The Ancients World

Chapter 587 A Once Great Empire II

Chapter 587 A Once Great Empire II

[I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with exclusive stories on it! I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.]

~~~(POV: Cera Adamo)~~~

~~~(Location: Desert, The Continent of Alforza)~~~

~~~(Time: 1:50 PM)~~~

The Emperor turns on his heels and walks back into the magical floating carriage. The generals take a sigh of relief and are glad to be alive. Incompetence doesn't seem to be tolerated in The Yelized Empire. I wouldn't either if I were an Emperor.

It's a good thing I'm not. That kind of responsibility isn't something any sane person would willingly accept. You have to be a little crazy to rule over an entire Empire of people.

Sally tugs on my armor and brings my attention back to the generals. There is a tense silence between them. Each one is at the pinnacle of their career. The power each one individually wields is mighty enough to lead armies.

"Why do you think they've stopped talking since the Emperor is gone?"

I don't know the politics and military of Yelized. Sally and I won't know the answer to the question she asked without being here to ask ourselves. But this is just a recording.

"My best guess is they're each lost in their heads, thinking about what could happen. Being ordered to bring every man here back alive is an impossibility. The lives they've built hang in the balance. Failure means they'll have nothing."

That will weigh on anyone. That's why it's better to build your power on your own. No one can revoke any authority that you've gained. Before Sally can respond to my theory about why they're not talking, General Ulizere takes a deep breath.

"Generals... If what we believe to be under that town is true, there isn't a soul leaving this desert alive."

A strong and heavy silence rests upon the men at the words given by Ulizere. One of the oldest generals, by the looks of it, turns his head from the town General Geledes is in and looks at Ulizere.

"You stepped out of line. Speaking to the Emperor as if you're an equal is grounds for death. You're lucky he considers you a friend and your opinions worthwhile. If it were up to me, you'd be headless right now."

The voice is gruff, and from the sounds, you can tell this man has seen many battles. Victories, defeats, success, and failure.

Most people would see this as an invitation to a fight. Others wouldn't respond at all. Very few respond with a smile. That's exactly what Ulizere does.

"It's a good thing you're not in charge of my fate, General Rufeal."

The chuckle at the end of the statement causes others to smile. Even General Rufeal himself cracks a corner smile. There is a lot of respect among these men. Even when they do things they don't agree with.josei

"Instead of focusing on how Ulizere speaks with the Emperor. Perhaps we should consider our options for the coming battle. I know that I'm not the only one feeling it. There is something under that town. Beyond any power, we've encountered."

A nameless general brings the group back to the important topic.

I want to learn all of their names, but I don't think that's happening. As to what he said about feeling something. I'm afraid that I don't sense anything. It's a recording. That's all. I wouldn't be able to feel what they're feeling.

Whatever the feeling is, it's making the men here on edge. The soldiers around are starting to shake from the supposed feeling.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. Now, if we do end up drawing out what's under that sand, how are we going to handle it? Personally, I still believe retreating and abandoning this place forever is the best option. If something guarding this place can kill Faelar, we don't stand a chance to what's down there for real."

Another nameless general decides to put his idea forth. None react the way you'd expect to such a suggestion. They remain calm and have their eyes locked on Kelizei.

I'm betting they're all considering the words for what they are. The truth. The Emperor never said anything about not retreating. Only ensuring the lives of the soldiers here. If that means retreating, then they will.

The Emperor did not give them an impossible task.

"It's not a bad idea. In fact, it should be our first option. If what's down there is truly stronger than a Great Sandworm, we need to leave immediately. It's our order to ensure all the lives here."

All these talks outside the town have me curious as to what's happening inside Kelizei. General Geledes is still down there. Looking around. I spread my wings out, and Sally looks at me, slightly confused.

"Stay here and continue listening to them. I want to see what Geledes is up to. He's in that town, and he could be saying something important."

She nods her head, and I take off. Reaching the town in a couple of seconds. Landing and making my way to Geledes. He's talking to some of his commanders as the soldiers continue searching nearby buildings.

As I'm now able to hear them, their conversation is interesting too.

"Commander Ilsia, why haven't we found any signs of the dead anywhere? Reports said the people here slaughtered each other. Bodies should've been everywhere. No bones, no sign, and no evidence anyone actually died here."

They were searching for remains the last time they were here. I don't know why they'd expect something different. It's almost out of place. A man like Geledes wouldn't let something like that slip by.

The woman known as Commander Ilsia pulls out different kinds of documents. Handing them over to Geledes. I don't know what they say, but the growing concern on Geledes's face tells me it's not good.

"I found those records in the mayor's personal safe. It was hidden in the house. That's why we missed it last time."

I make my way over and stand next to Geledes. I'm a good 5 inches taller than he is. I start reading the document over his shoulder.

[Day 598][Mayor Hezil]

[The people are growing more paranoid and erratic. Even I'm starting to notice unnatural shifts in my own behavior. Something akin to lost time and doing things that I don't remember doing. Whatever's happening, it's been going on slowly for the past year.]

This is interesting. It's the mayor's logs. I don't know if it's the same that I saw earlier, but it's likely.

[Day 599][Mayor Hezil]

[The madness is spreading at a rapid rate. 599 days ago, it only started with one person. It stayed with one person. After a set amount of days, one person became two. The time between the number of people losing their minds slowly decreased. Now it's only a few hours.]

The reports stop at Day 599. I look at Geledes, and I can see him rereading it to make sure his eyes are deceiving him.

It sounds suspiciously like a curse, but something is alive under the sand. Under the town. Perhaps its presence induces madness after prolonged exposure.

"This explains why some of the soldiers we came back with after digging this place up lost their minds. It didn't spread because the source is here..."

He hands the papers back to Ilsia, and I'm thinking about this just as much as Geledes is. It's a mystery that I rarely get a chance to witness. Let alone try and solve it.

"Sir, I recommend that we spend as little time as possible here. I worry that whatever killed the people here might start affecting us."

Ilsia has the right idea.

The paper said that it starts slowly. With only one in the beginning. After a period of prolonged time, it escalates at an incremental rate. It's actually rather devious.

But why this place? What's so special about Kelizei? Why is this happening here?


A/N: Below this line, I'll be keeping Cera's player information. That way, I won't have to place it into the story above anymore. It takes about 180 words up.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.237][Tier-4]

[Exp: 72/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden)]

[Stats] [Strength - 7095][Endurance - 7045][Dexterity - 7215][Speed - 8240][Focus - 19,660]

[Mana aura control: 6/100%]

[Health: 76,560,000,000/76,560,000,000] [Mana: 216,600,000,000/216,600,000,000]

[Stat Points: 440] [Armor rating: 500]

[Inventory] [Dice of Wayland (Divine)] [The Witness (Legendary Sword)] [Fenrir's Whistle (Divine)] [Camping gear] [Fishing poles 2x] [Festival Garbs 2x] [4x EXP Boosts] [Princess Saliandra's Panties (Black Lace)] [Desert Warrior Nomad Set (Rare)]

[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.74 325/7400] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.74 225/7400] [Slash Lvl.92 4600/21000] [Parry Lvl.68 85/6800] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight] [Divine Pressure Exertion] [Divinity Pulse] [Controlled Fun] [Aspect of Transportation (Legendary)]

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