The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Everything Is Ready

“Yes, Lord Caspian!” the female special forces soldiers chorused in unison.

Caspian was like a god to them.

“We’re running out of time. Once you’re ready, head over to Southlake City to meet up with the rest of the

bridal party,” Caspian continued.

“Understood, Lord Caspian!” they said with vigor. It was a great honor for them to be tasked to protect the

wife of Lord Caspian.

“Hide your guns under your skirts. Tie them to your calves. If you’re attacked, do not hesitate to fire!”

Caspian instructed.

“Yes, Lord Caspian!” They felt privileged that Caspian, the one they revered, was personally giving them

his orders. This had always been a dream of theirs.

After making the arrangements with the female special forces soldiers, Caspian looked at John. “Since I

can’t meet up with the bridal party at once, tell your people to bring my suit and the wedding rings over to


“Yes, Lord Caspian!” John replied.

“Also, prepare the outfits for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, as well as all the other necessary items.

Have them all sent over. Let the bridesmaids set off first to meet up with the bridal party in Southlake City.

Caspian continued to make arrangements.

“Understood!” John nodded.


“There’s not much time left. I’m sure my wife is getting impatient. Once the tanks and the bridal party

have met up, head over to Stewart Residence at once to manage the situation. I’ll be right there,” Caspian




“I’ll make the calls to arrange everything.” Sylvia borrowed a phone and called Hugo.

“Hello? Who’s this?” Hugo asked after receiving the call from an unfamiliar number.

“It’s me, Sylvia,” Sylvia replied.





“Oh, it’s you, General Frost. Where are you? The scions are all waiting,” Hugo informed.

“Something unexpected came up. Tell them to wait there. Soon, there’ll be a few tanks heading over to

meet up with you guys,” Sylvia said.



“What? Tanks? What on earth happened?” Hugo exclaimed.

“The enemy’s Apex Legion has infiltrated Southlake City. They intend to assassinate Lord Caspian. To be safe, we have to mobilize the army to ensure everyone’s safety,” Sylvia explained.

“Got it. Looks like the wedding will indeed stir up huge waves across the entire Southlake City!” Hugo


“This is a critical situation, so we have to do this. There has been a change of plans. John has arranged for his subordinates to disguise themselves as bridesmaids and groomsmen. They’ll be at the wedding to

protect Lord Caspian and Lady Willow.

“Send the outfits for the groomsmen and bridesmaids over to the southern base, as well as Lord

Caspian’s suit and the wedding rings,” Sylvia instructed.

“Understood. I’m on it!” Hugo replied.

“The bridesmaids will be heading to Stewart Residence in advance. Give their outfits to them first. Time is

of the essence. Be quick,” Sylvia added.

“I got it!” Hugo said.

“Once you guys have met up, head straight over to Stewart Residence. Don’t dawdle, lest Lady Willow

starts getting worried. Lord Caspian and I will be taking a helicopter to Stewart Residence,” Sylvia said.

“Noted!” Hugo replied.

Caspian had the army doctor keep things simple as the latter tended to his wound. The doctor would take

the bullet out once they got back to the southern base.

“You got injured because of me, Lord Caspian. Please punish me!” The sight of Caspian’s blood- soaked

arm made Harry feel deeply remorseful.

“Why should I punish you? You were willing to risk your life for me. That proves your unwavering loyalty. I

value my subordinates. A small injury in exchange for your life seems like a fair trade to me,” Caspian


Harry was moved to tears.

“Make sure his merit is recorded, Sylvia,” Caspian instructed.

“Yes, Lord Caspian.” Sylvia nodded.

Harry was startled. “I didn’t do anything, Lord Caspian. I’m already happy that you’re not punishing me.”

“You risked it all to shield me from the bullet. Your loyalty is clear for all to see. You deserve to be

rewarded for it,” Caspian said.

Harry was touched. He now understood why so many people willingly served under Caspian’s command.

Just then, the troops who had been searching the mountains returned. All of the enemy’s forces had been

ánnihilated. Not a single one survived.

Caspian, Sylvia, John, and the others headed back to the southern base first.

The female special forces soldiers who had been chosen as bridesmaids remained where they were to

await further instructions.

Soon, Hugo’s people arrived.

The female soldiers quickly got dressed and rushed over to Southlake City to meet up with the bridal

party made up of Dhord City’s most influential people.

Meanwhile, Hugo’s men wasted no time. They rushed over to the southern base and gave Caspian all the

things he needed, including his clothes, the wedding rings, and an expensive watch.

While the army doctor extracted the bullet from Caspian’s arm, the helicopter had been readied, along

with eight other aircraft that would be serving as escorts.

All the preparations had been made at the Jade Dragon Grand Hotel, but the guests had not arrived.

Over at Stewart Residence, over 100 cars arrived. They had drawn much attention along the way.

The procession of cars included brands like Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, and BMW.

This was the bridal party that Richard had arranged.

All the Stewarts knew that Richard had come to fetch his bride. They went out to greet him in excitement.

Richard looked smug as he stood there with over a dozen handsomely-dressed groomsmen.

When Alicia saw how grand Richard’s procession was, she became arrogant and said to Willow, “See that, Willow? Richard is here to pick me up. Where’s Caspian? Why isn’t he here yet? Has he run off?”

Willow felt a little uncertain herself. She had neither the confidence nor the mood to argue with Alicia, so she kept quiet.

The Stewarts were busy greeting Richard and his entourage. No one paid any attention to Willow.


Around 15 minutes later, Willow’s old classmates came over.

“You’re gorgeous today, Willow. You look like a princess!” one of them praised.

“Where’s your husband, Willow? Why isn’t he here yet?” Yannick asked.

“It’s not time yet. Let’s just wait a little longer.” Feeling unsure herself, Willow dared not give a specific


“Alright. Let’s all wait together,” Yannick said.

After a while, the scions of Southlake City came over with Nicholas among them.

They only had one goal in mind-getting Willow for themselves. They knew that she could very well be

forced to divorce Caspian on the spot today.

As long as Willow got a divorce, they were going to confess to her and even propose to her.

Willow was not only the most beautiful woman in Southlake City but also Southlake Corporation’s project

director. If they married her, their families would soar to greater heights too!


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