The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 826

Chapter 826: The Unavoidable, Food

Chapter 826: The Unavoidable, Food

As soon as Phoenix entered the main hall, a man sitting on the seat swirling the wine in his glass came into view.

The man saw her as well. His eyes were as deep as a gem and as dark as the night, “You’re back?”

“Yes,” Phoenix strolled over, hesitated, then held out the manual and pointed at one of the conditions for the Emperor to see, “I have just completed this, beating my love rival.”

The man shifted his gaze to the page, but then he piped up, “You think you’re the potent one?” How on earth did she put herself in such a strange position?

“Of course,” Phoenix answered seriously. She had always been the bossy one. She would never give up this position for the Emperor.

The man looked at her with a playful smile on his face, “Fine, as long as you are happy. They will bring in some vegetarian food in a while, so just leave the buns that you brought.”

“Okay.” Phoenix responded lazily, then went ahead and took out the scriptures given by Buddhism.

They were said to be scriptures, but they were actually fixed rules.

Of the next monster or demon to be hunted down by her.

She would need to reform anyone who had disrespected Buddhism, even with the slightest sign of contempt.

This is because Buddhism had always disliked having something that was beyond their control.

Phoenix crossed out the first name apathetically.

The man leaned back on the chair and crossed his long leg over the other, as he stared at that cold face which was cocked to one side, with the corner of his mouth curving into a smirk.

Phoenix did not notice his gaze, as she continued crossing out the names on the scripture.

The man walked toward her and sat directly behind her. He wrapped his hands around her and scooched his tall figure over. Watching them from behind, Phoenix seemed to be engulfed in the man’s embrace completely. The scene was inexplicably ambiguous, “Are you planning to go to the realm for hunting again?”

Phoenix nodded without saying anything. Apparently, she was already immersed in the task at hand.

The man squinted for a moment, then shifted his gaze to the immortals who were waiting aside.

Soon, a table full of vegetarian food was served before them. josei

The man took off his outer shirt and washed his hands. He then turned and looked toward Phoenix, “Come over and eat.”

Phoenix did not even lift her head. Her train of thoughts was interrupted and so her tone was slightly cold, “You go ahead, I’m still busy.”

What a tone?! The immortals were shocked by this. They could not make up their minds on whether to be afraid or to praise her instead. Phoenix was the only one who dared to talk in such a cold tone to the Emperor.

The man’s lips curved into a smile as he stared at that stone-hearted person.

He gave a wave and asked for everyone to leave, even the demons were forbidden to enter through his barrier.

As always, he preferred no interruptions when he was working on something.

He parted the bamboo chopsticks and picked up the food, then swiftly handed it over to Phoenix, touching the food to her lips.

Phoenix, who was drowning in her thoughts, opened her mouth unconsciously. Her eyes were fixated on the word ‘clear’ written in the scriptures, to the point that she was oblivious of her surroundings.

The Emperor was pleased when he saw this. Just as he wanted to feed her for the third time, she lifted her head abruptly as she realized the strong scent of meat in her mouth. She blinked as if sensing that something was wrong, then she quickly rushed out the door and vomited everything.

Although she just threw up a little.

That drained a whole lot of energy from her.

In fact, she was losing her strength.

Her hands and feet became wobbly, and her whole body was heating up.

Before she could come around, she was hugged by someone from behind, “How was the taste of the meat?”

Obviously, he did that on purpose.

However, Phoenix did not understand what his intentions were. Without a second thought, she pressed her scythe against the man’s abdomen.

The man’s eyes were set on the scythe as they gradually turned cold, “Have I ever told you that I despise your scythe being pointed at me?”


As if with almost no effort, the scythe broke and fell to the ground.

The scene was just a replica of the previous Buddhism feast, however, this time, Phoenix was not able to restore her scythe back to shape.

Although consuming meat would not cause excessive harm to her body.

Within these four hours, her defense would be weakened. On top of that, from where she stood, the sanskrits were unable to reach her.

What was the man trying to do? Kill her?

Phoenix’s and the Emperor’s eyes met. They both knew that they were immortals, they would never have the power to eliminate the other, unless there was a reincarnation.

What are his real intentions?

Her body was heating up. Phoenix recalled the first time when she had broken the precepts, she had to stay in the glacier on Mountain Tenya for four whole hours. However, back then, it did not seem as difficult as it was now.

“As expected...” The man chuckled softly in her ears, “It goes like this.”

He knew?

Phoenix, who was embraced in the man’s arms, raised her eyes. There was an increased sense of precaution, “You wish to see how embarrassed I am?”

“Of course not. This is all about the manual. I should complete them while you have your guard down, what do you say?” The man teased, then reached out his hands and untied the ribbon holding her hair, letting those long strands of hair fall down to her shoulders. Her long silky hair meandered around his fingertips, spreading out all over her back, as they tangled with each other.

“No...” Phoenix wanted to stop him, but the man’s hand probed into her cassock robe out of the blue. She trembled in response to the coldness from his touch. She parted her lips to let out a gasp, but they were shut close once more by a kiss. The scent of tea filled her mouth as his tongue was pressed against hers, sucking her lips until they turned numb. Her breasts were being touched and rubbed predatorily. She had never felt such intense numbness before. She reached out and pushed him away hard, wanting to escape from that feeling.

But the man held her hands behind her back, as her waist-length hair swayed with his movements. Her cassock which had not been taken off properly piled around her waist messily. Vague abstinence transformed into endless temptation.

As though he could not restrain himself anymore, he lifted her from behind all of a sudden, pressing her entire upper body against the enormous wooden chair, then spread open her slender legs. His voice was hoarse when he said, “Be good, you like it too, don’t you?”

Phoenix bit her lip, her mind was a whole blur. She wanted to resist but she could not bear the heat radiating from her body, which left her in a daze. She had no idea where she was, all she knew was every inch of her body was craving for more fondling.

“You seem to really like it, heh,” he nibbled her ear. She could feel the warmth from his breaths against her ear, as he smiled and bit her neck.

It was as if all the energy was drained from her body. Her image of being at the mercy of the man left him wanting more as if the beast buried deep inside of him was going to pounce out at any time.

He left a trail of kisses along her back, creating more unbearable pain. Phoenix clenched her fists as she wanted to escape from him. Her vision blurred, as a thin layer of mist covered her eyes...

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