The Alliance Marriage Went Wrong

Chapter 52 - What's Wrong With You Tonight?

Chapter 52 - What's Wrong With You Tonight?

"Sophie insisted for us to have dinner with her but if you're not comfortable with it, we can return before dinner."

Crown Prince Arin and Iria were sitting on a farm that was on the left of the house. The sun already set but the brightness provided by the enchanting moon and the twinkling stars were enough to brighten up their surroundings.

They were sitting on the ground, surrounded by grass and trees. Iria was slightly lifting her head to look at the stars that scattered in the vast sky while Arin was sitting just beside her. Little did she know that the Crown Prince was only staring at her ever since they started sitting here a while ago.

"I'm fine with it. It seems like you can't meet often, so I'm sure that you will also wish to spend more time with her," Iria replied and briefly looked at Arin. "You should have stayed with her. I'll be fine alone. I only want some fresh air."historical

Arin Helev recalled how his cousin practically pushed him out to make him come here which he didn't mind. This formed a subtle smile on his lips. "It's your first time here. So, it would be rude to let you be alone."

The moment the last word escaped his lips, the show which his cousin made before, crossed his mind. That was too awkward! He ended up squeezing the grass but when he realized that Iria was already back to stargazing, he inwardly sighed in relief. However, he was curious. What would she had in mind now?

"Did Sophie live alone?" Iria asked him. Her gaze was still fixated on the stars above and the mesmerizing sight curled her lips into a small smile. In the past, she spends most of her nights outside or in a tent. However, ever since she came to Qalagon, she was mostly indoors and she rarely had this chance.

Arin Helev nodded in response. "Her father died early and her mother passed away a year ago."

Hearing this, she narrowed her eyes and slowly turned to Arin. "You must worry about her a lot. She is still young."

"That's true," Arin said. "I always asked her to move to a safer place. I'm willing to arrange everything for her but... she always refused. Maybe because the house contained all her memories with her late parents. She always said that she can protect herself."

Iria thought of the enemies who would want to see the Crown Prince fall, mostly the Queen and her supporters. If they want to fight Arin Helev, then his beloved cousin will surely be an easy target!

"Is Sophie skilled to fend herself?" she asked. She thought that it was a pity how even the life of a young girl was in danger, all because of dirty palace politics!

Arin let out a light chuckle. "She always wanted to be a warrior ever since she was young but her late mother didn't permit her to walk that path. Do you know who she admired since a young age?" He made a deliberate paused and said, "It's the masked Commander from your kingdom. Her wish was to be like her and fight for her kingdom."

Admire? Iria was feeling disheartened on the inside. Even back then in Jerivia, many people admired her and some children used to tell her that they wanted to be like her. However, her response was always the same. 'You should be grateful and cherish your current peaceful life.'

She didn't want anyone to follow in her footsteps, especially innocent children. Once she wielded a sword on the battlefield, she became a heartless monster. She didn't want people to be like her or feel inspired by her.

Why would there be another tainted soul while she was giving up her everything for the people not to become the same?! One tainted soul should be enough and that was her. No need for another.

"Sophie is a pure girl. She shouldn't feel that way and lead a normal life," she muttered with her gaze fixated on the ground.

The Crown Prince was taken aback by her response. Besides, why did she seemed so downhearted? Did he say something wrong? He felt lost!

After remaining silent for a while, he said, "You've once told me that you're close with the masked Commander. You said you grew up together. Can I ask you what kind of person she is?"

Iria's eyes flickered at his question but it went unnoticed. She wasn't expecting such a question!

"Why do you want to know that?" she asked him.

"I've faced her once and I think she's a formidable opponent. No one had ever made me feel like that on a battlefield," Arin frankly replied. His mind went back to the war a year ago. There were several times when he thought that they were losing but in the end, both sides withdrew. That was the last war between the two kingdoms until now.

Iria thought of how to answer him. Though she was flustered when she heard what he said about her, she tried her best not to show it. Then she said, "She is the type of person who would never say 'no' to her kingdom. For her, Jerivia always comes first no matter what the other matters were."

Arin heard her out and he nodded in understanding. "She is loyal to the core. Is that what you're trying to say?" he asked.

Iria only nodded as her friend the Princess crossed her mind. She felt tormented thinking of what her condition might be now. Will she get to see her again?

"I strongly believed that each warrior has reasons of their own. Despite the cruelty of the world, I still want to believe that everyone fight for a good cause and not just because they want bloodshed," Crown Prince Arin uttered.

Just like he was doing everything for his people, he always tried to believe that war happened not because people were thirst for it but it was necessary for survival. Maybe because thinking that way, it would hurt less when reminded of the many souls that were crushed by wars.

His words put Iria Alewine in a daze. Reasons of their own? Fighting for a good cause? Though she shouldn't be, his optimistic words somehow lightened up her dark heart. Without saying anything, she looked up at the sky again. Then her lips curved into a smile.

Did she know that the Crown Prince was already staring at her again? Seeing her little yet genuine smile was enough to quicken his heartbeat and in no time, he could feel the difference.

Then he asked himself, 'What's wrong with you tonight, Arin Helev?'

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