter will participate. , I’m sure something will happen in the Triwizard Tournament."

"So, are you trying to say that no one else can **** the Triwizard Championship from you?" Furong didn't like this feeling.

"I never said that." Albert shrugged. UU reading

"Can Big Brother catch the fire dragon?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"I haven't tried it." Albert thought for a moment and said, "However, if you seize the opportunity, it should be no problem. The only troublesome thing is that the fire dragon can fly. Once it flies, basically you can only shoot it down. NS."

"Can it be done?" Gabriel asked adoringly.

"Don't be silly, Gabriel, that guy is just bragging." Furong naturally knows how difficult the fire dragon is. "As far as I know, the thick skin of the fire dragon is infiltrated with ancient magic, and only the most powerful spell can penetrate it. Hurt them."

"Magic may be more troublesome, but physical methods can be used." Albert said, "Moreover, they always have their own weaknesses. As long as they target weaknesses, they can actually be easily injured."

"What is the weakness of the fire dragon?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"The fire dragon's eyelids are very fragile." Albert said.

"Big talk." Furong said disdainly. She admitted that Albert was very powerful, but didn't think he could fight a fire dragon alone, let alone subdue them. Even a dragon trainer would need seven or eight wizards to work together. Subduing a fire dragon.

"I believe you are not bragging, I believe you have the ability to subdue the fire dragon." Yanila said softly.

"You are always so popular with girls." Isabel said with a smile: "It seems I am really lucky."

"Ahem, you are not, I am the lucky Albert." Albert stopped the topic forcibly, and said to the other girls on the table: "If we have anything else, we will leave first. See you later."

"I hate that hypocritical woman." Yanila murmured after Albert and Isobel left.

"You don't seem to be hypocritical." Furong sneered. "Give up. Their relationship has always been good. You don't have any hope."

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