The Alpha's Return

Chapter 112 - Capturing The Flag

Chapter 112 - Capturing The Flag


The scarred man shouted out with pain. The claw his its target, and the recipient clearly did not like what he got. He fell to the ground as he clutched his head. Right between his eyes, there was a huge gaping hole.

The man stopped moving after a few seconds, and that was the end of that. Lucas looked at this and smiled.

"Alright. One of the guaranteed kills are over. So then, who else are left? I have enough quotas left to kill all of you, but I am contemplating, Are all of you really worth it? Or can I just go ahead and leave you be?" Lucas told them, taunting them as he started walking slowly towards them.

"Do not fear yet. We still have nine people with us. All that we need to do is wear him out, and slowly, he will start feeling the pain of battling so many people. All we need to do is survive." Egil shouted.

"You are becoming quite the problem, you know? I hate it when there is a group of people fighting me, and then there is that guy who tries to lead them, giving them false hope and telling them that they have a chance to win. Thinking that they are actually powerful enough to stand a chance, all of them fight like they are fighting some random opponent. You see, that is not what I like the most. When you understand that you have no chance at all, you are in the position of a dog that is about to die. You fight with all your might. Then, things get interesting. But with someone like you at the helm, all of that is just wishful thinking. Blame yourself for your death." Lucas said.

"Just shut up you bastard. I was not ready at that time. Or else, you wouldn't have been able to kill me. I dare you to try that again this time." Egil shouted back.

Lucas smiled.

"While I would love to entertain you, I actually have a war to win. And to do that, I need to hold the flags together for quite the bit of time. So then. Why don't you wait here for me to come back." Lucas said.

The moment that he said that, his huge body flickered away, and all that was left were four red pawprints.

"He got away! He is going to steal the flag. Tell those four to protect it while we approach him. Surround him." Egil shouted. With the intensity that he shouted, everyone inside would probably have heard him, including Lucas.

The nine men who remained standing started running towards the center of the base. At the middle of the structure, there was a blue banner on a pole, and it swayed back and forth. What was interesting was that there was no wind at all. The blue banner was swaying like a flag on its own, and without any wind to support it.

Around the flag, four people were standing guard. Ragnar, Bjorn, and two other people that Lucas could not recognize were within arm's distance from the flag. All of them looked alert and were ready for an attack from any side.action

"Wow. All of you are so vigilant. But do you really think that you will be able to do anything against me? Can you even see where I am? Much less block me from taking what I want?" Lucas said playfully. His voice came from varying directions, and it was not yet clear where he was standing, and from where that voice came from.

Bjorn and Ragnar did not move an inch, although their two other counterparts were looking around with panic.

"Do not panic. He will show himself eventually. Even if he does steal the flag, he will have to retain it for the next twenty minutes. Knowing Lucas, he will not run like a coward. He will fight, and at that time, we shall strike to retrieve the flag once more." Ragnar said.

"You know me so well. But people who know me that well would actually just leave this war and go to their room to have a drink. After all, they would know that fighting is futile. Fun, maybe. But futile." Lucas said laughing.


All of a sudden, the bright blue flag that adorned the blue base disappeared. All that remained was a trail of blue. The trail of blue kept extending, and it seemed to highlight where it was being taken.

"Curse this. Holding the flag actually reveals where I am." Lucas shouted with anger as he stopped moving.

Finally, he was visible to everyone. The flag was in his mouth, and near his mane, a red flash also seemed to come.

"The flag has been spotted. All we need to do is take the two of them and put them together in the pole, and we will be the victors. We do not need to defeat him. All we need to do is take the flags." Bjorn shouted.

"But he is a monster. How does a human turn into a huge wolf?" one of the men who was guarding the flag asked with fear.

"Do not focus on the man himself. Focus on the goal at hand. This is still an achievable goal. We are still fighting a human at this point. He is not a god yet. That means that we still have a chance to stall." Ragnar said. He then brandished a sword from seemingly nowhere and ran forward to face Lucas.

"Looks like you knew about all of this. No wonder you guys were waiting for me here. You just want to win this war. How and why doesn't matter much to you, doesn't it?" Lucas chuckled.

"At the end of the day, defeating a man who was chosen by a god is still an accomplishment. Someone who is practically half a god is way out of our league to deal with." Ragnar smiled as his sword was met with Lucas' claws.

Sparks appeared as they struck each other. Within a few seconds, the both of them moved at inhuman speeds, and each time, Ragnar's strikes was blocked off by one of Lucas'.

Bjorn and the others looked on to this fight with eyes of shock and awe.

"How does he do this? How is this new man able to keep up with Ragnar's strikes? I thought that no human would ever be able to keep up with Ragnar's sword fighting skills. I gave up the moment that I saw him fight with you." one of the warriors said.

"He is truly the perfect opponent for Lucas. He is the only one who can match Lucas' speed and power. But we actually have work to do, so don't slack off just yet. We need to steal that flag from him. Both of them." Bjorn said.

"I will go onto the roof. I will jump from there onto his mane." the warrior said.

"Nope. The moment that you do that, you will lose your life." Bjorn shook his head.

"What are you talking about? Do you not trust me? I am confident that I can hold my ground, and he will not even see me coming." the warrior said.

"Exactly where you went wrong. Lucas has superhuman hearing. That means that he will be able to hear what is happening almost a few hundred meters away, much less a few feet away. He heard everything that you said, and the moment that you jump, he just needs to move, and you will be in the most vulnerable position possible." Bjorn said.

"He can hear what we are saying? Isn't that unfair? How do powers like these even exist? How could the gods allow such a mortal to exist?" the warrior asked.

"What can we actually do? Instead of complaining, let us just try and keep fighting. We are warriors. How can someone like us actually give up? As a part of the hell room, we have to go down swinging." Bjorn said as he moved forward.

He stood beside Ragnar with a huge ax in his hands.

"I will be defending. Try and injure him." Bjorn said. He then held his ax sideways.


A huge sound came from Bjorn. Lucas was standing in front of Bjorn, his paw right in front of Bjorn's ax. Bjorn was pushed back two steps, but he had successfully defended Lucas' attack.

At this moment, Ragnar roared as he raised his sword and he slashed forward.


Blood spurted from Lucas' foot. The white fur was dyed red immediately.

"I finally got injured today? That is a big surprise. Looks like the two of you actually got that cooperation part nailed down. Kudos to you two. I thought that the entire day, I would not even get injured." Lucas said with surprise.


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