The Ancestor of our Sect Isn't Acting like an Elder

Chapter 181.2

Chapter 181.2

Chapter 181.2: 181.2

181 . 2 – Feverish Li Wanting

Li Wanting is a blockhead .

She is obsessed with sword-forging techniques, and even more with mechanics . Due to this obsession, she often forgets to take her meals . She even spent a lot of money to build a private forging workshop in her courtyard house .

Her house fully reflects her enthusiasm .

Several large shelves similar to bookshelves are placed in the spacious house .

In addition to books, there are even more weapons, mechanisms, and blue prints, all this makes for an astonishing sight . Xue Qilin only knows the names of some things . She hasn’t even seen some of them, and doesn’t know what they are for .

Although she is full of curiosity, Xue Qilin doesn’t dare to touch anything here . She still remembers the first time she came here, she was almost turned into a hedgehog because she touched a certain mechanism due to curiosity .

Since then, she didn’t dare to mess with the other party’s things .

Curiosity killed the cat . Xue Qilin doesn’t want to die an untimely death .

However, no matter how many times she comes here, Xue Qilin always feels that this place is amazing in a sense .

“–Young Ancestor, the tea . ”

Turning her attention away from the shelves, which crisscross inside the room like a maze, Xue Qilin looked at Li Wanting, who returned at some point .

When had just Xue Qilin arrived and sat down, Li Wanting said “I’m going to make some tea” and left the room . Only now did she return with a steaming teapot . She poured a cup of hot tea for herself and Xue Qilin .

“Oh, thank you, Little Ting . ”

Xue Qilin grinned and thanked Li Wanting .

After replying with “you are welcome”, Li Wanting picked up a book on the table and started reading it .

Along with the faint sound of a page turning, Xue Qilin picked up her tea cup . She didn’t realize that the tea is still emitting steam .

The next moment–


Xue Qilin sprayed out all the tea she had just put into her mouth . The tea is too hot .

Although it happened quite abruptly, but Li Wanting reacted rather quickly . She rapidly leaned to the side and evaded the shower of tea, still safely holding the tea cup and the book she is reading in her hands .

Like a puppy, Xue Qilin stuck her pink tongue out and exhaled to cool the burned tongue .

“Young Ancestor, are you okay?”

Hearing Li Wanting’s voice of concern, Xue Qilin waved her hand .

“I’m, I’m fine...”

Xue Qilin thought that Li Wanting would pour a glass of cold water for her, hand her a handkerchief, or something . But Li Wanting only made an “oh” sound, then returned to her previous sitting position on the chair and immersed herself again in the book .

I feel like this indifferent attitude is inexplicably infuriating... Is the book more important than me? Xue Qilin mused while wiping away the tea on her lips with a sleeve unhappily .

Then, she clenched her right hand into a fist, placed it in front of her mouth, and coughed lightly .

“Little Ting, what has you so absorbed in reading?”

This question was put forward both to remind the other party not to neglect her guest and out of curiosity .

Ever since Xue Qilin stepped into this room, she didn’t see Li Wanting lower the book she is holding . Even when she went to make tea, she took it with her .

She was probably reading the book while making tea . Otherwise, although Li Wanting is not expert at making tea, she would not fail to notice the issue of it being too hot .

“A book . ”

Li Wanting, without looking up, just gave this short, indifferent reply .

“Oh, is it interesting? Can you tell me something about it?”

“Well... it’s about mechanics . ”

When she heard that absent-minded answer from the other party, Xue Qilin raised her eyebrows, suddenly finding it difficult to advance the conversation .

Is it really that interesting? She is skeptical .

“Is it about mechanical weapons similar to Empyrean Universe?”

“...more or less . ”

“Is the book new?”

“Mhm . ”

“How many pages does it have?”

“No Idea . ”

“Is it really that interesting?”

“It is . ”

“The tea is too hot . ”


Oh god, what’s with this conversation where she only answers my questions? Xue Qilin, unable to stand it, exhaled a breath with a “ha” sound .

Xue Qilin has long since learned that once Li Wanting is engrossed in something, she will put all her concentration on the thing, not paying attention to anything else . Although she is aware that she may disturb the other party, but she still feels a bit dissatisfied .

Since you have received me, then I can be regarded as a guest . It is not appropriate to ignore guests... Xue Qilin believes this .

So, she knocked on the table a little angrily, and then protested, “I, feel, like, I’m, getting, the, cold, shoulder!”

Xue Qilin spoke with deliberate pauses in between each word to emphasize her dissatisfaction .

“Huh, getting the cold shoulder?”

Li Wanting finally looked up .

Astonishment filled the dark orange eyes, the color of which resembles fire burning in a furnace, reflecting Xue Qilin’s unhappy appearance .

“Who is giving you the cold shoulder?” She widened her eyes, pointed at herself, and asked, “Who is it?”

Wow, she’s really oblivious! Xue Qilin gave the other party a disdainful look .

“Of course it’s you! Is there anyone else here besides me and you?”

“I am giving you the cold shoulder, Young Ancestor? Really?”

Xue Qilin, with a stone face, said “really” in a deep voice .

“Is that right...?”

Li Wanting scratched her face and smiled awkwardly .

“I thought you just came to drink tea, Young Ancestor, so I made a pot of tea for you . Furthermore, you didn’t say anything . You just asked me about the book . ”


Xue Qilin’s face suddenly stiffened . Since she indeed didn’t explain her purpose in coming here, Li Wanting assumed that she just came to drink tea and kill time . After all, Xue Qilin has a rap sheet and is a well-known in the Merak Temple for being an idler .

“Well, I understand! Young Ancestor, is there something you want from me?”

“There is, there is!”

Xue Qilin nodded repeatedly .

“I see . ” josei

Thump, Li Wanting closed the book in her hand .

She fished out a handkerchief from her sleeve and placed it on a corner of the table, and then put the book on top .

She seems to cherish the book very much — Xue Qilin blinked her eyes .

Li Wanting pulled out a hairpin and untied her long ponytail . Long, dark red hair scattered like sparks from a furnace at once, looking like it will emit crackling sounds .

Li Wanting combed her unfolded hair with her fingers . The long, slightly dry hair rustled with the friction .

Unlike the other girls that Xue Qilin is familiar with, although Li Wanting is slim, but she does not give off the feeling of being frail . She has no exquisite facial features, and can barely be classified as beautiful . Her skin is tanned due to working in front of furnaces long-term .

In the Hua dynasty, where fair skin is viewed as beautiful, Li Wanting really does not conform to the aesthetics ordinary people . Even according to the aesthetics of Xue Qilin, she can only be regarded as beautiful . But she is far too lacking when compared to Qi Qiqi and them .

Only — she looks healthy and capable .

Li Wanting, who is active on the front line of work, gives off a sense of being full of vitality .

Additionally, with her frank and generous personality, she can be said to be widely popular in the Merak Temple . Xue Qilin heard Shui Yun’er mention that there are some male disciples who adore Li Wanting, but Li Wanting, who is a little slow on the uptake regarding such things, doesn’t notice it .

“So what can I do for you, Young Ancestor?”

As she asked this, Li Wanting pulled up her long hair and tied it up again .

I feel like this question should be asked at the beginning... Feeling a little tired inside, Xue Qilin sighed .

“I just came to ask about my sword’s repairs!”

Empyrean Universe was severely damaged in the battle with Jialan . Not only did Xue Qilin remove the external components, but after the main part broke through Jialan’s Imperishable Vajra Body, it was damaged by the eruption of the dragon vein . Fortunately, the magically processed core gem that hosts Phecda’s spirit body is still intact .

It has been a while since Xue Qilin sent Empyrean Universe to Li Wanting for repairs . Estimating that the repairs should be about finished, she finally paid Li Waning a visit today .

The outcome–

“It’s not done yet . ”

Li Wanting replied with suppressed feelings .

Xue Qilin seems to have come too early .

“Oh, does it require more–”

The question was interrupted by a loud sound .

Li Wanting suddenly slapped the table and stood up, making the things on the table jump up . She glared at Xue Qilin . Face flushed and body trembling from anger, her shadow enveloped Xue Qilin .

Bewildered by the unexpectedly intense reaction, Xue Qilin looked back at the other party in confusion, blinking .

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