The Amber Sword

volume 2 - 138

volume 2 - 138

Chapter 138 – Element

Graudin snapped his fingers with a loud snap, and servants appeared to clear the dishes in front of Brendel. After it was cleared, two servants came up bearing a box each and placed them in front of him. They bowed slightly and left the area. josei

The baron stood up and extended his hand to prompt Brendel to open the box.

Brendel was certain that the bastard in front of him was not giving him gifts. Even though he was a viscount, there was no need for Graduin to bootlick him. If the latter actually chose to do that, even the word shameless would not be enough to describe his character.

He hesitated for a while before nodding to Amandina, indicating for her to open up the box and she did. However, her actions immediately froze when it was slightly ajar.

From Brendel’s point of view, she was clenching her teeth so hard that she seemed to be trembling but it was to prevent herself from screaming in terror.

She stood vacantly in front of the box for a while as though there was some magic restraining her. Her throat shifted slightly as she swallowed and took a deep breath before she opened it fully.

A fork dropped onto the plate. Romaine’s hand stayed in mid-air as she stared at the contents in the box.

Brendel’s expression immediately changed as well.

That was because a human head was placed in it—

To be precise, it was the swordsman he saw earlier. The decapitated head’s eyes were shut tightly and the skin had turned white because blood had been completely drained from it.

Brendel did not utter a word.

Amandina glanced at him for a moment before her hands slowly reached for the next box. Her heart was beating so fast that she felt faint, but she was determined to act her role. Her trembling fingers touched the box’s wooden frame, stopped for a second then slowly lifted it up.

It was another head — The baronet’s daughter Fenna.

Blood drained from Amandina’s face.

“The taste of that woman’s blood is quite good,” Baron Graudin had a pleasant smile as he spoke: “But a gentleman wouldn’t steal someone’s else belongings. I have heard that the skull of a young girl used as a wine glass makes the wine even better. Lord Brendel, you ought to try it sometime. The other head is a complimentary gift—”

Before he finished his words, there was a light humming sound in the hall.

Everyone’s eyes went to the source of the noise and discovered Brendel’s sword drawing itself halfway out from its sheath. It was vibrating so fast that it caused the hum they heard earlier, and it looked like it was about to fly out.

The youth had both of his hands planted onto the table with tightly pursed lips.

Everyone felt a cold air emitting from him as though there was a palpable killing intent about him.

The nobles near Brendel dropped their utensils and even fell out of their seats as they watched in horror. That murderous aura intensified and the knights around Graudin drew out their weapon to protect him, while the latter continued to look on as he enjoyed Brendel’s fury.

But that smile immediately went stiff.

That was because that cold air manifested into white frost and covered the table, starting from Brendel’s hands. Silver knives and folks twisted into horrific shapes, while the porcelain plates and bowls cracked into pieces, then shattering once more to turn into white powder. That faint mist of cold air suddenly traveled rapidly across the table as though a raging beast was trying to stampede across to strike Graudin.

The two knights who were directly in front of Graudin grunted as they felt their swords’ blades break into pieces, before they suddenly screamed and covered their eyes; blood was oozing down between their fingers.

But the injuries from the knights did not register the people’s minds. It was because the only words that came into their minds were —

Unsealed Element.

Brendel felt his thoughts plunge into an endless darkness that seemed to freeze everything. The commotion he caused in the streets had caused Graudin’s retaliation and killed the innocent man he thought he had saved.

Utter disgust rose from within Brendel’s heart as he stared at Graudin with piercing eyes. The latter was worse than any of the nobles he had met so far. The baron was truly made of utter filth. His fake smile seemed to twist into some strange abstract art that looked like it came from hell.

A sobering rage was born from his heart, wanting every bit of this filth to be gone from this world, and this emotion swept every other useless thought in his mind. Time seemed to stop and his eyes perceived everything with absolute clarity.

His rage, the fear of the nobles around him, Amandina’s discomfort from being so near his unraveling rage, and Graudin’s surprised eyes.

It was as though he was watching everything somewhere from above.

[I can’t believe I reached that so early..... That barrier that prevents me from using my Element.]

He felt his strength increasing by leaps and bounds, and together with the experience gained from the battle against his grandfather, he found himself pounding on the wall in front of him.

When he did so, he felt his mind describing the Element power in front of him with words. Frozen. Stability. However, that barrier knocked him back mercilessly:

You wish to break this barrier? You are not qualified yet!

The illusion disappeared and the world of darkness fragmented and scattered everywhere. Time resumed, and he was brought back to reality.

Brendel then heard the shattering noises. Everything was breaking in front of him. The temperature of the hall dropped over several tens of degrees and the walls were cover in a thick layer of frost.

Brendel’s next reaction was to place his hand on his sword, and this action alone forced Graudin and the twenty-odd knights behind him to take a big step back, while the furniture behind them exploded into countless splinters.

“Protect me!” Graudin screamed.

The knights beside him received a great amount of pressure as though an invisible wall was pushing them back, but they forced themselves forward and pulled out their swords against Brendel.

What awaited them was a seemingly ordinary swing across the table—

Brendel held the sword with both hands and used the muscles across his body. From the legs, chest, shoulders, wrists and hands. The sword sailed through the air in a straight line.

[White Raven Sword Rave, Power Break!!!]

Anyone could see that it was a standard swing of the sword. Any beginner who started training would use the same stance and posture as Brendel did. The path was clear and his intention was easily understood; anyone with the slightest amount of experience could understand how it was done.

But none of the twenty Iron-ranked knights was able to evade the attack.

That swing seemed to slice through the air like a visible shockwave of white light, chilling everything as it went across the hall and reached towards the knights’ bodies. Frost spread everywhere like uncontrollable wildfire and turned them into ice statues.

That line continued to sweep across the hall, cutting just above Graudin’s hair and freezing it before it finally ended against the walls. Twenty over heads were hurled backwards as they were lopped off from the slash.

The nobles were completely terrified and escaped from the table, some of them stumbling onto the ground, backing away from the frightening youth as quickly as possible.

The deaths of Graudin’s knights were displayed before Graudin’s eyes. He had controlled the fates of other men, women and even children since his birth, but it was only at this moment that he realized that he was as helpless as the people he had tortured and killed over the years.

[F-fuck! H-he’s not a Silver-ranked swordsman, he— No, this monster has reached its way to its Element power!]

Graudin had thought the youth was someone he could stand toe to toe with, and the confrontation between them would getting each other to back down through underhanded means.

The table suddenly split into half with a light tapping noise and crashed onto the ground. No one saw how the youth cut the table into two, and he advanced towards the baron with no obstacles between them. Brendel’s sword was raised once again.

“I’m a feudal baron!” Graudin shrieked pitifully as he glanced around in a panic, hoping for someone to rescue him.

However, there was no one who did so. None of them expected a banquet to end as a fight, and certainly did not expect a powerful wielder of an unsealed Element to come to such a remote location.

Brendel’s eyes only saw Graudin’s neck. He gripped his sword tightly and was determined to end him.

But a hand suddenly reached out to his sword arm and lowered it. He turned his head around and discovered Scarlett in a battle stance, her eyes looking straight ahead to the second floor.

Brendel peered into the direction to where she was glaring in an instant.

(TL: Feudal Baron – The highest degree of feudal land tenure. It means he’s directly under the king’s employment.)

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“...... Then if you’re friends with the little prince, surely you can go in by the main entrance. Surely there’s no need to.....” Lawrence floundered for a long time but he was still unable to describe Sue’s actions...... Was she trying to pick a bone over nothing?! Or perhaps she was worried that her status as a commoner would not be allowed to see the prince?!

“Who set the rules that one must enter through the front door when they visit a friend’s home?!”

Who the heck could stop her if she wanted to jump onto a windowsill?

“I’m heading off, you should go back too, I can take care of myself.”

Open Sans

“...... Then if you’re friends with the little prince, surely you can go in by the main entrance. Surely there’s no need to.....” Lawrence floundered for a long time but he was still unable to describe Sue’s actions...... Was she trying to pick a bone over nothing?! Or perhaps she was worried that her status as a commoner would not be allowed to see the prince?!

“Who set the rules that one must enter through the front door when they visit a friend’s home?!”

Who the heck could stop her if she wanted to jump onto a windowsill?

“I’m heading off, you should go back too, I can take care of myself.”

Times new roman

“...... Then if you’re friends with the little prince, surely you can go in by the main entrance. Surely there’s no need to.....” Lawrence floundered for a long time but he was still unable to describe Sue’s actions...... Was she trying to pick a bone over nothing?! Or perhaps she was worried that her status as a commoner would not be allowed to see the prince?!

“Who set the rules that one must enter through the front door when they visit a friend’s home?!”

Who the heck could stop her if she wanted to jump onto a windowsill?

“I’m heading off, you should go back too, I can take care of myself.”

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