The Alpha's Return

Chapter 52 - The Minotaur

Chapter 52 - The Minotaur

Eva looked at the minotaur in front of her with wide open eyes. She dropped the phone and stood on guard almost instantly.

"Who would have thought that they would have enough resources to get a goddamn minotaur in here? Looks like they are turning out to be quite the evil gathering.", Lucas said. His face was also solemn.

In front of them, a half bull, half human monster was standing. He, it was very clear that the minotaur was male, had an axe in his right hand. The horns protuded from his head, and they looked like they were the size of a human head. Towering at three meters, this was a giant no doubt.

"At the very least, the minotaur will be a physical battle. So, we will not need to suffer as much as- wait a minute. Forget it. Lucas, will you take care of this?", Michael was about to take up the example of the second floor, but he stopped because he just couldn't. Lucas killed Meredith in a matter of minutes. It wasn't even a fight.

"What do you mean? I might have Fenrir's power, but the minotaur is still the minotaur. He is not an easy foe to deal with. And, why do I suddenly feel like you guys are freeloading off of me?", Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"Moooo!", all of a sudden, the minotaur roared.

"Looks like he won't be waiting for us. Get ready.", Praneeth said calmly.

"Wait a minute, Eva. Who was that on the phone?", Michael looked at Eva.

"That was Raphael. He is coming upstairs. He will probably be here very soon. After we are done taking care of the minotaur, we should stop and wait for him.", Eva said.

Slam! The minotaur swing its axe towards Michael, who was just speaking. Michael saw the axe coming a mile away and easily evaded it.

"Quite ironic that it was a beautiful white bull, and a woman who birthed this hideous thing. At least he could have had like smooth skin, and a more pleasant temperament or something.", Arthur commented as he started moving around the minotaur.

"What is the plan? Just attacking him continuously, or letting Lucas or Michael get all the heavy hits?", Mu Chen asked.

"I love how we are just discussing our strategy right in front of the enemy.", Angela smirked.

"The advantages of having an opponent so dumb.", Lucas laughed.

The minotaur was not happy with that comment. He roared again, and turned around to face Lucas. Running with a deafening noise and frighteningly slow speed, the minotaur charged towards Lucas with his axe raised up.

"Am I going to be just evading his attacks all day and then start giving him a lesson, or do you want to finish this right here and now?", Lucas said, giving a yawn.

"You really are cocky aren't you? And, I thought it was you who was with the time limit? Why do you force yourself with such double standards?", Angela said.

"Do you not know who I am? I am Lucas! Sometimes, other people are more important than me. I can give a show if I need to.", Lucas said as he jumped up. A fraction of a second later, a heavy axe slammed the ground where Lucas was just standing.

Now, Lucas was in the air, and he landed on the minotaur's head. The minotaur roared with anger as he shook his head. Lucas lost his footing, and he quickly jumped away to safety.

"You could have struck him in the temple or something. Why are you dragging this out?", Praneeth finally spoke.

"Oh! Looks like you were right. Your senses are all really impaired. Can you not hear? There are a few more reinforcements coming towards us. Why not give them an angry minotaur, who is so dumb that he cannot differentiate friend from foe, deal with him?", Lucas said.

"Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe, you were a good person.", Angela said.

"So then, the plan is to taunt the minotaur, and then evade its attacks? Its not a good plan, mind you.", Eva said.

"Then why don't you deal with at least twenty more supernaturals who are headed our way. All of them werewolves, and led by an alpha.", Lucas said.

"The reinforcements are werewolves? Then why can't I sense them?", Michael looked at Lucas with surprise.

"Cause you are all idiots who got your powers from gods. Some other people, you know, like me, we got our powers from gods who are not restricted by the barrier in the building.", Lucas said.

"The barrier selected special gods to block?", Eva's eyes raised.

"What do you think? That they have the capability of stripping every god's power from a place? Even Lucifer can't do that, and he tried so hard.", Lucas sneered.

"But we are not sure if Apophis cannot. No one understands him. Not even Ra, and Ra is his nemesis. And if that is the apostle we are facing, then we cannot be complacent. I am talking to you, Lucas.", Praneeth said.

"Finally, some words of reason.", Eva snorted.

"Why don't we just concentrate on the fight instead. Isn't it exciting though, seeing so many faces we never thought that we would see again? I mean, it has been centuries since I saw the minotaur. And yet he doesn't recognize me. That is offending.", Lucas changed his tone all of a sudden.

He looked at the Minotaur with a renewed red glow.

"Then I will make sure that he won't forget me for the rest of the entire century.", Lucas said with a bone chilling voice.historical

Lucas growled, and for the first time, he pounced onto the minotaur.

"He gets turned on by the most wierdest of things.", Mu Chen commented.


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