The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Everything okay honey?". Charlotte asked as she began to clear the plates away. I felt rotten because I couldn't finish my dinner. She had made so much.


"You finished? Would you like some coffee?".

It was getting late I shouldn't really have coffee but I didn't want to be rude and it never stopped me before. "Yes please thank you".

"You okay?". Alanna whispered.

"Yeah are you?".

"Want to car share tomorrow?". She asked.

"Yes and we can stop for some coffee before we get to school. I have a feeling tonight is going to be a long night. I still have chemistry work to do".

"How does he expect you to write down the answers?". She frowned.

"Good question". I laughed. Shrugging my shoulders her mom came back with my coffee.

"You girls okay?". She asked. "Come into the living room it's much warmer in there". So we did we followed her through.

She was right it was toasty in here.

Alanna had her face buried in her phone and her mom wouldn't stop staring at me.



"I'm sorry about earlier". She said catching Alanna's attention. "I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that it's just Jake-..."

"Mom". Alanna warned.

"He needs a nice girl, a strong girl I'm sick of him bringing all them floozies home".

"Mom". Alanna groaned. "Stop it now please".

"No bloody wonder. Did you see that girl he brought home last week. I had to chase her out of here because she wouldn't leave".

"I thought Jake had his own house?". I questioned.

"Oh he does honey but he likes to treat mine like a whore house. He's fly I don't know they're here until I get up in the morning".

I didn't know what to say.

My expectations of Jake were slipping every minute I was here. He seemed like a right charmer and his mom wasn't holding back.

"The boy needs to reign it in before it's to late. Heart of gold but he's a slag". I bit back a laugh.

"Okay mom I'm going to walk Leah home". That sounded like a good idea.

"Don't be a stranger Leah". novelbin

"Night Mrs Taylor oh I mean Charlotte".

It was chilly tonight. The temperature had definitely dropped.

"I'm sorry about my mom". Alanna sighed. "She shouldn't have said any of that".

"What that your brothers a slag?" I laughed.

"He's really not".

"Hmm". Reaching my house I turned to her. "Thanks for asking me over tonight it was fun". I grinned. "See you tomorrow".



"He really isn't a slag he just-..."

"It's nothing to do with me". Cutting her off I held my hands up. "Goodnight I'll see you in the morning". Closing the door behind me I fell against it.

"Leah is that you?".

Slipping off my shoes I undid my jacket and hung it up. "I've got some goodies if you want some. They're on the counter. How was your dinner?". She asked. "Charlotte is lovely isn't she".

"It was good and yeah they're both lovely. How was your day?". She had brought home chocolate muffins but I was still stuffed from dinner.

"It was pleasant honey. I got seeds for the garden and I also got little lights to go around the fence".

"Where is it you go?". I asked. We needed to have this conversation.

"Excuse me?".

"I never see you anymore. You're away early doors and then you don't come home till late. Where do you go?".

"Leah Wilson".

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. I'm going to head to bed for school. Night".

"I have a friend out here". I stopped in my tracks. She knew people out here? "I-I got back in contact with him a few years ago".


"I'm not getting any younger Leah and George has lived out here for years. Can you believe we were high school sweethearts?". She smiled.

"Gran are you trying to tell me you have a boyfriend?".

"Oh gosh no he's just a friend". She gushed cheeks going scarlet. "I enjoy his company".

"I'm sure you do". I grinned. "I'm going to head up stairs". Bending down I kissed her cheek. "Night gran".

"You're not mad?". She asked.

"If you're happy then I'm happy". Heading upstairs I turned the shower on letting the steam heat up the bathroom.

Tonight had been a very interesting night. Stripping out of my clothes I wrapped a plastic bag around my hand before going for a shower.

I was in bed for ten o'clock. I was currently watching greys anatomy and stuffing my face with flaming hot Cheetos, living my best life.

I had a look through the work Mr Robinson had gave me. He didn't expect me to write anything he left a note asking me to have a look over what they went over that day.

It was pointless, I was going to fail chemistry. I just didn't seem to get it. I had texted Ryan asking if he could also come over Friday as well. I needed all the help I could get.

I had decided I wasn't going out with Jake on Friday. I hadn't plucked up the courage to let him know just yet but I would. I wasn't interested in becoming another notch on his bed post. Besides I had to focus on graduating not going out on dates. There was plenty of time for that after school finished.

I was scrolling through Facebook when he texted.

'You okay princess?'

If I didn't text him back he'll think there's something wrong. He hadn't done anything wrong he wasn't my boyfriend I didn't have a say in what he did or more to the point who he did.

'Yes! Just heading to bed. Night'

After sending him a message back I turned my phone onto silent and put it under my pillow. It vibrated.

'You sleep with your light on?'

Making a face I looked at my lamp. Was he watching my house?

'You're creepy. Goodnight Jake!!'


I was up and ready a good hour before I needed to leave. I had ate my breakfast and took my first set of antibiotics for the day.

"I have something to ask you". My gran said as she filled my cup up.


"Would you be okay with George coming to dinner tonight? He's dying to meet you". Why did she look so nervous?

"Of course". I smiled. "I do have a friend from school coming over. He's tutoring me in chemistry so I don't fail".

"That's okay honey ask him if he wants to stay for dinner. I'm making steak and potatoes with pepper sauce".

"I will". She seemed to be in a great mood, she was happy.

"Have a good day sweetheart and I'll see you when you're home". Kissing my cheek she grabbed her keys. "You need me to drop you off?".

"No it's fine Alanna is giving me a lift".

"Okay honey I'll see you later". Hearing the door close I went about fixing my bag. Adding some snacks and some water I washed my cup and placed it on the draining board. Hearing the toot from her horn I grabbed my jacket and my bag and beaded outside.

She had the music blaring.

Little mix and Jason Derulo - secret love song.

"Kane has a new girlfriend". Turning the volume down she pouted. "I'm sad".

"I think that's for the best". Jake almost killed the poor boy. If he liked to live its best he stay clear of Alanna.

"I love him Leah and he's done this to me. Why would he hurt me like that?".

"I thought you weren't allowed to date him?". I asked. Apparently there were rules that she had to follow.

"I'm not". She sighed.

"Then maybe it's best you let Kane do this. He's maybe realised he likes to live. Let him move on Alanna it's not fair".

"You're right but it's hard. He meant the world to me and now well now I'm sad, single and lonely". Pulling into the school parking lot she parked her car.

"Well we can be sad, single and lonely together". I grinned taking off my seatbelt and getting out. "But not tonight because I have Ryan coming over to tutor me".

"Ryan's coming to your house?". She asked frowning. "Is that a good idea?". And here we go again.

"Hey girls". Lacey grinned. "How are we doing today?". She always seemed so cheerful. I wasn't a morning person.

"She's sad because Kane had a new girlfriend".

"Yo shorty". Ryan yelled from across the lot gaining a lot of attention. "Come over here". He grinned.

"Guys I'll see you later".

Grabbing a hold of my good hand she stopped me. "Hanging out with Ryan isn't a good idea". Alanna sighed. "It'll get you into-..."

"Alanna". Lacey warned. "We'll see you at lunch Leah. Have a good morning".

That's was weird.

"Hey you". I smiled coming to a stop next to his car. "How are you?". I didn't care what Alanna said. Ryan was my friend and I wasn't going to stop talking to him.

"I'm good shorty, how's the hand?". He wasn't looking at me but over me. Following his gaze I smiled when I realised he was staring at the girl who sat in front of me in English.

"Someone got a little crush?". I laughed knocking him out of his trance.

"What no" he huffed.

"Then why's your face red?". Nudging him I laughed as he threw his arm around my shoulder. "She's beautiful Leah". He groaned. "But I can't talk to her".

Eh? Ryan was confident, good looking and a football player.

"Why?". I asked.

"I get all nervous around her and every time I try to talk to her I mumble and stutter".

"That's cute". I grinned.

"Shut up". Walking into chemistry I noticed Alanna hadn't arrived yet. Maybe she had decided to skip or maybe seeing Kane was too much for her.

"My gran wants to know if you're staying for dinner tonight. She's cooking steak and potatoes".

"I'm there". He grinned.

"And you're still okay to come over tomorrow too?". I was starting to panic because I really was failing and I couldn't afford to not graduate.

"Sure thing but it'll be later because I've got football practice".

"Thanks again for helping me. I could talk to Abby for you if you want?".

"No I'm scared she doesn't like me like that. Don't want to make an arse of myself". Getting his books out I did the same.

"I could put the feels out just to see if she's available?". I shrugged.

"Okay everyone settle down". Mr Robinson yelled as he closed the door. "It's not long until we do a practice run for the grade that most of you need to graduate". His eyes landed on me. "I want you all to pass with flying colors so open your books and get studying. Take this serious guys the test is a hard one".

I may as well quit just now.

"Could you maybe just put some feels out there then, maybe see what she likes?". He asked.

"I've got English after lunch I'll do my best. Now let me see your notes".

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