The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 726

Chapter 726: 732nd

Chapter 726: 732nd

Helian Wei Wei looked at Baili Jia Jue with smiling eyes and said, “Then I won’t look anymore, I’m worried it might affect the baby.”

The Fire Qilin had no words... Does no one care for my feelings!

Little Seven knitted his brows together. Then, he released the Beast Binding Rope in his hands and skipped over, asking, “Third Aunt, are you not eating anymore?”

The Fire Qilin thought to himself... Can’t you talk about anything other than food!

“Not anymore. Little Seven, accompany them to the netherworld to capture some dead souls.” Helian Wei Wei paused and glanced at Baili Jia Jue, before adding, “To feed the baby.”

Bali Jia Jue’s charming face held its usual elegance. His hand paused from stroking Helian Wei Wei’s hair for a moment, as he said with a chuckle, “You found out? Looks like we’d really have to braise the Qilin soup well.”

Hearing this come his Master himself, the Fire Qilin felt his skin crawl.

“You’re just taking it out on others when things go wrong,” Helian Wei Wei mumbled in his embrace.

“Taking it out on others?” Baili Jia Jue let out a low laugh. He tightened his fingers on her chin, his gaze was icy cold as he replied, “My dear, you haven’t seen me do it seriously. If you face a problem without telling me again, it won’t just be this pair of claws that I’d be breaking, it would be the whole of you.”

His words made Helian Wei Wei felt a pang of guilt as she said, “I was just worried that you would feel hostile toward the baby.”

“Since when was I hostile toward him?” Baili Jia Jue’s gaze swept carelessly over Helian Wei Wei’s belly. His laugh sounded a little cold as he muttered, “I can barely hold in my adoration for it.”

Mother, he’s lying!

What adoration is he even talking about!

What a false statement!

The bigger fetus’ reaction was especially vigorous.

The smaller fetus’ eyelids fluttered from his light sleep as he mumbled, “Brother, Mother won’t be able to hear you.”

“Did I wake you again?” The bigger fetus pulled the smaller one into a hug and scoffed, “Once I’m out of here, Mother will be able to hear me. I’ve got to defeat Father. Let’s do it together, we’ll see how he can still put up a false front then!”

The smaller fetus hummed in agreement and rubbed his eyes unenthusiastically with his newly formed hands.

Seeing him in such a lethargic state, the bigger fetus’ crimson eyes darkened. He kissed the smaller fetus on his forehead gently and said, “When we’re out of here, I’ll give you all the delicious food, so you’ve got to follow me out, okay?”

“Okay,” the smaller fetus replied weakly. The viscous blood-red color glinting in his irises made him appear a little livelier.

The bigger fetus then smiled and gave all the spiritual aura he had stored to the smaller one.

While it was true that Helian Wei Wei could not hear the fetuses’ conversation, she was positive that His Highness’ tone certainly did not convey adoration.

“What is it? Do you not believe what I just said?” The man regained his usual indifference, his expression implying that he would throw anyone out of the window unhesitantly if they doubt his words.

Helian Wei Wei coughed quietly and began trying to please him, “I do, I’m just curious about what Imperial Physician Liu spoke to you about.”

Hearing this, Baili Jia Jue stared at the Fire Qilin, who was lying on the ground.

The Fire Qilin straightened his back immediately with a wronged look on its face. He really had not said a single thing, and had no idea how the Princess Consort managed to guess everything.

“I merely taught him a lesson on how he should speak,” Baili Jia Jue nonchalantly said.

Helian Wei Wei took a wild guess. His Highness probably threatened him. She ought to send him a gift. Since he was elderly, he could have easily been mentally traumatized by His Highness’ threat.

“What about the baby? Why do we need to feed it with dead souls from the underworld?”

Baili Jia Jue’s calm tone was a little mocking as he scoffed, “When a devil is formed, a large number of dead souls is needed to maintain its magic or it would bring harm to the mother. Now that it has scared away all the dead souls in the palace, we can only go to the netherworld. Stop worrying so much for the little brat, he’s strong enough, despite his foolishness.”

“You said you’re not hostile, but your tone is so mocking!” Now that Helian Wei Wei understood everything, her mood lifted. She reached down and stroked her belly, saying gently, “He won’t harm me.”

Baili Jia Jue said slowly, “That better be the case.”

Although he spoke with an air of supremacy, Helian Wei Wei could feel a soft tenderness from him. She pulled him into an embrace and buried her face in his chest, Then, she said with a chuckle, “Even after the baby is born, you’d still be the one I love the most.”

His Highness stiffened. Though he remained silent, he smirked slightly as he curled his fingers and tapped Helian Wei Wei on the forehead, saying, “The only good thing about you is your good taste.”

Before she could respond, Helian Wei Wei felt the familiar cool sensation of his lips pressed against hers, laced with the intoxicating scent of sandalwood and a smile akin to thawing snow.

It was a beautiful sight, as if rays of sunlight had trickled in and fallen upon the man’s light-colored lips. It was a view that was impossible to look away from.

How unbelievable.

To think that a few words from me could make him this happy.

Baili Jia Jue pulled the dumbfounded person before him into an embrace, his smile still lingering on the corners of his lips. He had finally found something more meaningful than luring and reaping souls, and that was to hear this little thing expressed her love for him.


She could be rather dumb, and would fall into a daze while staring at him.

However, at the very least, she was a part of his family, so he needed to keep her safe.

Watching this, the Fire Qilin was petrified. He had never seen Master act so gently before, it was as if he would give up the whole world over the eternal possession of one person.

Master’s behavior was too dangerous to him.

If that person disappeared, this world would surely...

The Fire Qilin shook its head and stopped his train of thought as his eyes darkened. As he was about to stand up, he found himself, once again, being dragged away.

“Sky-swallowing Beast, what is it this time?” Has it become a newfound addiction of his to drag them along?

“I’m going to the netherworld. I need you two to open the gate,” the little one answered without so much as a turn of his head.

The Green Dragon and the Fire Qilin grimaced silently... Do we look like a key?

When they arrived at the netherworld, the Green Dragon and Fire Qilin found out how the little one opened the gate. He simply hauled them up and swung them against the gates to summon a judge.

The judge was holding a calligraphy brush when he appeared. His teeth chattered as he recognized and greeted the visitors, “L-Lord F-Fire Qilin, L-Lord Green Dragon, for what purpose have you graced us with your visit?”

The judge tip-toed and peered over the two as he spoke. He spent a moment confirming that the familiar evil figure had not come along with them, and let out a long sigh of relief. What a scare, it seems that the Great Demon King isn’t with them. josei

“Is the King of Hell around?” Little Seven asked.

The judge shook his head and replied with respect, “He’s gone to the human world.” Since both their Masters were not present, a fierce battle could be avoided as there was no reason to fight. Though strangely, his Master seemed rather agitated recently. He had been visiting the human world daily to find the Great Demon King, yet each time he had returned fruitless. The Great Demon King must have concealed his scent.

Upon hearing that the King of Hell was absent, Little Seven’s eyes twinkled and roared, “Begin!”

The judge was struck dumb...

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