The Alpha's Return

Chapter 103 - Odin

Chapter 103 - Odin

Frode clenched his teeth, but he didn't get incensed immediately. He stayed calm and analyzed the situation. He knew that Lucas was very powerful, and finally understood that Lucas being in the hell room was warranted.

Taking a few steps to the side, he looked at Lucas with a renwed gaze. Frode's eyes were serious, and they seemed to disregard everything in the world except Lucas.

"Looks like things are about to get interesting. That's a nice gaze that you got." Lucas nodded. He put both his hands to the back, and started walking towards Frode. He lived up to the fact that he was going to handicap himself. With every step that he took towards Frode, Frode felt an insurmountable pressure towards him.

"He is handicapped. What can he possibly do now? I just need to take a look at his feet and make sure that he cannot sneak attack me." Frode thought to himself as he also came forward. Now, his eyes were down, looking towards Lucas' feet.

"Do you know one problem with everyone? They think that the only way to fight is with hands and legs. They forget that there is one more powerful part of the body that can be very effective when used properly." Lucas said.

Frode looked up with surprise. Lucas jumped forward at this moment, heading straight towards Frode. Frode quickly tried blocking the charge with his hands. Lucas changed position, putting his feet in front. He then kicked towards arms. Using this arms as a propellor, he jumped up. Frode took a few steps back, and looked at Lucas seriously, but with a gaze that looked like he won.

"You shouldn't have been so over confident." Frode said.

He then jumped up, matching Lucas' height with the jump. He punched forward. Unable to block with his arms. Lucas was forced to tilt his body to the side and take the brunt of the attack with his side.historical

He fell down. Coughing out blood, he stood back on his feet.

"Surprising. You actually pack some punch. I thought that you would be like many of the soft kittens here, slowly massaging as they hit others." Lucas commented.

"Look at yourself. Are you really in the position to joke? You are about to lose." Frode scoffed.

"About to lose? We are just getting started, my friend." Lucas grinned.

He jumped forward at a frightening speed. Before Frode could even react, Lucas was in front of his eyes, and slammed his head against Frode's own.

"Aaargh! My eyes!" Frode staggered back as he shouted out with pain. Lucas was not the merciful type. He did not give Frode any time to recover. He appeared in front of Frode once more and round kicked the chin of the poor man.

Blood and sweat flew out of Frode's mouth as he coughed and gasped for breath. He was down to his knees, and could not move any longer.

"Should I kick you once more, or are you going to fall down right now?" Lucas bent down in front of Frode.

"I-I-I can still fi-" Frode fell down on the ground before he could finish the sentence. Lucas nodded as he stood back up. He took his arms from his back and wrung them around, stretching them a little.

All around him, the warriors were silent. They just witnessed one of their own being beaten around and KOed in a few minutes, and all by some one who handicapped himself. This was unbelievable for everyone there, and they just stood there, staring.

"Oh god. I did so much, and yet no one is cheering? Come on. Even hazing doesn't take things this far." Lucas sighed as he walked to the corner of the ring. He put back his shirt and blazer, and looked as dashing as before, with the slight change being that his mouth had a hint of red on the side.

Wiping it off, he jumped off of the ring, and walked back to the table where he had come from. As he was walking back, all the eyes followed him.

"Come on. Either continue fighting, or acknowledge the win. Don't be so silent. You are all warriors. Have you never seen someone more powerful than yourselves?" Lucas shouted.

All the warriors remained silent. They looked at each other, but did not utter a word.

"Now Lucas. He is coming. That goddamn bastard that chained me the moment that I was born is coming." Fenrir suddenly said.

Lucas growled as his eyes turned red for a few moments. He shook his head and they turned back to normal. He looked up to the platform. There was no one there for now, but Lucas knew now that someone was coming to fill up that spot. He walked back to fill the seat opposite to Ragnar. In front of him, on the table, were a few drinks that were left untouched. Lucas reached out for one of them.

"Don't drink anything. We aren't supposed to drink anything before Odin comes. It is disrespectful to dine without their permission." Bjorn said.

"Do you think I need his permission to do something? If I do, then I will be killed right now by the monster inside me." Lucas scoffed as he ignored Bjorn's warning and started drinking nonetheless. Clearly, this got on Egil's nerves and many others.

"I don't care if you are a good fighter. I don't care if you are the best even. But you have to show respect to the gods. They are our creators. They are the people who have graced us with their power." Egil shouted at Lucas.

"Sit down. Your dear god is coming soon. Look there. He is entering the stage right now. So why don't you sit down and calm down." Lucas shook his head.

Egil was about to say something when three bells tolled. Egil shut up and sat down. His eyes were glued on the platform now.

"Wow. Now that's an entrance. You should work on yours as well, Fenrir." Lucas muttered.

"Everyone screaming with fear. Isn't that just perfect? Why would I change that?" Fenrir scoffed.

Lucas shook his head as he looked up at the platform as well. He saw that from behind the platform, a door opened, and a man walked towards the huge table that was laid out with nine chairs. He sat in the middle, and the others were empty.

The man looked simple. He was donning a black eye patch over one of his eye. A white beard flowed from his chin, and he had a hat over top. A cloak covered him, and he looked completely unassuming.

"Odin." Lucas gasped.

"Sto looking so shocked. He is just a senile old man." Fenrir scoffed.

"But he is still the king of Asgard, and he is the one who will decide whether I live or die right now. If I piss him off, then both of us are screwed. So you should shut up and stay in line." Lucas scowled.

"Don't worry. I can take care of an old man. But the valkyries next to him will be a problem if they help." Fenrir said.

"Our purpose here is not to fight with him. It is to tell him that there is a big problem, and start negotiating a way to have a more favorable outcome for the both of us." Lucas said.

"Favourable outcome? What do you mean by that?" Fenrir asked.

"Your help in exchange for freedom after all of this is over." Lucas said.

"And you think that he will keep his word?" Fenrir asked.

"He will have to. We shall have this in writing, and in front of witnesses. He will not forgo his face for someone who he barely cares about anymore." Lucas said.

"Alright. Let us just hope that all of this goes well. If it doesn't then I am going to blame you." Fenrir said.

"Ahem!" Odin cleared his throat. Lucas glanced back at him.

"I see that we have two guests joining us today. It also seems that one of them has caused quite a bit of trouble immediately after his arrival." Odin laughed.

Lucas smiled back as he leaned back to his chair.

"Nevertheless, it is time to feast. Warriors! Let us feast. Bring out the food!" Odin shotued.

Warriors cheered as food and drinks appeared on the tables that filled the hall. Lucas salivated as he could smell the meat of the boar that was roasted in and out. He reached to grab a leg of the boar, when his hand was held by another. It was wrinked, and looked weak, but Lucas could not even budge.

He looked to the side, to see that Odin was suddenly standing right next to him.

"So then. For what reason has my dear grandson whom I have been quite generous with, come to Asgard?" Odin asked.


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