The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 963

Chapter 963: Society of the Phoenix Conference

The news of Percy's falling out with his family soon reached Fudge, and as Percy had expected, Fudge did not abandon him because he could no longer carry out his task of monitoring his family and Dumbledore, and gave him to the assistant minister. location to drive away.

After all, Percy had a falling out with his family over this matter, and has proven his loyalty to the Ministry of Magic and Fudge with his actions. It was only Fudge's whim to let Percy monitor his family, and he needed a loyal and reliable assistant to help with the heavy work to prevent Dumbledore from planting spies by his side. Percy, who has proven his loyalty, is undoubtedly trustworthy and worthy of recognition, at least according to Fudge.

As for what actually happened, it's really hard to say.

After Percy's falling out with the family, the Weasleys rarely brought up Percy.

Fred, George, Ginny and Bill did not share their speculations with their families. No matter how it is explained, it cannot be concealed that Percy chose to stand on Fudge's side for his own benefit, in order to allow himself to go further in the Ministry of Magic, betraying his family.

After Percy ran away from home, the Weasleys decided to join the Order of the Phoenix.

In order to ensure the safety of the family, the Weasleys, after obtaining the consent of Sirius, planned to move to 12 Grimmauld Place to temporarily settle down. At that time, they could help station the temporary headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and help take care of Harry by the way. of life.

"Sirius, can we join the Order of the Phoenix too?" George put down his fork and asked tentatively.

"No, you are still young!" Mrs. Weasley stared at her son dissatisfied with her hands.

"We have grown up." Fred complained, "Also, Professor Dumbledore personally invited Albert to join the Order of the Phoenix."

"Really?" Ron looked up in surprise.

"Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for? If you don't believe me, ask Sirius, he'll know for sure." Fred slowly stuffed the last potato into his mouth.

"Yes, but Mr. Anderson is an exception," Lupin explained. "The members of the Order of the Phoenix only recruit wizards of a certain age who have graduated from Hogwarts, and you don't have that ability."

"You shouldn't involve the kids who are still in school." Molly Weasley glared at Sirius and Lupin a little angrily, then turned to her husband for support. Mrs. Weasley still had a good impression of Albert and didn't want him to take risks.

"So, Albert is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix now?" Ron asked in surprise.

"No, he refused." Sirius shook his head.


Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect Albert to refuse Dumbledore's invitation at all.

"Why did he refuse?" Ginny asked curiously.

No one answered, because at this time, the sound of something being knocked over came from outside the corridor, followed by a series of curses.

Soon after, the door of the hall was pushed open, and a blond witch walked in and greeted everyone: "Good evening, I received news that there is an important meeting tonight."

"Have you had dinner yet?" Mrs Weasley changed the subject.

"not yet."

"Then sit down and eat together!"

Tonks hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement, she really hadn't eaten yet, and hurried over just after get off work.

"Sirius, why did Albert reject Dumbledore's invitation?" Hermione brought back the topic just now, she wanted to know the reason.

"It's the famous Albert, right!" Tonks sat down and asked curiously after hearing Hermione's words.

"He believes in Dumbledore, but he doesn't trust the Order of the Phoenix." Sirius shrugged helplessly and said, "The guy thinks that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​just a very loose organization, not reliable enough, and not safe, and he also doubts that there might be a possibility in the Order of the Phoenix. will be mixed with traitors..."

"Traitor, Albert suspects there are traitors, I mean Albert thinks there are traitors in the Order of the Phoenix." George was taken aback by Sirius' words.

"Traitor, how could there be a traitor?" Tonks asked suspiciously. "There are no traitors in the Order of the Phoenix. Everyone was summoned by Dumbledore, and they are a group of trustworthy partners."

"Albert's intuition has always been accurate. If he thinks that there may be traitors in the Order of the Phoenix, this is not a good sign." Fred frowned, looking a little disturbed.

No way, their whole family basically joined the Order of the Phoenix.

If there is a traitor, it doesn't have to be the end.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore thinks the members of the Order of the Phoenix are trustworthy." Tonks immediately recalled the members of the Order of the Phoenix, thinking that this is unlikely.

"No, Albert's hunch has always been accurate, and he has hardly missed it." George also frowned.

"I think he's referring to someone!" Sirius pointedly said, "That guy has a very good relationship with the professors in the school, except for someone, who obviously doesn't trust him..."

"Sirius," interrupted Lupin, frowning. "Dumbledore thinks he can be trusted."

"But Albert's hunch has always been accurate. He doesn't trust the slug, just like he never trusted the impostor Moody, and thought from the beginning that he might have a problem." Sirius didn't bother about this, and continued. "However, thanks to him for reminding us that Dumbledore used the Fierce Loyalty Charm here not long ago, the current headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​completely different from the last time, more rigorous and more secure."

"Who are you talking about?" Fred and George looked at each other and looked at Sirius, "This matter is very important."

"Fred, George." Mrs Weasley looked at her son disapprovingly.

"Mom, you don't know, Albert's hunch has never been wrong." George ignored Mrs. Weasley's stern gaze and warned: "Don't underestimate Albert's hunch, or you will pay for it, Harry It's a ready-made example."

"What does this have to do with Harry?"

A tall, dark-skinned wizard quietly pushed open the dining room door and walked in.

"Good evening Kingsley, do you want something to eat?" Mrs. Weasley stood up to greet him.

"No, I've already eaten it." The wizard named Kingsley looked at the twins and asked curiously, "Can you tell us about this?"

"Before the third project, Albert had a premonition that the danger was coming. He thought it had something to do with Harry. He also suggested that Harry stay at the entrance of the maze, stay in Dumbledore's line of sight and wait for the game to end." George They looked at each other with Fred and told everyone what they knew: "Professor Dumbledore also knew about this, but they didn't take Albert's reminder seriously at all, which led to Harry being taken away. already."

Ron and Hermione looked at each other, and they knew it too, and Harry's training with Sirius and Lupin had something to do with it.

"I heard that Albert Anderson is a master of prophecy." Kingsley looked at Fred and George. "Is this true?"

"Master of Prophecy?" Tonks was taken aback, they all knew what that meant.

It has been a long time since a new master of prophecy emerged in the UK.

"His predictions are really accurate, and there are almost no mistakes." Fred and George said in unison that as Albert's roommate, he knew Albert's predictive ability better than anyone else.

"It's a big pity not being able to invite him to the Order of the Phoenix." Sirius noticed that everyone was looking at him, and continued: "He predicted this day long ago, and even decided that Fudge would be ousted from power. As well as the upcoming Azkaban escape, he also predicted... the downfall of the Ministry of Magic."

"Okay, don't discuss these things in front of the kids. And you guys, go back to your room and do your holiday homework after eating, don't stay here." Mrs. Weasley was ready to chase people, and more to come. Members of the Order of the Phoenix come here for meetings, and it's not a good place for kids to hear something they shouldn't.

Mrs. Weasley was right, more and more members of the Order of the Phoenix came here, and they all got a notification from Dumbledore that there was an important thing today.

"What happened to the downfall of the Ministry of Magic?"

The news really shocked everyone.

"I don't know, Anderson believes that in a few years, Fudge's successor will die at the hands of Voldemort, and the entire British wizarding world will usher in the darkest moment, the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts will be controlled by Voldemort, and Muggles will be born. The wizards will be persecuted, and Harry will be a wanted man at the Ministry of Magic." Sirius handed Kingsley some parchments and said, "This is his prophecy."

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Kingsley said, frowning at the contents of the parchment. "Dumbledore would never allow such a thing to happen."

"Who knows!" Sirius was also reluctant to believe these prophecies, but he didn't think Albert would be joking.

"The prophets are a bunch of mysterious guys, but given his level, to be honest, there are basically no mistakes. At least, I asked him to predict, and it is very accurate."


"Next, we're going to release the information in the parchment." Sirius gave a malicious smile: "I think Fudge will be mad!"

"Are you going to publish this in the "Defense Guide"?" Tonks asked curiously. She felt that if this article were published, the entire magical world would probably explode in place. She reminded: "Fudge will not tolerate this. This magazine continues to be published."

"It doesn't matter, we will provide the magazine privately to the wizards who have ordered the magazine, and we will also set up a radio station to broadcast to other wizards." Lupin comforted, he also knew that the magazine was unavoidable, but ... "The situation is not so Too bad people will think of our magazines and radio when they find out that the wizarding world is in chaos."

As far as Lupin knew, these were all suggestions from Albert, and it was no wonder Dumbledore wanted to pull Albert into the Order of the Phoenix.

In some ways, Albert is better, more professional, more thorough than they are.

"What are you discussing?"

Moody walked through the corridor and into the hall, glancing at the people who were talking.

"Anderson's prediction," Tonks said excitedly. "He thinks Fudge will be out next year."

"Oh, that's really good news, I think Dumbledore would be very happy?" Moody said, pulling up a chair and sitting down. "I heard he didn't agree to join the Order of the Phoenix."

"He thinks that there may be traitors among us, don't look at me like that, Remus, I was there at the time." Sirius shrugged and said: "At the beginning, Albert suggested that Dumbledore use his power to drive Fudge out of power ahead of schedule. , making Amelia Burns the Minister of Magic, as you know, Amelia Burns' brother...he thinks that a change of minister to our advantage can greatly weaken Voldemort's power, although very Surprising, but it's a really good idea, at least Amelia Burns certainly won't hold us back."

"So, that thing is true, everyone said that Dumbledore was trying to get the position of Minister of Magic." Tonks widened his eyes in surprise, and even his face changed.

"No, Dumbledore didn't agree." Sirius shook his head and said, "He thinks it is difficult, but I think Anderson dares to make this suggestion, and he must be sure to oust Fudge, otherwise he will not mention it at all. ."

"No wonder Fudge is going mad," Tonks muttered.

"It was thought that Anderson was in contact with at least half of the higher-ups at the Ministry of Magic." Kingsley recalled some rumors he had heard. conference, and voted to force him to be the Wizengamore's backup."

"That's an exaggeration," Tonks muttered.

"There's a lot of magic about that guy, like the parchment you have in your hand, the manuscript he asked Rita Skeeter to help write," Sirius reminded, "he said he thought Rita Skeeter was better. Good at writing these articles."

"It's incredible how he did it."

Everyone present was surprised, they knew exactly what Rita Skeeter was.

"I don't know, he's always so magical."

The discussion about the prophecy did not continue, and more and more members of the Order of the Phoenix rushed to the headquarters, and the table was soon filled with people.

Tonks is excited to share the good news that Fudge may be stepping down next year.

"Where did you get the news?"

Everyone was curious, it would be great if Fudge could step down, the guy is just messing with them now.

"A master of prophecy, as for his identity, you can ask Dumbledore if he is willing to tell the identity of that person."

Sirius didn't reveal Albert's news to everyone, and he signaled the others to shut up.

"Is this thing accurate? Many prophets are liars."

"I asked him for a divination, and it was very accurate."

Before they could continue discussing the prophecy, Dumbledore arrived, looking a little rushed and a little tired.

"I called you to ensure Harry's safety." Dumbledore looked at the members of the Order of the Phoenix staring at him, and said straight to the point: "We need to prepare sentries to ensure Harry's safety."

"You think the Death Eaters will attack Harry?" Sirius asked first. "Maybe, we can take him to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, where it's safer."josei

"No, Harry is safer with his Muggle relatives, the old magic that Lily left behind is still protecting him, Voldemort and his minions can't do anything about Harry, but we need to make sure no one else will Leigh do something, you guys should know exactly what Fudge is doing lately, he wants to get hold of Harry. If they want to deal with Harry, they can also use the power of the Ministry of Magic, so we need to make sure that Harry does not meet In trouble, leave no chance for Fudge."

"So, we need the sentry to take turns to ensure Harry's safety. Of course, Arabella will help to keep an eye on Harry, but you should also know her situation. UU Reading"

"Why not just tell him? I think Harry should be able to..." Sirius was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"Harry is not as mature as you think, especially after what happened," Dumbledore said softly.

"Another thing, Voldemort seems to be looking for something."

Saying that, he looked at Snape.

"I haven't heard anything yet." Snape raised his head. "If he sends the Death Eaters to look for it, I will definitely receive the news as soon as possible."

"I need to figure out what he's looking for as soon as possible?" Dumbledore nodded. "The sentry thing is arranged as soon as possible, Alastor, I'll leave this to you."

"No problem." Moody nodded in response.

"By the way, Hermione and Ron are here, right?" Before leaving, Dumbledore looked at the Weasleys.

"Yes, they are here, what's the matter?" Mrs Weasley was a little nervous.

"I have something to tell them about Harry." Dumbledore saw Hermione and Ron soon after.

"I hope you can keep it secret from Harry, and don't tell Harry important things when you write. The owl is not safe and may be intercepted halfway." Dumbledore looked at the two and said, "It's better not to let Harry knows everything, okay?"


"Okay, we promise." Hermione said, kicking Ron.

"I promise not to write to Harry casually or say anything important," said Ron.

"Very well, remember your words." Dumbledore left in a hurry after being assured.

"Poor Harry, I think he'll be mad when he finds out," Ron muttered softly when he returned to his room.


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