The Alliance Marriage Went Wrong

Chapter 66 - The Longest Night

Chapter 66 - The Longest Night

"Sophie." Iria Alewine called the young cousin of Crown Prince Arin who was sitting alone on a bench in one corner of the ground.

The Commander was on her way back to the tent when she spotted the girl from afar. She just wanted to check on her as she was all alone. It had been a while since the feast was over and the Crown Prince was back to his father's side, dealing with some important matters.

Sophie Lamiya stood up and smiled at the sight of her cousin's wife. "Your Highness."

"Why are you here alone?" Iria asked Sophie.

Sophie Lamiya nervously pressed her fingers together when she said, "I heard that the sword fighting will start tomorrow. I'm just worried."

"The Crown Prince?"

Sophie nodded. "Two years ago, he participated right after he recovered from a serious injury. Though he managed to win, he gained another severe injury." She slightly smiled and added, "It's not my intention to make you worry. I know that Arin is in great shape this year but... things can happen. I always worry a lot whenever the tournament took place."

"Don't worry. Your cousin will be fine," Iria calmly said to the young girl. She also knew how this kind of tournament could be more than dangerous at times but... judging from Arin Helev's skills, she was convinced that he would be fine, unless...

"I know but... everything is possible," Sophie murmured as she kept on clenching her fingers nervously.

The Queen might make a move. Was that what Sophie worried about?

Before Iria could say anything, Sophie briefly glanced at a few people standing at a distance who were waiting for her. "I have to go. Please greet Arin for me."

"Alright. See you tomorrow," Iria promptly said with a small smile. Then Sophie nodded and rushed to her friends.

When Iria walked inside the tent, it was quite late now. It had been a long time since the sunset and soon, it will be time to sleep. She sat on one of the chairs and think of what Sophie told her.historical

Though Jerivia rarely organised this big of a tournament, many casualties always took place whenever there was one. It was normal for warriors but... she can't brush off her concern.

Of course, she trusted the Crown Prince's skills but... with the Queen lurking around, anything was possible. Queen Lorey was too eager to end the Crown Prince and... would there be a greater chance than this tournament to fulfil her wish?

If something happened to Arin Helev during the tournament, even the King could only accept it. That's the rule. They bet their life to participate and whatever the outcome was, they had no choice but to accept.

Iria Alewine was so absorbed in her thoughts and she didn't even realize just how fast time flew by. As such, she almost flinched when she heard the sound of footsteps. She darted her eyes to the entrance of the tent and saw that Arin Helev was coming inside.

"You're still up? I think you should rest early. Tomorrow will be a long day," Arin said as he made his way to her. He stood near the table which was placed right in front of her.

"I saw Sophie and she worries about you a lot," Iria muttered and added, "She's afraid that something might happen to you during the tournament."

Arin pulled a chair and sat opposite her. Then he gazed at her without saying anything while Iria stared at him with a flustered face. After a while, he said, "Seems like you think the same as her."

Iria recalled how she never wanted to participate in such a tournament despite being the most capable warrior of Jerivia. Even when someone mocked her, saying that she was scared to participate, she always remained unfazed.

"I don't understand why people risk their lives just for a tournament. Shouldn't a warrior spare his every strength to use in a battlefield for his kingdom? Why fight for individual glory?" She blabbered out the things that cross her mind.

When she looked at Arin, she noticed that he was chuckling. She didn't say anything funny!

"You have a point," Arin said. "But in my case and for many others, it's not for individual glory."

"Then what is it?"

"To earn the trust of the people," he promptly said and Iria raised a brow. Then Arin continued by saying, "People need assurance from time to time. No matter what happens, they should know that they are protected and shielded by capable warriors and there is nothing to be afraid of. The best time to make that happen is the annual tournament. That's why we held it each year."

To assure the people. Iria never thought that way. She always deemed it useless to hold a tournament and she rarely watched even if one was held but... to earn the people's trust?

"I see that you understand now," Arin said and stretched out his left hand. "Don't worry. I have this and nothing will happen to me."

Iria narrowed her eyes at the braided bracelet on his left wrist. The one with a mixture of black and silver in colour. She recalled the time when she tied it to his wrist while they were in Zoris.

"You said this custom of your kingdom signifies protection and blessing. So, I will be fine," Arin said as he flashed a smile. Then he placed his wrist next to Iria who was also wearing a mixture of gold and yellow in colour. His eyes twinkled with mirth at the sight of it.

Iria Alewine stared at him and sensed how her heart was beating faster and faster at the beautiful sight which was his carefree smile.

What would she do with him?

Now, she feared for herself. She shouldn't waver but... she never felt this powerless. It seemed like she had no control of herself anymore and that scared her too much!

"You can go and sleep in the bed. I will sleep on the floor."

Arin's words snapped her out of her stupor. Then she slowly shifted her gaze to the large bed a few steps away.

There wasn't a sofa unlike their chamber in the royal palace of Zoris and... he will sleep on the floor? Him? The Crown Prince?!

"There's no need -"

"I know you will argue, but -"

"I still haven't finished yet."

Arin's eyes slightly grew wide but soon, he slightly lifted his right palm, gesturing her to carry on.

"The bed is big enough and... we can sleep on both corners," Iria cautiously said. She gazed at his face, trying to read his mind.


"It's fine if you don't like the idea. We can -"

"No," Arin quickly said and smiled again. "Let's do it as you said."

Iria nodded and Arin quickly rose from his seat. He picked up two blankets and lay them in the middle of the bed to serve as a boundary. "Will this do?"

Iria stood up and walked towards the bed. Looking at the blankets, she said, "Yes."

After a while, the two were all set to sleep. They indeed never once crossed the boundary they made, all because... they failed to fall asleep all through the night. It was the longest night they ever experienced!

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