The Alpha's Return

Chapter 69 - Playing With A Toy

Chapter 69 - Playing With A Toy

The wolf head slowly looked up and towards Praneeth. Praneeth did not even waver. He kept looking back at those red eyes.

After a minute of silence, the wolf head started changing, and slowly, it became Lucas again.

"God, I hate it when he does it without telling me.", Lucas shouted angrily as he started touching his nose.

"Good. Now that all of us are on the same page, tell me. Did you hear anything about Ragnarok? If you didn't, then the answer is no. Not some sh*t like telling the one person involved who is with us right now that he is a stupid wolf.", Praneeth said.

"He-he-he is Fenrir? That was why they called him the red wolf? That is why she told me that I didn't know anything about Lucas. He is actually a mythological creature?", Peter was shocked.action

"Don't call me Fenrir. I am not Fenrir. So many people make that mistake. I am Fenrir's host. Praneeth. Six minutes left.", Lucas told Praneeth as he tapped on his left wrist.

"Answer the question. What did you hear?", Praneeth asked once more.

"Nothing. Why would I hear anything about this Ragnarok? Lucas. Forgive me. I did not know about this. I did not know who you truly were. I would never have done this if not for the coercion of the marquess. Forgive me. I will be your slave for the rest of my life. Please spare me.", Peter started begging Lucas. Maybe, if he had hands, then he would have held Lucas' legs as well.

"Now this idiot turned into a blabbering useless buffoon. He is useless now. He really does not know anything. The marquess was really thorough. She went through all that effort to make sure that this was a secret, she clearly did not want anyone to spill the beans.", Praneeth sighed.

"So you're done? Once I am finished with him, he might not even be able to talk. Last chance to ask your questions.", Lucas reconfirmed.

"Go ahead. What can I do with a figurehead that doesn't even know when he is being played?", Praneeth sighed as he got up. Peter was still on the ground, shivering. Praneeth stepped towards him and kicked him in the face.

"That is for spitting on me. Do you think that anything in life will go unpunished? God lets us have a plan for all of us, and clearly, the one that you laid out for yourself is not a good one.", Praneeth said as he walked away back to the rest of the council.

"Well, that was useless. We lost another five minutes of our time, and now we get to be treated to this gore fest.", Michael sighed.

"Absolutely nothing? Now that is disappointing. You would think that someone who did so much and killed so many people would have some sort of high standing, and know at least something. How does someone like this even exist?", Arthur laughed.

"Well, he is what he is. Now, let us just wait for Lucas to release a few decades of pent up feelings and emotions on an ever regenerating werewolf.", Praneeth said as he turned to look at Peter and Lucas.

Lucas' eyes were cold. They looked like the depths of despair if it was staring back at you. He was gripping Peter by his head, and was slowly caring out something on his chest.

Peter squealed with every turn that Lucas carved out of his chest. Lucas frowned. He then took the shirt of Peter by the collar and ripped it apart. Now, what he was carving out on Peter's chest was was apparent.

He was writing a word. The letters 'T', and 'R' were written on his chest. Above his heart, Lucas had left it untouched, and he started carving out the letter 'A' now.

"Wow. Go to him if you want to make a statement.", Michael exclaimed.

What Lucas was carving out of Peter's body was very apparent now. He was carving the word, 'TRAITOR' onto his upper body. Once he was done, he then started scratching up the rest of Peter's body.

Lucas then threw Peter on to the ground. He then raised his foot and stamped hard.

"AAaaaagh!", Peter shouted the loudest he could.

"Urgh", Angela looked away.

"To think that he would be so ruthless.", Michael said. Mu Chen and Arthur were speechless.

"I mean, as a torture technique, it is very effective, but morally, I mean, he just took away that man's manhood. He is no longer a man.", Michael said. "Even if he does grow it back, I mean, will it ever be the same? I know, he is about to die, but come on. Lucas just crushed his balls."

"He was angry at him. I mean, REALLY angry.", Raphael interjected.

"Come on man. It is an unspoken rule. You never mess around in that area. When have you ever seen someone do this, unless the opposition raped someone you love so deeply?", Michael said.

"Well, clearly, he did something horrendous. Let us not talk about this anymore. I don't want to. He is doing whatever he wants to do. And, don't protect this asshole. He is not worth it. We are just bystanders in this.", Raphael shrugged.

Lucas was hearing all of this, but he just filtered all of this out. Right now, all of his focus was directed to the man who was screaming with pain below his foot.

"How does it feel? To lose such a precious part of your body. Something that you care so much about? Well, you better remember that feeling closely. Because I will let you feel it so much, so much more." Lucas said.

Peter struggled to move around, but he couldn't. He wailed around, and tried to move Lucas' legs, but he didn't have arms to do that for him.


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