The Author's POV

Chapter 491 - Going back to the black market [1]

Chapter 491 - Going back to the black market [1]

Chapter 491 - Going back to the black market [1]

'That was a lot more painful than I thought.'

Leaning by the wall of the room, I heavily gasped for air.


My arm still hurt, but with the aid of the potion that Amanda had given me, I was slowly starting to feel better.

That being said.

"I don't think I can use the fifth movement at its full potential just yet..."

Injuries aside, it became apparent to me that there was still a small way to go for me before being able to use the fifth movement comfortably.

My body could still not withstand the full power of the attack.

If I had to make an estimate, then by the time I reached rank, I would have no problem executing it.


Raising my head, my eyes lit up.

"There is actually a way..."

A way for me to use the fifth movement without breaking my body apart.


Propping my body up with the aid of my arm, Amanda suddenly called out for me. She had a complicated look on her face as she stared at the scar in the distance.



"Did you do this?"


Staring into the distance, I finally noticed the long scar tracing across the wall. Not only that, but I was also able to see Jin.

Scratching the back of my head, a wry smile appeared on my face.

"How are you doing Jin? Been a while since I've seen you."

Let's just pretend that nothing happened.


With his back turned against me, Jin continued to trace his finger across the scar on the wall. He then eventually turned his head and met my eyes.

"How were you able to do this?"


Pursing my lips, and feeling everyone's eyes land on me, I knew that there was no point in feining ignorance. Thus, I just came clean.

"I was just practicing a technique of mine. Didn't think it would end up doing this much damage..."

Actually, I didn't think I would've even have able to pull the move on the first attempt. Even though it wasn't exactly complete, it was still the fifth movement.

Gazing at Amanda from the corner of my eyes, and turning my head to look at the scar again, I apologized.

"Sorry about the scar. If you want me to pa—"

"It's fine."

Amanda sighed.

"Next time choose a more appropriate room."

'Do you think I actually knew this was going to happen?'

No way in hell would I have expected the fifth movement to be so strong.

"...Alright. I will do so."

"Thank you."

Amanda softly nodded her head.

Then suddenly, Amanda's smartwatch vibrated. It was a message. Amanda glanced at her smartwatch, then looked back at the female assistant.

"Let the other know that the situation is resolved. There is no attack. It was just an incident."


The assistant's back straightened. She quickly rushed out of the room.

Staring at the assistant leaving the room, it finally dawned on me. What was Jin doing here? He wasn't the type of person that would go out of his way to meet Amanda unless it was something important.

"Mind if I ask, but what is Jin doing here?"


Amanda glanced at Jin, and their eyes met. He gave her a short nod.

Pursing her lips, Amanda started to explain.

"He's here about a possible collaboration. Because of the crack in the sky, we're both currently short on staff."


"Yes, we're trying to get rid of a supply station," Jin suddenly cut in. "You weren't here when this was happening, but recently, a new pill has started to spread throughout the human domain. We've currently found one of its bigger supply stations, and we're trying to get rid of it."


'Right, there was something about this in my memories.'

A lot of the future events may have changed, however, there were still some things that didn't change. For example this event.

It was an event that was supposed to happen in the 'novel', and it was an event where Jin and Amanda would suffer tremendous losses to their forces.

Not sure how that worked anymore.

Regardless, I decided to say my piece.

"If you two are talking about the supply station, in the northern district, Morfill street, then I suggest the two of you not to go."

Amanda and Jin looked at each other.

"If I'm not wrong, then the supply station you two are going to is a trap devised by the other guilds to bring you down."

Because the gap between the top two guilds and the other ones was widening, in order to reduce their influence and force, the other diamond-graded guilds decided to resort to dirty tactics in order to reduce their influence.

As such, they devised a trap to damanage a small elite force of both respective guilds.

There was a chance of me being wrong with all the events changing, but it was never wrong to be on the safe side.

"If I'm not wrong, the two of you will probably go with only a couple of rankers and expect to bulldoze your way toward the supply station, right?"

Upon saying those words, the faces of Amanda and Jin changed. I felt a boost in confidence when I saw this. It really does seem like this is the event.

"Actually, if you're wondering how valid my words are, even I'm not too sure. However, it's best if you two become more alert during the mission. Who knows, things might truly end up as I said, and the both of you will suffer tremendous losses. I'm sure neither of you would want that."

There was a brief moment of silence after I said those words.

Breaking the silence, Amanda turned to look at Jin.

"What do you think?"


Lifting his head up to glance my way, Jin took a deep breath.

"How sure are you about this?"

"Fifty percent? Maybe less?"


Jin nodded his head. He then turned to look at Amanda.

"If it's as Ren said, this can also be a good opportunity for the both of us."

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