The Alpha's Return

Chapter 117 - Crying Like A Child

Chapter 117 - Crying Like A Child

Lucas let go of Eir. Weak as she was, she slumped onto the ground.historical

"Now that is done. Wasn't that quite satisfying? I loved it. It is not every day that I get to have a heart to heart, or rather, more accurately, a body to body with someone who is basically a supermodel. I really feel lucky all of a sudden. Let us just hope that Brinhlydr and the rest of the Valkyries do not misunderstand this for me forcing her. After all, technically, I didn't force her. I just gave her a nudge." Lucas smiled.

"You shouldn't expect those old fashioned people to actually believe what you said. Don't forget that you actually forced her to drink your blood. You forced that aphrodisiac, and that means that you kind of forced her to have intercourse with you." Fenrir suddenly said.

"Damn it. I forget that you are always near me, and that you can see whatever I do. Sometimes, this arrangement does seem a little unfair." Lucas complained.

"So then. Are you really going to be satisfied just fucking her once? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. She will be in your expense for the remainder of the day. You can do all sorts of stuff with her. In fact, have so much fun that she will start craving you, and then do the right thing and get her pregnant. I would love to see Odin's face." Fenrir laughed like a maniac.

"You really become crazy whenever Odin or someone related to him becomes involved. I did this as a punishment to her. That is all. She did something wrong, and I did something to her that will make her cry for the rest of her life. After all, a girl's first time is so special, and she did it with someone that she despised." Lucas said.

"When you say something like this, it seems like you have the slightest bit of self restraint. But both of us know that this is not the case. So then, what are you going to do next? Just going to leave this poor girl here naked while you leave? Isn't that just cruel? Cuddle with her. Spend the night." Fenrir said.

"She is going to wake up sometime soon. All that she needed to get rid of the heat that filled her body was that one thrust. She will come back to her senses." Lucas said.

Indeed, Eir started stirring on the ground. Her eyelids fluttered open as she looked around with confusion. She looked down, and her eyes opened wide with shock.

"Aargh! Why am I naked? Don't tell me! You bastard! You dare violate me? You just made me the worthless woman that no one wants! Now the gods will shun me. This cannot be happening. How did this happen to me?" contrary to Lucas' belief that Eir would attack him the moment that she came to her senses, she started crying, thinking about what the future held for her.

"So pitiful. To think that all of Valhalla is taken care of twelve of these idiots. They don't even fight in retaliation. They just cry like little girls. But anyway, this is just a punishment for what you have done. I made sure that you loved every bit of it. But if you want to make sure that there are no repercussions, then I suggest that you take a few abortion pills. No one would want a half werewolf half Valkyrie baby found in your womb all of a sudden. That would just cause problems for the both of us." Lucas said.

"No one can know. If anyone knows about this, then my life is ruined. My whole life will be ruined. I will do whatever you want. Please don't tell anyone that I actually slept with someone like you without even giving a peep." Eir cried out.

"Don't worry about that. You gave a few peeps. In fact, the moans that you gave through the whole process would arouse many, many people. Trust me on that." Lucas grinned.

Eir's face looked blank, but Lucas had no intention of consoling her. He walked towards her and bent down. Rather than going and comforting her, he picked up his clothes and slipped into them.

"Stop acting like a child. You are almost a thousand years old. You don't need to deceive anyone. Just because this was your first time, doesn't mean that I have to console you. Anyways, I am going. I will not be telling anyone about what happened here. But if I were you, then I would keep this a secret. For your own good. And, try finding some underwear. You tore your panties when you became horny." Lucas said.

He walked up to the door and opened the door. He walked out, leaving only Eir inside the dark and gloomy room.

"How did something like this happen? Why did sister let me stay here with that bastard? This cannot be happening. All of this is a dream. Yes. That must be it. But why does my body feel so weak? And it feels like it wants some more. What did that villain do to me?" Eir wondered out loud.

Lucas was in a brightly lit room. It was similar to the room that he entered back when he came to Valhalla with Angela.

"Now after that nice incident, I need to top off the day with something good. Fenrir. Do you think that we can land another Valkyrie, or is it pushing too much?" Lucas wondered.

"Pushing too much for sure. You do not want to go on an all out war now of all times. I might be confident in dealing with Odin, but when twelve suicidal Valkyries join him, that is a whole new story altogether." Fenrir said with a shiver in his voice.

"And you told me to have more fun with her. Such a hypocritical idiot." Lucas snorted.

"I had my reasons for that. You already did what you did with her. Any more wouldn't change what you did. But doing another Valkyrie would make things exponentially complicated." Fenrir said.

"Let us go back. Though, I have no idea what I will do until Odin confirms whatever he needs to. Fenrir, is there any chance that you can undo whatever Loki did to Angela?" Fenrir asked.

"Calm down. Are you not considering what Loki said even a little bit? Not even a little bit? He offered you all the riches that you want. We can have that hunting ground where we can start chasing humans. We can destroy all those governments, and take care of those terrifying nuclear weapons. Although I am a god, even I dare not go against those in whatever form we are in right now. Just imagine, Lucas. We would have the world in our hands. We would have anything that we want. All those supermodels and people on your list, you can just tick off. All the people who pissed you off, you can kill without anyone daring to say a word." Fenrir said.

"When did you turn into a salesman for this? I thought that you had a little bit of common sense. You of all people, I expected more from. Come on, Fenrir. The people who are behind this coup aren't exactly the most trustworthy people. Loki is literally called a trickster. That is for a reason. We cannot trust a single word that he says. And as for the rest of the leaders, Apophis included, they don't induce trust in me. They might even kill me after I help them just for fun. I am not going to help them, because they are like us. They will not want to share what they have. But, just think about what happens if we help the good side. They actually care about their face. They will have no chance but to reward us for helping them. Now, Fenrir. Riches and women are not going to entice me that much. I have the body of the dream man, and I am basically a billionaire. This is not going to buy me out. Only heaven itself will buy me, and all the gods on the side that want Ragnarök wants it destroyed." Lucas said.

"Alright, alright. I get it. You arent going to change your mind. Fine then. I really don't care too much, and there are very few things in this world that can actually threaten me. Your wish, Lucas. But, let me warn you. Choosing the wrong thing won't just make you regret it. It will land you in the worst place in the world, and you will be treated like quite the VIP. And trust me, attention in hell is not a good thing." Fenrir said.

"I am well aware of the problems with choosing the wrong side, Fenrir. I did that many times. But do not worry about this one. There is a reason that the Gods who are ruling are in this spot. And do you really think that they stood still for the last few millennia? They also made their own preparations for sure, anticipation a situation like this." Lucas said.


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