The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 126 Playing On The Palm Of Hand

Chapter 126 Playing On The Palm Of Hand

"Retreat!" Said Rajah Soliman in a wavering voice.

"Soliman, what happened?" Rolo Aur asked in confusion.

Rajah Soliman answered right after. "He is not someone from Greek, he... he is the Monstrous Wolf of Norse, Fenrir the one who devoured Odin."

These words were enough for his pulse to speed up. "We sent a false report!?" Rolo's heart shook.


Black bolts of Chaos Force thundered furiously, and its noise resounded.

A blacking figure came out of Ezra Zephyr, a wolf with the colour of black like midnight, mountain-sized beast bared its fangs.

"Rajah Soliman... a being I know has finally come down. It is pleasant to see you in the lower realm." The monstrous wolf of Norse spoke.

Rajah Soliman flinched. "It's really... you, how is this possible."

"Everything is within the circle of possibility, if I, Fenrir, draw the circle."

The giant martial spirit with the wavy sword in hand looked terrifying.

For others, they could not hear a thing, just a change of expression on martial spirits' faces. It was clear that the martial spirit of Rolo Aur was intimidated by the martial spirit of Ezra Zephyr.

"We have made a terrible mistake, Rolo." Said, Soliman. "Order those two to inform Carlo about Fenrir."

Hearing the suggestion, Rolo quickly turned his head towards his duo partner, but both of them were tightly locked in battle.

Reema was locked by John Stark while Karl was battling with Akkar and other martial masters from the Bloodfang Kingdom.

Just when his attention dwindled from Ezra, two objects came towards him at a frightening pace.

Rolo Aur jerked, he raised his sword and swung it.


His arm was knocked away by the impact. "What!"


Another one hit Rolo in the chest, knocking him a few meters away.

"Argh!" Cried Rolo Aur, as he gazed at the objects. Those heavy objects were bracers, Ezra released the bracers placed on his legs this time.

"I'll believe that you have prepared yourself for every possible outcome when you came here." Uttered Ezra.


He moved, much faster than last time. Like the embodiment of lightning, he appeared at the side of Rolo and disappeared and again came from another direction.

Rolo Aur was bewildered. "What kind of monster he is!" The speed surpassed those of the 1st level Core Formation stage.

"Be alert Rolo, he is the strongest foe you have ever faced." Told Rajah Soliman.

Rolo clenched his grip on the cutlass.

"Abyssal Slash" he yelled.

A slash of grey colour went towards Ezra Zephyr.

"Portal Cutter." a single wave from Ezra and the short sword Efsa cut the abyssal slash easily.

"!!!" Only the world stupified could describe Rolo Aur's current facial expressions.

"What did you do?" Asked Rolo Aur, as the fighting spirit was slowly crumbling inside his body.

"It's my armament's ability!" Answered Ezra.

"Armament's ability! It's only possible for a legendary tier armament."

"Well, you just answered your question." Ezra smiled as he moved Efsa as a pendulum.

"You have a legendary tier item!" Rolo's shock grew he gazed at the short sword but to his shock, he couldn't determine the tier of Efsa.

After remaining quiet for quite a while, Rolo spoke again. "If you had such strength then why didn't you fight me earlier."

When Rolo said that, he felt a sudden assault of dizziness, his legs wobbled as he bend his knees.

*cough cough* "What in the name of Bathala is happening?" Asked Rolo.

"What is this? Your body is filled with a strange unseen poison. It just appeared out of nowhere." Shouted Rajah Soliman in worry.

"I think the poison finally takes its effects"

"When did you poison me?" Asked Rolo, he has no clue when he was poisoned.

Ezra raised the hook called Drepa, a purple-coloured thorny hook as he said. "An ability of my other armament."

"Tw-two legendary tier armaments!" Rolo was astonished.

Ezra stepped towards Rolo Aur, at the same time Fenrir and Rajah Soliman's distance was getting close as well. The former was smirking while the latter was frowning.

"You asked why I didn't fight you earlier?" Said Ezra as he stood a few meters away from the exhausted and poisoned man in a loincloth.

Rolo looked at him, his head became heavy but he managed it somehow.

"It's because, from the moment Spirity Tower appeared, all of you were playing on the palm of my fucking hand."

Rolo's eyes widened, "What do you mean?" He asked in a low voice.

"When I get to know that 87 of my kingdom's martial masters have gotten selected, I understood how much of an advantage I received.

But still, I needed to make sure all the apex geniuses on your side are busy. That's where the apex geniuses from my side came into play.

I saved Baron because I was aware of his elven sense of favour, he gathered all other geniuses like John Stark, Leomord and others. They came because of him, my alone self could never have united them.

Then I stayed behind to monitor the war, self proclaimed myself as the leader. With the majority of martial masters belonging to my kingdom, they didn't oppose it.

And I didn't give them any respect from the start, even the message was sent to them through Theor not Zulfi, Shifa or Argus who are commanders.

With their pride hurt, and subconsciously accepting me as the leader. Their psychological behaviour forced them to prove themselves, so each went and picked a strong foe, solving my problem of keeping apex geniuses of your side at bay."

Blood dripped from Rolo's eyes, his mind became numb.

Ezra continued. "At that point, an irregular appeared. The next djinn of the cult, I calculated him as my enemy, but it seemed his fight with Carlo made him curious about you.

I gave him a little push he needed and your duel started, I knew you will emerge victorious but... not unscathed.

Your body is weak, you have mythical martial spirit but your martial body is very weak. As you used more of your spiritual energy, you exhausted yourself and let the poison spread. Leading to your current condition."

Ezra smirked as he ended his part, Rolo trembled in rage for the first time.

"You bastard!" He raised his body with a jerk and bolted towards the werewolf prince.

He thrust the greyish cutlass towards Ezra, the latter tilted his body slightly and the thrust was dodged.

Rolo couldn't believe the current scenario, his body wasn't listening to him. The poison was more fetal than he assumed, it was his sheer nerve that he was still standing.

But that was the end of it, Ezra clenched his fingers into a fist, and black bolts danced on his knuckles as he landed a punch on Rolo's face.


A punch on the nose sent the youth in loincloth away, his body bounced a few times on the ground before stopping.


For Rolo, everything else became void, he could hear the footsteps of Ezra coming closer or he was just hallucinating. But for the first time in his life, the youth named Rolo witnessed the fear.

He quivered, the cutlass was lost after the punch he received.

Ezra pulled him from his hair. "You are not dead, right?"

*kukh.. cough* he coughed, his face started to change its colour

"Good good, I still have yet to enjoy." Chuckled Ezra.

"Kill... me" Rolo murmured.

"Say again? Asked Ezra as he placed his ear near Rolo.

"Kill me..." Rolo Aur whispered again.

Ezra clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Don't be a boring ass opponent, I want a spry Rolo Aur from before. I will kill you for sure... but only after I teach you the value of death."

Blood and tears came out of Rolo's eyes. "You are... atrocious."

"Indeed I am, I am 'The Atrocious Werewolf Prince' you shouldn't have come here."

Ezra uttered right after. "2nd Circle Spell, Chain of Chaos."

Two portals appeared one on each side of Rolo Aur. The black lightning flickered as chains made of black lightning emerged and caught the arms of Rolo Aur.

The chains pulled the arms, and Rolo was forcefully made to stand. His body was hanging on chains, only his feets lifelessly touched the ground.

It was at that time Reema got the chance to gaze at another side of the battle, the current look of Rolo Aur made her heart skip a beat.

"Rolo..." she murmured, all of a sudden, a huge wave of spiritual energy came out of her as she yelled. "Come out, Zeruma"


A bird made of bluish liquid emerged from within her, it had 2 heads. The feathers were made of acidic liquid.


The stone-made ground burnt as the droplets hit the ground.

7 orbs rotated on the back of her, revealing that the dual-headed bird was a 7th-grade martial spirit.

"How dare you do that to Rolo!" She cried out her lungs.

Ezra looked at her from afar, he gave his usual wicked grin. As he formed his fist again, "Dragon Pelt" purplish scales appeared on his fist, "Chaos" the scaled punch was imbued with black lightning.


He stomped his foot on the ground, using the momentum of his waist to swing, as he exerted the entire strength of his body and poured it into a right hook.


With a giant blasting sound, the jaw of Rolo shattered, and teeth came out as his cheek was torn.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Reema lost all the reasoning to remain calm as she rushed towards Ezra.

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