The Baby Isn’t Yours

Chapter 78

Chapter 78:


Kalia, who was about to breastfeed a baby crying from hunger, somehow strangely shook her head.

“What’s wrong, Sasha?”

“Waaaah! Waaaaaah! Huaah!”

Sasha wept hoarsely, turning his head as if he wasn’t going to suck on his mother’s breast. Kalia, in embarrassment, brought her breast to the baby’s mouth, but the baby was frightened, tightly closed his eyes and continued to sob.

“Why? What happened?”

Kalia liked to watch Sasha lick his little lips with milk. It was incredible to see this soft little creature clinging to her hands and smacking his lips.

However, despite the fact that he usually eats well, there were times when the baby refused to breastfeed.

She could be wrong, but Kalia thought that every time this happened, Sasha’s eyes burned.

When he was half asleep, he ate quite well, licking his lips, but when he opened his eyes, it was always like that.

It was strange that he refused so hard.

In the end, Kalia brought to the baby’s mouth the bottle that Latricia gave her. The baby rushed to the bottle, as if refusing breastfeeding.

“What’s the problem? Hm.”

Frustrated, she touched the tip of the boy’s nose as he bit the bottle. The child’s eyes opened at the touch and he looked at Kalia.josei

She smiled and tightly hugged her baby.

“Yes, eat and grow well.”

Grow strong and healthy.

At an excited whispering voice, the nanny, who was cleaning up the crib next to her, smiled and asked:

“You look happy. Did guests from earlier bring you good news?”


Speaking of guests who arrived early in the morning, Kalia’s blood relatives.

Kalia just laughed. Butterflies that she didn’t even know existed fluttered in her chest.

‘…But I am from the fairy clan. Gaia, no, should I call her mother now? No… I was told that she is not quite a mother. A piece of the soul, created from childhood memories.’

Despite this, Gaia instinctively recognized Kalia.

It was so strange, yet strangely heartbreaking.

Obviously Gaia hadn’t abandoned her.

‘Then why I was left in that alley?’

Kalia was engrossed in watching Sasha, who quickly emptied half of the bottle.

‘And why I don’t have a magic stone in my body? Is it because I’m half human?’

Half human.

It was said that Gaia fell in love with a human. And she disappeared.

‘I suppose Gaia followed my father?’

But… It’s impossible that the Fairy King, no, her grandfather, didn’t know.

‘Oh my God. Grandfather.’

It was strange, awkward and even embarrassing.

Although these were only her thoughts, which no one would ever know, Kalia felt her arms and legs clenched.

But when everything was revealed, Kalia couldn’t even call him Fairy King or Kalexia.

She had no choice but to get used to the word ‘grandfather’.

‘Anyway, Grandpa… it’s impossible that my mother’s father didn’t know the man she loved. But why didn’t he say anything? Is my father still alive?’

Remembering Kalexia’s words that he would return soon, Kalia decided to ask him about ‘father’.

Of course, she didn’t know if he could answer that.

“It’s me, Kalia.”

When Sasha was about to empty the bottle, Allen entered the room with the medicine for Kalia.

“Is everything okay?”

As soon as he arrived, he took the two’s temperatures and carefully checked on Kalia’s condition.

First, he asked the nanny, Hemmie and Kalia in detail about Sasha.

What was his crying voice like, did he cry a lot and did he toss and turn all night?

Kalia complained that Sasha didn’t drink her milk.

Allen laughed as though nothing had happened.

“Sometimes there are such children. Breastfeeding is harder than you think. Some babies prefer to drink from a bottle because the bottle is designed to be easy for the baby to suckle.”

“Really? But there are times when he feeds well on me. As nurses say, breast milk is best for babies.”

“Haha. Of course, there is nothing better than breast milk for the health of the baby, but don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that other milk is bad. Moreover, all the milk that Sasha drinks is specially prepared by me and tested for nutrients.”

Kalia wasn’t worried at all about Allen’s special milk.

She just had some regrets.

However, Allen said it was okay, which Kalia agreed with and replied that she understood.

Allen immediately switched his attention from Sasha to Kalia, monitoring her condition as well.

“Say ‘ahh’. The neck is not swollen. Good pulse, no temperature…”

Allen studied Kalia’s condition carefully, as if it couldn’t be any more fragile than it is now.

It’s amazing how he can do this without missing a day.

The baby is fine, but Allen laughed at Kalia’s question of why he was so worried about her.

“Is it just my job? For Miss Kalia and young master Sasha, this is the best I can do.” Hesitating, he continued, “Besides, I am a man, so I really don’t know the pain of childbirth. However, it was very surprising and touching to see that you survived this painful moment. No matter how much I went through it, my excitement never waned.”

Apparently, Allen was born to be a doctor.

Perhaps because there was a time when they cared for each other like family, Allen cared for Sasha with great love, like his own blood.

“So you’re all right? I need to get some rest until the herbs I ordered arrive.”

After finishing the inspection, Kalia, who was looking at him packing his medical equipment, suddenly caught his hand.


“Something strange is happening to me.”

Allen approached her, stunned by Kalia’s words, hesitant.

“What? What are you talking about exactly? Is this something really bad?”

“This is… Shall we go for a walk, Allen?”

* * *

“Yes? What did you mean?”

Next to the lord’s castle was a hill overlooking the sea.

A large tree in full bloom occupied the center of the hill, and below it were benches and rocking chairs made with rough hands.

Allen paused at Kalia’s words as he walked up the hill.

“Does the birth of a child break your heart? Do you feel that something is wrong with your heart?”

Hearing Allen’s serious question, Kalia also nodded with a serious face.

“There are times when my heart and pulse continue to beat randomly. I have a cold sweat… Sometimes my mouth and throat dry up.”

“Cold sweat and dry lips? Maybe it’s a problem with the blood vessels, or maybe it’s a real problem with the heart. However, no abnormalities were found during the examination.”

Allen stopped walking and thought seriously.

Kalia also bit her lip with a worried expression.

“Can you clarify something? Did it start happening right after giving birth?”

“Yes. Immediately after childbirth. But actually, I’m confused too… At first, I felt my heart pounding and pounding in my ribs. Sometimes I feel a little distracted and dizzy. And the most important thing…”

Kalia, who was explaining her symptoms like a high-speed pistol, glanced at Allen before speaking her last words.

Allen was baffled by her indecisiveness.

How severe were Kalia’s symptoms to make her so nervous? He had rarely seen Kalia hesitate so much.

“Good. Please be honest with me. So I can find out and help you.”

“Okay. I’ll be honest. I’ll say it.”

“Yes. Go ahead.”

“So, I…”

Whoo. Taking a deep breath Kalia looked directly at Allen and said as if she had come to a decision faster than before.

“I feel like I keep getting naughty thoughts.”

‘…Huh? Did I misheard?’

Allen blinked and looked up and down for a moment.

Of course, there was nothing there.

“I don’t know if I just heard it wrong, but could you repeat it?” With a slightly bewildered face, he politely asked Kalia.

“So, I have naughty thoughts all the time. To be precise, it was a bad feeling. As Mrs. McCanna said, it could be due to hormones during pregnancy. But it continues even after childbirth…”

“Yes?…Oh, yes. Hormones. Yeah, ho, hormones.”

Allen’s face turned pale, then flushed, and finally returned to its normal color.


He took a deeper breath than before and looked at Kalia.

His eyes were sincere.

He really cared about the condition of her body.

Allen calmly assessed Kalia’s condition.

“So you mean that your heart beats restlessly for a while, you feel dizzy and even feel mischievous?”

“Um. That’s right. All of this.”

“Doesn’t this happen every time in a certain pattern? For example, when someone is nearby or someone says something to you…”


Kalia looked at Allen as if she were seeing a ghost.

She knew her doctor was capable, but she never thought he would be that good.

Seeing her expression of admiration, Allen nodded with a face that could neither laugh nor cry.

“Yeah. Right.”

He looked up at the sky for a moment, then ran his hands over his forehead and looked down at the ground, then back up at the sky.


Kalia’s expression automatically hardened when she saw his serious look and deep breath.

Was it a bad sign that Allen reacted this way?


Swallowing dryly, Kalia made her decision.

‘Don’t be surprised by what you hear, and don’t worry.’

Finally Allen looked at Kalia.

“Miss Kalia.”

“Yes. Tell me.”

‘I’m ready to listen.’

Allen smiled at Kalia, who responded with a stern expression.

It was sad, sweet and funny.

How does a person who has never been in a relationship have a child?

Allen laughed hilariously and finally shook his head and had no choice but to say:

“This is a sign that you want to love someone. It’s normal, Kalia.”


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