The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Still Nothing
Gu Yuxuan hung up hurriedly. “Dear classmates, I’m truly sorry. I have some urgent matter to attend to, so I’ll take my leave first. Hope to meet you all again someday.”

Gu Yuxuan was just about to turn and leave when a big hand tugged at her elbow. She frowned and turned to see who it was with her face plastered with anxiety and confusion.

“Did you just say over the phone that Yun Muxi is missing? What’s going on?”

Yao Zhenhao’s hand was tugging at her arm as he looked at her with a desire for answers. Gu Yuxuan glanced at him and was just about to explain when she realized that he was not the only one looking at her with pleading eyes. The gaze of several other males was also fixated on her.

Gu Yuxuan could not help but sigh to herself. “This Xiao Xi is so attractive! The guys all look like they’re gonna pounce on me just to find out the answer.”

Gu Yuxuan pushed Yao Zhenhao’s hand away and coughed softly. “Um, I’ll explain to you all if I have the chance to do so in the future. I really have to go right now.”

“Then let me go with you. If you can’t find her, it will be easier if there’re more people to help.”

Yao Zhenhao’s face was full of anticipation to be invited to help. Several other pairs of eyes had the same glimpse of hope in them. The rest of them nodded along.

Gu Yuxuan explained hastily, “Um, thank you all for your kindness but there’s really no need. I think Xiao Xi has already returned home. Her phone… yes, she probably didn’t hear her phone, which is why they thought she’s missing. I’ll just pop by her house to take a look.”

After finishing her sentence, Gu Yuxuan ran out as if she was on the escape. The shouts and cries behind her were all ignored.

Gu Yuxuan headed to the school straight away. Indeed, the car and bodyguard that followed Yun Muxi were waiting outside.

Gu Yuxuan ran towards them and asked while short of breath, “That, that… Xiao Xi… what’s, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Gu Yuxuan rushing over, the driver, who was so nervous he could burst into tears any moment, started explaining in great fear, “We arranged a time with Miss Yun and have been waiting here since then. But an hour has passed and she has yet to come out. Her phone was turned off when we tried to call her. We really have no clue what to do, so we called Big Master…”

“What? Xiao Xi hasn’t arrived? But when we separated, she said that she’ll look for you guys and go home. It has already been an hour since then.”

The more Gu Yuxuan thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. Yun Muxi was never the type to do things out of the blue. If she was held back by other matters, she would definitely notify the driver. However, not only did she not call, her phone was even turned off. Gu Yuxuan could not help but think towards the bad side.

“Exactly! It’s been so long! We still can’t reach Miss Yun. We’ve just called Big Master and he said that he’s on his way.”

“Xiao Xi always knows what she’s doing. If there’s something, she’ll call you guys. She wouldn’t leave you guys hanging for no reason. Could something have happened to her?”

“Miss Gu, you’re close to Miss Yun. Can you think of where she’ll usually go or who she’ll look for? Is there anywhere on this campus that she loved to go?”

“Here? Xiao Xi usually goes home straight away after class. Other than the classrooms, she hasn’t been to anywhere else, not even the canteen. Where could she possibly go? If she had stepped out of the school gate, you guys would definitely have seen her.”

“Then where could Miss Yun have possibly gone? I cannot let anything happen to her! What are we gonna do if we trigger Big Master!”

“Yes, I’ll call and check with the professor to see if she went to visit him.”

Gu Yuxuan then took out her phone and dialed Professor Wang’s number. After the call, Gu Yuxuan panicked even more. The teachers were having a meal together too. Almost all the teachers who have taught Yun Muxi were present, so she was definitely not with any of her teachers or professors. Since they had a class gathering too, it meant that everyone who was acquainted with Yun Muxi was not with her at the moment.

After she hung up, a shiny black Bentley pulled to a sudden halt right in front of her. Murong Ye got off the car, emitting a strong cold aura. He walked up to Gu Yuxuan and asked, “What happened to Xiao Xi?”

Gu Yuxuan saw that Murong Ye was quite tensed. She answered softly and fearfully, “The graduation ceremony ended an hour ago. Our class had a dinner party but Xiao Xi said that she didn’t want to attend and wanted to go home directly. I walked her out but halfway there she said she’ll go on her own. She told me to go back and join our classmates and said that there’s no need to look after her, she’ll just walk out of the gate, get on the car and go home. So I went back and joined the dinner party.”

“How dare you leave Xiao Xi alone and go to the dinner party on your own? “Murong Ye’s words were extremely cold as if they had just been fished out of frozen water. Gu Yuxuan could not help but tremble in fear.

“Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that something like this would happen. If I did, I would have definitely walked her out and only leave after I saw her get on the car,” Gu Yuxuan explained in fear. She kept her head down and did not dare to look at Murong Ye.

“Is there any place on campus that Xiao Xi could have gone?”

“…” Gu Yuxuan remained silent and shook her head.

“Then is there any other exits out of the campus?”

“…” Gu Yuxuan remained silent and shook her head again.

“Then does Xiao Xi have enemies or something like that on campus?”

“…” Gu Yuxuan still remained silent and shook her head.

Murong Ye was getting annoyed at Gu Yuxuan. He was on the verge of strangling this woman who could only shake her head. He clenched his fist tightly, murmured a curse and punched the car with his fist. The impact created a deep dent. The driver was terrified at the scene and started shaking like a sieve being used to sift flour.

Gu Yuxuan’s voice trembled as she asked, “Then… what do we do now?”

“Take me to the monitoring room. Let’s take a look at the monitors and see if we can find something.”

Gu Yuxuan nodded immediately and led him inside the campus.

In University Z’s monitoring room.

The Head of Security led the other security guards on duty to stand in a row with their heads lowered. They did not even dare to make their breathing sound heard. Murong Ye furrowed his brows and pulled a black face as he stood nervously in front of the monitors searching for traces of Yun Muxi.

At this moment, the door was pushed open and the Principal came in hurriedly. “Master Murong, thank you for gracing us with your presence. Is anything wrong?”

Murong Ye did not even turn around. He answered coldly, “Looking for someone.”

“Looking for someone?” The confused Principal looked at the Head of Security.

The latter quickly explained softly, “It’s like this, after the graduation ceremony today, a student from the School of Communication said that she wants to go home, but she did not leave the campus and is now unreachable.”

“What? There’s such a thing? Could she have gone somewhere else?”

Gu Yuxuan explained, “Principal, Xiao Xi will not run around like that. She has always been accountable for, she will not go somewhere else without informing. Besides, there’s no other place in the school that she can go.”

“Xiao Xi? Are you talking about the genius Yun Muxi from the School of Communication?”

“Yes, that’s Xiao Xi.”

“Then how are you guys sure that she’s missing on campus? What if she had gone off to find other classmates or teachers?”

“I am the only friend that Xiao Xi has in school. I’ve also called all the teachers to check with them. The teachers have a gathering today and those who’ve taught us are all there. No one has seen her.”


The Principal lowered his head as he started to think and did not ask any more questions. “I didn’t expect this Yun Muxi to be capable of alarming Murong Ye. Seems like she has quite a connection.” This matter must be dealt with urgently and the possibility of an accident happening in school must be ruled out. Otherwise, he might lose his job.

While thinking, Murong Ye spoke again in an icy-cold tone, “We are now sure that Xiao Xi did not leave through the school gate. After she left Xuanxuan, she did walk towards the gate. But there are no cameras behind, so we do not know what has happened to her. We can only check each camera one by one and see if she appeared anywhere else.”

The Principal lifted his head and looked at the monitors in amazement. The huge screen was filled with numerous split screens. It was too dazzling for the eye. It was his first time realizing that monitoring was such a difficult job.

In the next two hours, they all checked through all of the footage. Since there were quite a number of dead corners in many parts of the campus, not all places had security cameras installed. Hence, they were unable to find Yun Muxi’s trace at all.

“Seems like this person is familiar with the campus and has completely avoided all the cameras.” Murong Ye analyzed the situation calmly while looking at the monitor.

The Principal argued, “Master Murong, how did you conclude that she was brought away by someone else and did not wander off on her own?” He really hoped that Yun Muxi did not get into an accident on campus. He even imagined her to be looking at the scenery while sitting in a corner or meeting someone else.

Murong Ye shot an icy-cold stare at the Principal. He saw through his intentions completely. An accident happened in his school yet he was trying to push away the responsibility. Seemed like it was time to change a Principal.

The Principal received Murong Ye’s shot of icy-cold stare. His heart shriveled and his legs became so weak he almost ended up on his knees.

The Principal quickly instructed the Head of Security, “Mr. Liu, why aren’t you bringing your men to search around the campus yet? You have to look at every nook and cranny and make sure you find Yun Muxi, you hear me?”

The Head of Security replied immediately, “Yes sir, I’ll arrange it right away.”

“Make sure you do. You have to be involved in the search as well. Make sure all hands are on deck. There is no time to waste, you must start now. I’m giving you guys three hours to find her.”

“Three hours? That’s too long!” Murong Ye scolded in his icy-cold voice.

What a joke. Yun Muxi had already been missing for more than three hours, yet there was still no information on her whereabouts. If they were to wait for another three more hours, god knew what would happen to her.josei

The Principal wiped away his cold sweat quickly. “Two hours! Mr. Liu, I’m giving you only two hours!”

“One hour!” Murong Ye ordered before the Principal even finished speaking. There was no doubt in his words! Giving them one hour was already his maximum limit.

The Head of Security looked up at Murong Ye and mustered the courage to say, “But, the campus is so big. One hour is impossible!”

Meanwhile, the Head of Security could not help but complain to himself, “This dude has got to be kidding!” Even if he were to work until he died, he would not be able to look through the whole campus in just one hour. Why not just fire him already? That would be faster.

Murong Ye’s icy-cold stare pierced through his eyes and landed at the Head of Security. “Are you questioning my order? If you can’t complete this task, you don’t have to come to work tomorrow! Don’t test my patience.”

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