The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

50 First school fight two

His provocation was obvious to most. They knew what he was doing and thought Maverick could see it too but they overestimated him. He was already seeing red spots in his eyes like an angry bull.

The tall girl in their small group walked over and rubbed Maverick’s arm as she spoke to him softly trying to calm him down. She knew that once provoked Maverick wasn’t as sensible hence she had to do something about it before things escalated further.

It was as though his wrath would directly burn a hole in his brain and he would lose his mind in a fit of rage. As expected the raging beast within loosened its restraints and he lost his shit pushing the girl aside like a rag doll.

Zi Han smiled like a fiend as he dodged Maverick’s fist coming toward him. Maverick’s mental power might have been higher than his but his combat skills were far less superior to his. This meant Zi Han had a big advantage.

Maverick staggered a little having missed his target and when he realised it he was extremely livid that the purple veins on his neck pulsed as though they were on the verge of bursting.

His eyes bloodshot he clenched his jaw as he attacked Zi Han again but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t catch a single hair of his body.

After five rounds of this useless back and forth Maverick realised he wasn’t making any progress thus he changed tactics. To destabilise the opponent and force them to engage in direct combat he decided to use psychological warfare.

“Running away like that who is the little bitch now?” he said in a mocking tone with his chest rising and falling rapidly fuming in anger, “I thought your mother would have taught you to lie down and spread your legs to get what you want. Isn’t that how you got into this academy?... How about you lie down and spread your legs for Lao Tzu and I will go easy on you.”

Loud exclamations were heard in the background in response to such a blatant attack on a family member which was completely unnecessary.


“Maverick that’s enough!” yelled the short boy who had been quiet this entire time. Even he didn’t expect things to escalate to this point. If they get caught fighting things might end up real bad for the both of them hence he had no choice but to intervene.

The short boy walked over and pulled Maverick back attempting to smooth things over but it was already too late. The clay pot had already been smashed to smithereens and there was no way to repair it.

Zi Han normally wouldn’t be fazed if the insult were towards him but Maverick just had to touch his bottom line. This was a common rule that didn’t need to be taught.

It was the classic, ‘You can fuck with me all you want but don’t drag my family members into this, especially my mother.’

The short boy seemed to have talked some sense into Maverick but before he knew what hit him the both of them were pushed hard with the short boy falling down hard on the cold floor.

Maverick wasn’t as lucky.

He directly crashed into the desks behind him and with a loud clatter, he collapsed to the ground. Because of his powerful physic, he managed to get on his feet quickly but before he could recover fully a powerful fist suddenly landed on his face directly knocking him out.

The boy might have had A level mental power but he was no match to the B ranked Zi Han who grew up picking fights with anything that moves in the slums of the surface city. josei

He could have left it at just that but because he had completely lost his rationality at this point he swung his fist about to strike Maverick again when his arm was caught and he was pushed off Maverick.

Whoever pulled him off Maverick was extremely powerful and such a revelation should have had him cowering in fright but instead Zi Han’s blood boiled from the thrill of having a bloody battle.

He suddenly grasped the feeling of ancient spartans as they charged into battle against the Persians.

With a swift movement of his feet, he appeared in front of the short boy and tackled him to the ground. Zi Han swung his fist but it was blocked by the boy who clasped Zi Han’s hand to restrain him.

For a moment neither of them refused to yield with one pushing down his fist while the other pushed it up.

Seeing that their boss was in trouble the tall boy and girl tried to pull Zi Han off the short boy but it was as though he had eyes at the back of his head. He elbowed the boy in his abdomen and shoved the girl away while simultaneously pressing down the short one.

The two quickly got back on their feet and lunged forward to try again but the short boy yelled, “Don’t interfere.” Why? That’s because just like Zi Han his interest was piqued and he didn’t want to appear weak before his opponent by getting external help.

The pair struggled on the floor and based on the current situation Zi Han had the upper hand which was extremely baffling. Despite this, the short boy didn’t yield. In fact, he grinned like a fool while saying, “You hit like a girl.”

“Really, then I will show you what a girl truly hits like,” he said before swinging his fist again ready to punch him in the gut. But as he harshly moved his elbows back he suddenly hit something hard and loud sounds of exclamations followed.

Zi Han assumed he had hit that tall boy from earlier so he ignored it and continued to beat the heck out of the shorty beneath him. A hand suddenly grasped his arm and pulled him up like he weighed nothing.

Zi Han attempted to free himself but his body was suddenly slammed against the wall pressing him down hard that he couldn’t free himself. That’s because the person he was being pressed down by this time was Yi Chen. He was absolutely no match for him.

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