The Ancients World

Chapter 574 Meeting Princess Aelora

Chapter 574 Meeting Princess Aelora

[I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with exclusive stories on it! I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.]

~~~(POV: Cera Adamo)~~~

~~~(Location: The Jungles of Nae'mor, The City of Armezix, The Continent of Alforza)~~~

~~~(Time: 1:47 PM)~~~

Jaeemara and Sally are having a conversation I'm not interested in. My thoughts are on the people watching us. We're in the middle of a restaurant. There are people around us keeping watch. Sally and I have our hoods up.

The only people that would be looking at us are guards. That's who they are. The last time this happened, a butler named Wezarik made his first impression on behalf of Prince Teziel.

I told him if he wants to know why I'm here, I'll only talk to someone from the royal family. In truth, I'm doing this to entertain myself. It's fun making nobles and royalty jump through hoops. It humbles them. An action I think nobles and royals don't get enough of.

The eyes watching us haven't shown any signs of leaving. Soon, Sally and Jaeemara will wish to leave. They don't know we're being watched right now. In the library, it's easy to see prying eyes. In a restaurant full of people, it's not easy.

Since being here, I've been keeping watch for anyone that could be following us. Watching us. I wouldn't put it past Jaeemara knowing. But she doesn't look like it.

As the minute's pass, something about the atmosphere in the restaurant changes. The entrance to the place of business suddenly swarms with guards.josei

"Everyone out! Orders of the royal family!"

Jaeemara and Sally immediately stop their conversation. Serious looks plastered on their faces. We all know this is only for the other people in here. We are to stay seated. The last of the patrons leave the restaurant.

The guards at the door funnel in with their weapons and stand guard as metal footsteps press on the wood. A Dark Elf in old powerful armor makes her way in. She's tall and pretty. Her eyes are locked on our table.

She slowly approaches, and two more guards that are different from the rest follow behind her. They're here with their weapons and armor in case a fight comes. A battle from me. I respect that.

"It's been a long time, Princess Aelora."

Jaeemara greets the Princess with familiarity. Given how old Jaeemara is, it doesn't surprise me they know one another. Jaeemara's family is almost in equal power with the crown.

"It has been long indeed, Jae. It was surprising to learn you're helping Angel Zern himself. How did you ever come across him..."

Her voice slows as she finishes talking, her eyes going from Jaeemara to me. There is caution, fear, respect, and intrigue within her eyes. It's not the first time I've seen that look. It won't be the last time I see it, either.

"Luck. What's the saying? The most interesting things happen from luck."

It must be a Dark Elf saying.

"I'm here for a simple reason. I wish to know your intentions here, Angel Zern. I'm sorry for speaking candidly, but I don't want to waste any of your time."

This Princess knows her way with words. Jaeemara is a little mad now since the conversation died instantly with Aelora. But she lets it go.

"Waste my time, huh..."

The air shifts to a heavy pressure as I say that. Fear and instinct almost overtake the guards. The shifts in their armor are heard from moving. Some even reach for their weapons, only to resist enough to stop before drawing them.

"Wezarik wished to know the same thing as you... Do you know what I said to him?"

Her eyes squint the slightest bit with frustration. It's amusing to see. Sally and Jaeemara aren't enjoying it as much as I am. But they do have small smiles on their features.

"One of the royal family stands in front of you. Just as you requested. I don't see how we could've done anything wrong with that simple order."

She's not in the mood for games. I suppose I should cut to the chase.

"No, you did nothing wrong. I just wanted to see how you'd react. Nobles and royals tend to hold their noses high until I come around. Something about being The Son of Arch-Angel Michael gives this idea I'm going to kill them."

Which says a lot about rulers who think this. What sins they must commit...

"That's what we want to know... If you're here to kill anyone in the royal family. More specifically, Queen Romana Zil Lukaerd Elen Roa. My Mother."

Kill the Queen... I had a feeling someone was watching me from fear of death. But from all the good things I've heard about the Queen, I didn't think it'd be her. I look to Jaeemara, and she's confused as to why the Queen is concerned about this.

My suspicions aren't unfounded if this is how Jaeemara is reacting.

"Is it the Queen who's concerned, or is it her children?"

The sarcasm in my voice is subtle and one that insults the Princess more than I thought it would. She's keeping a good lid on it, but her eyes betray her.

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too. Queen Roa wouldn't watch anyone so closely from fear of death. Regardless of whether that person is an outsider or not. She's too powerful and too proud to think like that."

Princess Aelora isn't happy about Jaeemara's statement. Not one bit. The roaring fury in her eyes as they look at my friend is evidence of that. The guards in the room have a similar feeling to them too. Especially the ones behind Aelora. Her escorts.

"Shut your mouth, Jae. Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're in because of this? Helping an outsider the crown hasn't approved of is grounds for execution on the crime of treason."

That's no way to talk to an old friend. The sparks in their eyes clash, and I can tell that once upon a time, these two were friends. Now they seem not to be. Time does lots of things. Making people drift apart is one of them.

"I'd talk more kindly to her, Princess. I'm sure the importance of her family is far more critical to the Kingdom than what I'd do if you talked to me like that."

Threatening people because they helped me isn't a way to get anywhere with me.

"Are you here to kill my Mother or not?!"

She snaps at me. Having had enough of these games. The look on her face doesn't indicate any regret from talking to me like this. I find it funny, if anything. But I want to see how far I can push her.

So I stand up and toggle my wings on.

All the guards in the room draw their swords and go to protect the Princess. My wings have the same hypnotizing golden glow to them as they always do. People find it intimidating.

"Now, how about you try that again without the anger."

The emotions coming from her don't tell me anything positive. She's convinced I'm here to kill someone. The Queen, if anyone.

How paranoid is the royal family?

~~~(POV: Queen Romana Zil Lukaerd Elen Roa)~~~

~~~(Location: The Jungles of Nae'mor, The City of Armezix, The Continent of Alforza)~~~

~~~(Time: 2:04 PM)~~~

Rhael calmly knocks on the door to my room, and in my silence, he takes that as an invitation. The mirror I'm looking into gives a view of the door. I'm brushing my hair and thinking of the old days.

"Mom, I bring news."

His tone tells me it's grim.

"Teziel has confronted Angel Zern against my orders, hasn't he..."

I don't know what I'm going to do with him once I announce Rhael as my heir.

"He's sent Aelora on behalf of the royal family. From the reports I'm getting, it's not going well. Aelora shares a similar temperament to Teziel, and it's starting to affect the conversation."

I expected as much, to be honest. In reality, this was a final test to see if Teziel could even listen to my instructions. Now, he's put everyone at risk. It's time that I teach Rhael what to do in this situation, given he's to be King after my passing.

How better than to ask a question to teach him?

"What do you think I should do now?"

Rhael has a great mind. His insights are what I want all my children to give me. But sadly, that's not possible.


A/N: Below this line, I'll be keeping Cera's player information. That way, I won't have to place it into the story above anymore. It takes about 180 words up.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.236][Tier-4]

[Exp: 72/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden)]

[Stats] [Strength - 7095][Endurance - 7045][Dexterity - 7215][Speed - 8240][Focus - 19,660]

[Mana aura control: 6/100%]

[Health: 76,560,000,000/76,560,000,000] [Mana: 216,600,000,000/216,600,000,000]

[Stat Points: 440] [Armor rating: 500]

[Inventory] [Dice of Wayland (Divine)] [The Witness (Legendary Sword)] [Fenrir's Whistle (Divine)] [Camping gear] [Fishing poles 2x] [Festival Garbs 2x] [4x EXP Boosts] [Princess Saliandra's Panties (Black Lace)] [Desert Warrior Nomad Set (Rare)]

[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.74 325/7400] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.74 225/7400] [Slash Lvl.92 4600/21000] [Parry Lvl.68 85/6800] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight] [Divine Pressure Exertion] [Divinity Pulse] [Controlled Fun] [Aspect of Transportation (Legendary)]

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