The Ascension Age

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: How Many Points?

Due then left once again to check on the other candidates while Cala was entrusted to continue Aire's test. "What did you tell him back there that he gave up questioning you?"

Aire scratched the back of his head in response, saying, "Errrr...let's just say it's a personal issue." He obviously couldn't tell her either.

Cala shrugged her shoulders, not minding it. "Well, whatever. Let's head to the Stellar Clearcut Machine. Unlike the Pinpoint Furnace, this one doesn't have too much of a requirement for Stellar Energy Aptitude. However, the control necessary is far higher. That's because most of the materials used to create Rune Circuits come from this since those are extremely small parts."

"I see..." Aire immediately thought of Kymei. He did mention that his field of expertise was Stellar Rune Circuitry. 'No wonder Kymei and Sera wanted a Stellar Smith so much.'josei

Just like before, a belt was attached to Aire, leaving his hands free to operate the controls. Cala once again explained everything and even used the Suruca Ore Aire had worked on before to test him. Once again, it turns out that Aire felt quite comfortable with these kinds of machines. It took some time for him to get used to controlling many things while his own Stellar Energy was being drained, but he was fine by the end of it.

And just like that, Aire was introduced to other pieces of equipment one by one while the candidates ahead of him had already passed by there. Aire also noticed that other candidates began to use the machines that he used before. They were other new Stellar Riser students that arrived after Aire was finished his test. Sure enough, Due treated every single one of them well, trying to make them feel at home. He only sent them away when he was sure they weren't cut out for the job. If there was even a small chance that they could make it through, he wouldn't let them go unless the candidates themselves wanted to leave.

Of course, compared to other occupations, the 17th Stellar Smith Branch was as deserted as any of the remaining ones. The only exception would be the Main Branch in the school, which did have quite a few students taking the test. Nevertheless, it couldn't compare to the other occupations' main branches either.

"Alright, Aire. You did very well. In fact, it was several times better than I could have imagined. To be honest, your Stellar Energy Aptitude and control of the equipment are definitely above the Stellar Bones Stage," Due said with a smile.

Aire was surprised himself. He felt that the job would be excruciatingly tiresome, but he didn't feel that way. It was then that Stella explained, 'The reason it feels easy is because you're operating everything below your new body's limits. Naturally, it feels a lot easier than it is for the others.'

Are wasn't the least bit disappointed as he replied, 'Great! That means I can stick to my Riser Level while not being too tired. It's perfect! I love the Stellar Smith Occupation! Hahaha!' Aire laughed out loud in his mind as he said that.

Stella sighed in response as she said, 'But Aire~... If you keep taking easy jobs, it won't have much of a point for your training. Next time when you come to learn more about the job, make sure to operate the equipment using a configuration for someone at the Stellar Organs Stage.'

'What?! Can't I make do with the actual level?' Aire still hoped that Stella would agree to her words.

Unfortunately for him, Stella's eyes began to get teary once again as she muttered, 'Bu-but... if you don't train properly... we're gonna go boom...' Stella's feelings once again invaded Aire's mind, forcing him to give up.

'Alright, alright! I'll make sure to do that. In any case, I believe Senior Due would tell me that anyway.' Aire was truly too weak against his sister's face.

'Really?! Thank you, Aire~!' Stella's emotions, obviously, changed in less than a second.

Sure enough, Aire was right about his assessment. Due intended to do exactly that as he said, "Aire, you're already part of the Stellar Smith Organization. However, we don't have time to train you right now because of the ongoing tests. We'll send you the schedule for new Stellar Smiths once we're finished with the tests."

He then said, "Also, since your aptitude is higher than your Riser Level, we'll be raising the difficulty of your routine as well. It would be a waste to keep you at the same configuration as other Stellar Bones Stage Risers."

Aire could only nod as Stella laughed in his mind, responding, "Yes...Senior Due. I'll be back once you have figured it out."

Due left soon after to watch over the other students as he left Cala to explain the rest. She then told Aire, "Alright, because Stellar Smiths are scarce, we have a few perks. For example, we have priority over Stellar Energy Materials that come to the school over other factions. That's because we wouldn't be able to use much of it to start with. There's also the fact that everyone needs Stellar Smiths." While doing so, she brought Aire to the Branch's office to finish Aire's final registration.

"That being said, you shouldn't have much problem selecting the materials you want to work on. However, you should try and not stand out too much. Almost no one wants to become a Stellar Smith, but everyone wants to have one at their beck and call. If you already have plans, then don't accept any offer that appears too good to be true. Chances are that you will sign a lifetime contract, and your contract will work you to the bones."

Aire immediately nodded as he made a mental note, thinking to himself, 'Even if God himself comes here, I will not sign any contract.' The phrase 'work to the bones' was more than enough for Aire to never forget Cala's warning.

"It's good that you understand." Cala then arrived at her personal terminal in the Office and put Aire's data inside. "Alright, your final score for the Stellar Smith occupation is now online. You can check it through your communicator at any time."

Aire's interest was immediately piqued. Just how many points did he get?

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