The Alpha's Return

Chapter 120 - Taking The Deal

Chapter 120 - Taking The Deal

"He'll meet you, it's not the other way around. We just have to sit tight thik that chin n bes to play. But I wonder, why don't you think about which side you are going to be on a little more seriously. If it is the girl that is all that you want, then I am sure that we can arrange for a rescue mission to get her out of there." Fenrir said.

"Stop trying to convince me. But what you said wasn't a bad idea. Maybe in the future I will actually think about it. I know that this is going to be a long, long journey ahead. Two, maybe three years of fighting and killing ahead of me. Why spoil it all?" Lucas chuckled.

"Right... If that is what you say. You know what? Even I am getting a little bored of just standing here and talking. If Loki wants what he wants, then he had to show it. I will send a few tremors through the place, and he will know that it is me sending him a message." Fenrir said.

"Don't try all that don't business. We are in the middle of Asgard. Not exactly known to be the most forthcoming and friendly place in all the lands. Just calm down. I need to talk to Angela and explain to her why the next time I meet the council, they shouldn't try to busy my head off." Lucas said.

"How are you so absolutely sure that there is not a single traitor within this dear council of yours? Just calm down and stay quiet. Don't tell any one else about this arrangement. Everyone has a price. Even Odin. For Odin, it just so happens to be all of Asgard. For some others, it happens to be a place to rule. And there are many ways to satisfy these wishes." Fenrir said.

"Good it. I failed to account for that. After all, I am new to all of this getting back stabbed business. I don't have as much experience as you do." Lucas chuckled.

"What are you? Taunting me?" Fenrir growled.

"Yup. That signal is perfect. Now, Loki is gonna know where we are and that you are pretty active as of right now." Lucas nodded.

"Next time. I suggest that you do not provoke him into doing something like that. He does not take well to things like this." Lucas heard a familiar voice behind him.

"You know, you guys have got to stop doing that. It's pretty creepy." Lucas said as he turned around.

"That is never the intention. We just happen to be to fast for you to eco pect us, so you think that we pop up behind you out of nowhere. That is a common misconception of mortals. That we actually like to surprise you people. Truth is, we didn't care less." Loki said.

"You know what? I actually couldn't care less either. All you people are also masters of changing the goddamn topic. You know why you are here. Let us get on with it now." Lucas said.

"I see that you have reconsidered. I wonder though, what changed your previous opinion? It is imperative that I know, considering that this is a highly exclusive club, and that I really want to make sure that I don't bring the will be people in." Loki said.

"You know that fenrir is the right and just fitting person for your cause. As for me, Fenrir convinced me to join." Lucas said.

Loki raised his eyebrows. "I don't remember my eldest being the most articulating person. I wonder what he convinced you with." Loki asked.

"That is between me and Fenrir. Why do you care? I wouldn't want you to know even if you had to know. I prefer to have other people have as few cars to play against me as possible. But when the time comes, I might need the help of many, many people to break into some where highly guarded." Lucas said.

"When the time comes... I understand. Well then... welcome to Ragnarok. It is going to be a wonderful time with two excellent additions. So then, do you want to come to the base right now, or wait it out?" Loki asked.

"You can leave Asgard whenever you want? That seems kind of.. Interesting. But would Odin really let a loose case like you or if his sight?" Lucas asked.

"I can leave whenever I want, and go wherever I want. No one in the world can stop me. And, the only reason that I am still here, waiting for you lot, is that I have really high expectations for the things that you both can achieve. So you better not thwart my expectations." Loki said.

"When do we leave then? I don't want to stay in this stock place any longer. Everyone here fights like a woman, and not even the good kind. I need to go get some fresh air." Lucas said.

"Very well then. Shall we ask Heimdall to beam is out?" Loki asked, grinning.

Lucas' eyes were wide open. His mouth was agape.

"You got Heimdall on your side? That is impossible. He always strikes to me as the most Asgard thing possible." Lucas asked.

"Some people just don't understand how to take a joke. But anyways, although getting him in our pocket is very, very difficult, the price to keep guys mouth shut and help us travel from time to time, place to place is really manageable, and the convenience makes it all worthwhile." Loki said

"Alright. I get it. Everyone has a price. Now till now, you have just said your plan out of to everyone who could possibly be eavesdropping. And, we are in Odin's domain for now. I just want to get the hell out if here before we talk about anything sensitive." Lucas said.

"That is smart." Loki nodded. He then clapped guys hands. All of a sudden, Lucas felt a similar feeling to what he had a few days ago when he came to Asgard and then to Valhalla. He was on bifrost. Rainbow colours slowly covered all the walls around him, and slowly, they were completely in the bridge.

"I forgot my suitcase." Lucas realised.

"In your right pocket. You are a really privileged brat for me to personally give you your suitcase." Loki said scoffing.

Lucas chuckled as he parted his right pocket. Indeed, there was something there that he certainly did not put on his own.

"Thank you for that. By the way, where are we going?" Lucas asked.

"Where are we going? We, my dear child, are going to Jotunheimr." Loki grinned.

"We are going to your birth place? Cool. But don't be so smug about it. It's not like you really are a giant any more. You are now if an in between. Noone really wants you." Fenrir commented.

Loki did not respond to that. He continued on.action

"It is going to be very chilly in there. I hope that you realise that the giants in there are not the most welcoming people. They recognise only true strength. Fenrir here is fine, but it is the human that I am a little concerned about. Are you amountable to anything without Fenrir's help?" Loki asked.

"Okay. I've had it. Why does everyone think that I am nothing if not for Fenrir? There is a rain that he chose me, and no one seems to recognise them. Literally everything that I do is attributed to him. I am not called the red wolf for nothing." Lucas snarled at Loki.

"He'll be fine. If I were you, it wouldn't be him I would be worried about. It would be yourself. Glibly talking isn't a strength, and in Jotunheimr, if will probably get you killed. That's all." Fenrir said.

​ " I will be fine. Thank you." Loki said as he turned away.

"Alright. We are almost here. Lucas. Just remember one thing about the giants. They are not very social people. Speak only when spoken to, and when someone picks a fight, then you be a man and knock him out." Fenrir whispered in Lucas' ears.

"Roger." Lucas nodded.

The rainbow light sound then suddenly disappeared, and a blue light covered them both. That was all that Lucas could see for miles and miles on end. Blue and blue. And it was cold. Very, very cold.

"I think that I will need a jacket for this. Even u can only resist so much." Lucas said.

Loki turned his hands and procured a wooly jacket out of seemingly nowhere. Lucas reached for it, when Loki slapped his hands away.

"Who said it was for you?" He sneered.

"Alright. Fine. I will get my own." Lucas nodded. He took it the suitcase that was supposed to be in his left pocket. Now, it was like a keychain, except that it was still looking like a suitcase.

He threw it towards the ground, and it enlarged to form a huge wardrobe. Lucas stepped in and retrieved an expensive looking cost and donned it. He then flipped one switch, and the briefcase became so much smaller until it reached the same size as before.

"Thanks for making it smaller." Lucas told Loki.

"Don't sweat it. Think of it like a welcoming gift." Loki smiled.

"If this is your welcoming gift, then I am really going to be disappointed." Fenrir said


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