The Alpha's Return

Chapter 98 - Bifrost

Chapter 98 - Bifrost

Angela was walking down to the plaza. She looked around and saw that many of the people that she saw on the first day that she had come here were standing with stern expressions. They looked like they were going to die, and all of them were no longer wearing suits like before, but rather fighting suits.

"I wonder what made them look that serious." she wondered as she put her suitcase on the side.

"It is because they are afraid that something will go wrong. It has been a while since I fully transformed into Fenrir completely. They know what to expect, and it ain't pretty." Lucas' voice came from behind her.

"You shouldn't surprise me like that. You can start making your footsteps a little audible so that I know when you are coming." Angela said without even turning.

"Force of Habit. Can you hold my suitcase, please? I can't exactly hold it when I am transforming." Lucas said.

"Yeah, sure," Angela said as she turned around. "Aagh! What the hell are you wearing? Nothing? Why don't you put on some clothing?" she shrieked all of a sudden.

"Why the hell would I wear something now? I am going to transform right now, wearing a suit would be useless. I am rich, but I am not wasteful. All I have are ten thousand dollar suits. I don't want to so something so stupid like tear a suit for wearing it for ten minutes." Lucas said as he walked forward.

His face was also serious. He was now in the center of the plaza, and all of his disciples were standing around him, like they were trying to contain him.

He looked up.

"Take it in, Fenrir. Take it in. But you better not go on a rampage after this. I do not want to spend all of my concentration reigning you in." Lucas said.

"This feels so good!" Fenrir shouted out loud. He was no longer speaking only to Lucas, but what he said was audible to everyone present.

The full moon was visible over the horizon, and it was shining exactly where Lucas was standing. All the lights of the castle behind them were cut, and only what was shining through the moonlight was visible. The changes that came after were almost visibly visible.

Fur started appearing on his skin almost immediately. Lucas was changing like a wolf. It was strikingly similar to when he was fighting with the homunculus, but this form was a little different. It looked bigger, meaner, and much more powerful.

Lucas howled as he turned bigger and more wolf-like. He no longer looked human, and even what little he wore was no longer on him, and everything tore. He was a full wolf now, basking in the moonlight.

The white fur that usually covered Lucas during his werewolf form was no longer, white, and it was a pitch-black that blended in the lack of light everywhere the moonlight did not hit. It was a sharp contrast to the white light that was permeating from the sky.

His eyes were blood-red, and they shone brightly through all of this. They looked like they were ready to kill.

It was no longer Lucas in any way, but rather, Fenrir.

"Finally, I am able to be in a proper form," Fenrir shouted. He looked up to the moon.historical


Fenrir howled. Everyone on the plaza was frozen in place. It wasn't that they were looking at this with fear, but that they were unable to move. The howl seemed to freeze them in place. Angela could regain her movement after a few seconds.

"A god is a god. I just can't compare to one." she sighed.

Fenrir was still looking at the moon, and he seemed to want to swallow it.

"Heimdall. I am here. What are you waiting for? Let me in. I come for a reason. It is not time to fight." Fenrir shouted.

There was no change.

"You think that I need your permission to come in? I have my own ways. I am giving you so much face by waiting for you to take the first step. Do not dally any further." Fenrir growled.

"Fine. You better not cause any trouble." Lucas could hear a deep voice. He was no longer in control of his body, but he could hear what Fenrir could hear now, and it was clear that Heimdall responded.

The moon shined. The white light that was coming from it started changing. As if someone held a prism against it, the light changed to all seven colors of the spectrum. The colors struck the ground and held there. It was like there was a rainbow bridge from the heavens to the earth.

"Wow!" Angela exclaimed. She gripped the two suitcases, one hers and the other Lucas', as she walked forward.

"Let us get going," Fenrir growled. He took a step with his huge body as he put his paw on the rainbow bridge. It seemed solid, but again, it felt so ethereal to look at. It was like it was there, yet it wasn't.

Fenrir was now completely on the bridge. Angela was about to step onto the bridge but one of the men stopped her.

"Madam. Master requested you to have these clothes so that you do not have to suffer for the rest of the journey." the man gave her a set of clothing, along with a towel.

"Right. He is going to be naked after this." Angela realized. She nodded as she held those and put them under her arms as she pulled on the two suitcases. She stepped onto the rainbow bridge.

"And we are off." she sighed.

The rainbow bridge disappeared at the moment that Angela sighed, and they were no longer visible in the plaza.

"Thank god. I was afraid that master would go out of control." one of the men sighed.

"Are you kidding? I was afraid he would destroy the castle again." another said.

"Well, he is gone, and that is all that matters. Let us go back. He is already pissed that we could not last even ten minutes against him. We need to practice more." someone behind sighed as he turned around.

Meanwhile, Lucas, or rather Fenrir, and Angela were traveling through what appeared to be an inter-spatial portal to god knew where. Angela knew to expect that they were going to Asgard, but she still wasn't completely sure. She didn't know how hostile the gods were going to be towards Fenrir and Lucas.

Fenrir was undergoing visible changes while they were travelling at incredible changes. As rainbow colors zoomed past them, the wolf like body that Lucas had transformed into was changing into that of a human. He grew much smaller, and was soon the size of a normal person, and looked like himself again.

"Give me a towel, fast." he barked at Angela.

Angela nodded as she threw the clothes that the man gave her towards Lucas. In almost an instant, he was presentable in a suit.

He tugged on the blazer and reached forward for his suitcase.

"That was fast," she exclaimed.

"Practise." Lucas chuckled as he took his suitcase.

"Looks like it will take a few more seconds to get there. Try not to fall down." Lucas said.

"Try not to fall down? What do you mean?" Angela asked curiously.

All of a sudden, the rainbow colors changed, and they were now in a grand room, and there was solid ground beneath them.

Aagh! Angela shrieked as she fell to the ground, unable to find balance.

"That is what I meant," Lucas said as he shook his head.

"Fenrir successor. What brings you here, and why is that detestable pest here?" the same deep voice that Lucas heard before boomed before him. Lucas turned around to come face to face with a large figured man who looked massive, and quite impressive.

"Answer me!" he demanded.

"Heimdall. Why are you so angry? I am just coming back home. What is wrong with that?" Fenrir chuckled as he said out loud.

"Home? The place that you call home does not welcome you. Why did you come here? What are your intentions? We have already shown you incredible grace by letting you stay in Midgard. You are pushing your luck by forcing yourself here." Heimdall barked.

"Forcing myself here? Are you kidding? I have been trying to get your attention here for the last few days, and all you have been doing is ignoring me. What choice did I have?" Fenrir bellowed.

"What is going on here?" Another voice suddenly appeared. Lucas and Angela turned to see who was the new arrival.

It was a striking young man who looked similar to Lucas in age, and in looks. He was as handsome as man could be, and his muscles rippled as he walked.

Angela looked at him and almost immediately bent down. "Angela greets the god of thunder."


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