The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 I Will Do Anything to Help You
After hearing that speech, Murong Ye’s face instantly turned more gloomy, with a glimpse of coldness flickered in his eyes.


“It’s the Lians.”

“The Lians?”

“Yes. The Lians seemed to have investigated on Miss Yun and Little Miss Niannian.”

“Humph! Little Three, go to check for me! Let me know as soon as you find something.” Murong Ye paused for a moment and then continued saying, “Little Two, make an appointment for me with Master Bao right now. I need to meet him first. Little Five, keep Xiao Xi well-protected. I won’t let her be hurt anymore.”

“Yes, Master.”

The three of them then withdrew from the ward. Soon afterwards, only Murong Qingtian and Murong Ye remained in the ward.

Murong Ye pondered for a moment. Then he turned to Murong Qingtian and said, “Father, we must hurry up to let Xiao Xi get back to our family and recognize her as a Murong. Otherwise, I am worried that there are too many people plotting against her.”josei

Murong Qingtian tapped his finger on the arm of the chair and remained silent for a moment. Then he asked, “You have been meeting with Xiao Xi for many times recently. How does she think about this plan now?”

“To be honest, I have talked to Xiao Xi about this plan before. I guess the biggest problem should still be the issue on her mind. It should be much easier if we can deal with this issue.”

“Oh? What issue?”

“Well, Xiao Xi was adopted by her foster parents from an early age. Her foster parents regarded her as their own child. She didn’t know that she was not their own child until her foster father died, so she was still deeply connected with her foster parents. Her foster mother died young and her foster father also passed away at a relatively early age. All these made Xiao Xi a very insecure person. Later, she learned that her biological mother died just after she was born, which meant that most of her closest relatives left her too early. In addition, a lot of things happened recently. For example, Gong Yu had a car accident and then the same happened to Mou Yichen, who even lost his memory because of the accident, and then Niannian got sick. She thought that she was unfortunate, which made her worry that she would bring bad luck to more people. This is also one of the reasons why she refused to return to Murong Family.”

“Humph! I hadn’t expected that a girl at her age would be so superstitious.”

“It’s not all her fault. It is someone else who had said such things to her before. That’s why she would think in such a way.”

“Oh? Who? Who dares to judge a Murong?”

“It’s Mou Yichen’s mother. At first, Mou Yichen’s mother said so in order not to let her join Mou Family.”

“Humph! Just a family like the Mous! How dare they treat a Murong like that!”

“So, father, I think it is necessary to solve the issue on Xiao Xi’s mind, which will, naturally, make Xiao Xi’s returning to Murong Family more smooth.”

“Then what do you plan to do now?”

“Since it is about superstition, definitely, we need to solve it in a superstitious way. I’m going to take Xiao Xi to Lingyin Temple to ask Master Wanghai for advice about her future and fortune.”

“Well, it’s up to you how to arrange! Get this settled as soon as possible. We can’t let Xiao Xi drifting away from her family. Only returning to her family can provide her with better support, so that those people dare not hurt her at all.”


At the villa in the countryside.

Lian Can rushed back anxiously from the outside. She hurried into the room, even ignoring to change her shoes. She said, “Tianxin, is that you? Are you involved in what happened to Yun Muxi and Niannian?”

Jia Tianxin was sitting on the Chinese-style chaise lounge, reading a book. When she heard Lian Can’s question, she put down the book, looked up at Lian Can, who was rushing in from the door, and said, “You’ve come back, Can’er?”

“Tianxin, is that you who did that?”

“What if it is me, or what if not?” Jia Tianxin replied as if nothing had happened. While speaking, Jia Tianxin got up and took Lian Can’s backpack from her hand and put it on the table beside them.

“I knew it was you! Why can’t you be more patient and calm? Do you know that now Murong Ye has used all his power to investigate? You should release Niannian immediately, otherwise, I can’t take the consequences for you.”

“Haha, so what? I can deal with it on my own if you can’t help me.”

“Deal with it on your own? It’s easy for you to say that. How can you deal with it? If Murong Ye finds out the truth about what had happened, you will be dead.”

“So what? I have nothing to fear. If there is someone who will be buried with me, then I don’t worry about losing my life.”

“Tianxin, listen to me. Don’t make any rash moves. Or consequently, you will be very miserable.”

“Can’er, I know all you said is good for me, but it is my only wish for the rest of my life. I really can’t wait any more, even just for a moment.”

“Tianxin, how can you be so stubborn? Haven’t I told you that I would help you? But we still need to wait for a more suitable time. We will not move until success is certain. But if you act rashly like this and once you fail, we will never have another chance!”

“Why do you define my act as rash? Till now, Murong Ye still doesn’t know that I did all these. I know what I am doing.”

“Tianxin, you are still too naive. You’ve underestimated Murong Ye too much.”

“Haha, I really don’t care. Anyway, I am just like this. If I can let that woman and her children die with me, my death will be worthy.”

“What are you talking about?” Lian Can shouted at Jia Tianxin with some annoyance, “You are mine now and your life is mine as well. I will not allow you to belittle yourself like this. Jia Tianxin, I tell you, in this life, if I don’t allow you to die, you must stay alive at my command.”

Lian Can became more and more excited while speaking, and she finally burst into tears.

Jia Tianxin looked at Lian Can, who was crying bitterly, and she felt a pain in her heart. She thought that, now, in this world, Lian Can was the only one who adored her, loved her and cared about her so much. Jia Tianxin hugged Lian Can with her arms so tightly as if she was to rub her into her bone marrow.

“Can’er, I’m sorry! If I can let the mother and daughter pay the price they deserve this time and I can find a way out successfully, I promise I will love you with all my heart, never worry you, and give you my whole life.”

Lian Can raised her head and looked at Jia Tianxin with tears in her eyes. The woman in front of her used to make her fear. She never thought that Jia Tianxin would refuse in such a way—she determined to burn bridges when dealing with this matter.

Lian Can kept crying. Her tears made Jia Tianxin felt painful. Jia Tianxin bowed her head and kissed Lian Can’s lip, pecking it and tasting it slightly, as soft as treating rare treasures. A trace of salty tears dropped into her mouth, instantly melting like bitter medicine in the mouth, straight to the bottom of her heart.

Jia Tianxin looked for the tear-stained parts of Lian Can’s cheek and kissed away the teardrops one by one. Lian Can’s crying stopped gradually. She experienced Jia Tianxin’s tender care and pity. Then she hugged Jia’s sweetheart’s neck, leaned over her lips, and pecked Jia Tianxin’s salty and bitter lips.

The salty and bitter taste in the mouth, accompanied by the bitterness in the heart, made them, even more, indulge in this sweet kiss as if only in this way could the bitterness in the heart be washed away.

Lian Can kissed Jia Tianxin, more unwilling to leave, and Jia Tianxin responded with more tenderness. The two were immersed in such self-forgetful intoxicating feelings. Such a romantic relationship, being rejected by the world, had grown out of control gradually, which was even more precious and sincere than the love between most people.

After a long, long period of time, the two reluctantly left each other’s lips. Lian Can tossed and turned uncontrollably back to Jia Tianxin’s lips, pecking again and again, as if she could never leave.

Jia Tianxin hugged Lian Can and sat down on the Chinese-style chaise lounge, letting Lian Can rest comfortably on her shoulder and stroking Lian Can’s long hair.

Lian Can asked dryly, “Tianxin, if I ask you to give up revenge for me, how would you choose?”

Jia Tianxin felt a faint pain in her heart for an instant, which made it difficult for her to answer. How to choose? It seemed to her that this seemingly simple question was just like the favorite question between lovers: if your mother and I fell into the river at the same time, who would you choose to save first? Both of the questions were hard to answer and difficult to make the choice. She really wanted to say loudly, “Of course, I will choose you”. However, when the words came to her lips, she could hardly get the words out because she couldn’t just let her revenge go. Revenge had almost become the incentive to live. If she gave up the idea of revenge, it seemed that she would lose the reason to live. Yet Lian Can’s appearance had broken this single path, which gave her other choices and a person who was as difficult to give up as the idea of revenge.

Lian Can didn’t receive Jia Tianxin’s answer for a long time, which made the bitterness in her heart stronger and richer. She laughed at herself for asking such a stupid question. Nothing should be more important than revenge in Jia Tianxin’s mind. Otherwise, how could she even not care about her own life!

Lian Can chuckled, sat up and walked to the door in a lonely way. Jia Tianxin saw such scene and she wanted to stop Lian Can, but the words stuck in her throat and she could not even utter a syllable.

When Lian Can walked to the door, she paused and said, “Since this is your choice, I will do whatever it takes to help you.”

After she said that, Lian Can opened the door and went out, coldly shutting the door behind her.

At that moment when the door was closed, Jia Tianxin felt that what had been closed was not only a door, but also she and Lian Can’s future.

Maybe if she were less stubborn, or maybe she could put down her obsession, then she and Lian Can could lead a very happy life. Even if all people did not bless them and all rejected their relationship, they could live happily with their love. It was she who made their feelings no longer pure and it was she who even made a bet on their future. As Lian Can had said, if they failed this time, they would never have the chance to turn over again and perhaps they would die very ugly at the hands of Murong Ye.

Jia Tianxin covered her cheeks with her hands, silently weeping.


An underground bar in the city centre.

Murong Ye pushed the door and entered into a private room with his usual sense of coldness and gloom.

A bald man with a ferocious scar on his face was sitting in the middle, surrounded by two beautiful women with fabulous and sexy figures. Six husky fellows were standing next to them.

“Yo, Master Murong, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Murong Ye, nodding cold-facedly, replied solemnly, “Master Bao.”

“Haha, I’ve invited you, Master Murong, several times and you just didn’t come. It is really rare today that Master Murong is willing to have a gathering with me, Master Bao! Such a great honor.”

“Master Bao, you’ve been too polite.”

Murong Ye found a place to sit down nearby.

Master Bao’s sidekicks rushed forward to Murong Ye, pouring him a glass of wine, and putting it in front of him.

Master Bao gave a sign to the two women at his side. And then the two of them hastily walked to Murong Ye, twisting their waists and leaning over towards Murong Ye. Murong Ye frowned slightly, waving them away with kind of distaste. A shade of coldness flashed in his eyes.

The two women froze in the spot at once. Master Bao saw that and thus he waved to the two women to let them get out first.

The two women looked at Master Bao with some reluctance. It was rare for them to catch a big customer, so they were unwilling to be kicked out like this. Master Bao was willing to spend money on women. If they could satisfy the customer, they could get piles of money, which made it quite a good job.

Master Bao shouted at them coldly, “Get out.”

Two women gave Murong Ye an angry stare. Since in their positions, it was completely impossible to know the identity of Murong Ye, so, naturally, they didn’t know that Murong Ye was far more powerful than Master Bao.

After the door was closed, Master Bao smiled gently and asked, “Master Murong, why would you like to meet me today?”

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