The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066: 1066

"By the way, and this phone number, you can remember it, call her sometime, and ask her what is the relationship between Qin ting and her . . . "

While listening to Lin Jiayi read the numbers, the assistant quickly took out her mobile phone and recorded it .

"Mr . Lin, please remember . Is there anything else

Lin Jiayi first shook her head, and then, as if thinking of something, said: "by the way, today in the office, I'm talking to that gentleman about the specific content . Don't tell anyone about it . In addition, you should do all the things I ask you to do quietly . Don't let the wind out . "

"I see, Mr . Lin . "

After Lin Jiayi's words, the assistant saw that Lin Jiayi was leaning against her office chair and didn't speak again for a long time, so he asked: "Mr . Lin, if there is nothing else, we may need to start quickly, or we won't be able to catch up with the dinner . "

Lin Jiayi didn't seem to hear her assistant's words . She stared thoughtfully at the void and didn't respond .

The assistant moved her lips again, just ready to continue to remind Lin Jiayi, but she didn't say a word . Lin Jiayi suddenly raised her eyelids and glanced at her: "let's go . "

With that, Lin Jiayi stood up as if nothing had happened . She stepped on her high-heeled shoes and headed for the office door .

It's getting colder day by day .

At the end of November, Beijing had its first snow this winter .

It was a Saturday when my aunt had a rest . When she checked the inventory in the morning, she found that a lot of things were running out . In the afternoon, after cocoa woke up, she took advantage of the holiday to go shopping with cocoa .

In the nearby supermarket, just stroll around, it's two or three hours later . When the cold and warm and coco come out of the supermarket again, it's snowing outside .

Although the supermarket is not far away from home, but because bought a lot of things, and with cocoa, coupled with snow, cold or warm or stopped a taxi .

Soon, I got to the downstairs of my home . After paying the fare, Leng Nuan got out of the car with cocoa in his arms . Then he opened the trunk and carried out three big bags one by one .

Leng Nuan holds cocoa, and can't carry the bag into the building, so after the taxi leaves, Leng Nuan puts cocoa down: "cocoa will go by herself, will mom take things?"

Coco nodded obediently, followed the warm and cold bending movement, from the warm and cold arms, sliding to the ground .josei

Lengnuan carried two bags in one hand and one bag in the other . Because she bought a lot of daily necessities, some of which were heavy, she had some difficulty in carrying them . After coco saw it, she went around lengnuan, and then took a bag of diapers from inside: "Mom, I'll help you with it . "

"Coco is so good . . . " Leng Nuan praised cocoa, and then took cocoa to the building . But before two steps, a black car suddenly stopped in front of them .

Before he could respond to the cold and warmth, coco threw the diaper in her arms on the ground and ran to the car: "Dad, Dad . . . "

With Coco's voice settled, the driver's door was pushed open, and Lu Ben came down from inside .

Leng Nuan wanted to shout coco to pick up the diaper on the ground . When she saw Lu Ben, she suddenly stopped at her mouth .

Reuben took a look at Leng Nuan . Then he bent over and picked up coco, who had thrown himself in front of him and hugged his thigh .

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