The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Chapter 130 If You Want to See Your Daughter Alive
Yun Muxi gasped, all she could feel was Gong Yu. Such an attractive and ambiguous atmosphere made her flustered in no time. She did not dare to move. If not paying enough attention, they would touch each other’s lips. She was even a little bit nervous. Although it was not the first time for her to kiss Gong Yu, at the moment, she felt that, as if this was her first kiss. Her heartbeat raced and her cheek flushed red, like a teenage girl.

With corners of his lips upward slightly, Gong Yu pecked at Yun Muxi’s lips and then raised his head. He stood back up and went to the bathroom to put away the hair dryer.

Yun Muxi got up and picked up the cup on the tea table. After having gulped down half a cup of water, she barely pulled herself together and recovered from fluster.

Gong Yu walked out of the bathroom and said flatly, “Go to bed early. I will go to Lingyin Temple with you early tomorrow morning.”

“Lingyin Temple?” Yun Muxi stunned slightly. Then she immediately recalled that Murong Ye had also said that he would take her to Lingyin Temple. Then Yun Muxi said hastily, “I thought you have work to do tomorrow, haven’t you? Besides, I don’t want to go to Lingyin Temple. Let’s forget it.”

“Brother Seven just called me, saying that tomorrow’s work was canceled. So I can stay with you these two days.”

“Oh, if you don’t have to work, then you should have a good rest. You look so tired these days. Why don’t you take a rest while there is no work to do? I want to visit Niannian tomorrow. I haven’t seen her for days. I’m kind of missing her.”

Yun Muxi said all these without realizing anything wrong but Gong Yu suddenly froze. Soon Gong Yu returned to normal. Yun Muxi found nothing strange about Gong Yu.

“Your brother has already arranged everything. I must complete the task he assigned. And he said that it was very difficult to make an appointment with Master Wanghai so we’d better keep the appointment. Believe it or not, we’d better go there. It’s settled. I’ll take you to Lingyin Temple early tomorrow morning. Now you should go to bed early.” Gong Yu said simply, but in a determined way, allowing of no deny.

Yun Muxi looked at Gong Yu, who was now arranging everything for her, she suddenly felt dazed, as if she had seen Prince Yu again. It seemed to her that she had not seen Gong Yu like this.

Gong Yu came up to her with a faint smile. Gently rubbing the top of Yun Muxi’s head, he said, “Well, go to bed now! You should go to bed earlier since you need to rest for two persons.”

After saying that, Gong Yu reached out his hands and picked up Yun Muxi without struggling. Suddenly being suspended, Yun Muxi exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

Gong Yu chuckled and strode towards the big bed, putting Yun Muxi on the bed gently. Although Gong Yu’s movements were very gentle, after all these, the bath towel wrapped around Yun Muxi’s body had slipped down, loosely hanging on her body, revealing more of the beautiful scenery…

Yun Muxi was shocked, hurriedly put her arms around her chest while Gong Yu also felt kind of unnatural. Although he was now overwhelmed by Niannian, not in the mood to do something with Yun Muxi that, the creature in front of him was just too attractive. This was the person he was fond of, crazy about, and thinking of all the time. How could he be still, with no response at all?

Gong Yu’s heartbeat accelerated, with a faint hot flame rising from his underbelly. He couldn’t help but look at the most attractive place.

Yun Muxi stammered, “Wh-where, are you looking?”

While saying, Yun Muxi stretched out her hand to pull the bath towel, trying to cover the important part, but she didn’t realize that the bath towel was messy now. If she pulled the upper part, her body would come out below, vice versa. Yun Muxi’s clumsy movements made Gong Yu chuckle.

Gong Yu suddenly stretched out his hands to take the bath towel from Yun Muxi and then pulled up the quilt to cover her.

“That’s better. Stop showing your body. Otherwise, I can’t help being seduced by you, no matter how good my self-control is.”

“Wh-who tempts you! It is you who watched something you shouldn’t watch!”

Gong Yu leaned forward and put his head close to Yun Muxi’s ear. He said, “Oh? Didn’t you mean to show them to me? Just now I had seen someone staring at my lips, unwilling to move her eyes. That expression is so ambiguous…”

Yun Muxi patted Gong Yu on his head to let him leave and then she pulled up the quilt to tuck her head into it.

Chuckling, Gong Yu stood up and walked out of the room. The moment the door of the room was closed, the usual cold expression was immediately restored on his face.

Gong Yu went straight back to the guest room. After closing the door, he walked to the French window, took out his cell phone and rang Brother Seven.

The phone rang for a long time before Brother Seven picked it up. He said, “Hey, Gong Yu, why are you still awake so late? There’s still an advertisement to be filmed early tomorrow morning.”

Gong Yu looked out of the window and said coldly, “Brother Seven, cancel the two-day trip. Please check the latest movements of Ding Sisi.”

After hearing his words, Brother Seven burst out in anger. He said, “Hey, Gong Yu, you can’t be so willful. Do you know how hard it is for me to get this advertisement for you? You have never taken an advertisement before. They were not very satisfied with you in the beginning. It took me a lot of effort to win it for you. Now you just want to cancel it! You should know that once you do this, you will never have any chance to film this advertisement. Such a precedent might also influence you in the future if you want to take other commercial advertisements. Do you understand or not?”

“I know.” Gong Yu said calmly, as if nothing had happened.

“You know! Then why do you still ask me to cancel now that you know? Are you crazy?” Brother Seven was still growling on the other side, with his hair being messed up by himself. His bed was in a worse condition since he had been hitting the bed as if it were Gong Yu.

“Murong Ye will arrange it, so you don’t have to worry. Murong Ye has other arrangements for me, so he will pave the way for the cancellation of the filming of advertisement tomorrow.”

“Murong Ye? Shit, then why didn’t you say that earlier! If you had told me, then I wouldn’t be crazy about you.” Hearing Gong Yu say Murong Ye would handle this took a load off Brother Seven’s mind in a split second. Then his voice turned, once strident, to a normal and stable volume.

“I will be with Xiao Xi these two days, so don’t arrange any work for me. In addition, please check whether there is any news of Ding Sisi for me as soon as possible.”

“Xiao Xi? Isn’t Xiao Xi found today, is she? Besides, why do you want me to investigate Ding Sisi? She had been disappeared for a long time.”

“Niannian has been missing as well.” When saying this, Gong Yu’s voice was so cold that even Brother Seven who was at the other end of the mobile phone shuddered.

“Niannian is missing too? So you suspect that Ding Sisi did it?”

“Just out of my intuition! That woman has done similar things before.”

“Well, I’ll check it for you as soon as possible.”

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Brother Seven suddenly asked, “Well, hasn’t the Murong family started to investigate?”

“They have already started the investigation, but there is still no progress. I don’t want to sit still and wait.”

“Well, I see.”


The next day came. When the earliest suspicion of dawn appeared, Yun Muxi was still sleeping.

The three forces had already started to take action.

Murong Ye stayed up all night. Just lying down in the lounge in the inner office, the door was knocked.

Murong Ye sat up and called lightly, “Come in.”

Little Two came in and said, “Big Master, there has been new progress concerning the Lians. Miss Lian has secretly mobilized some troops. It seems that there is something going on. In addition, there was news from Master Bao. Among the men of his subordinate Xiao Wu, besides Du Biao, there was also a man named Chen Lei who did not appear yesterday. Someone said that he received a large list too. Later, I checked the hospital surveillance video with Master Bao’s men and confirmed that it was indeed Chen Lei, one of Master Bao’s men. However, neither Master Bao nor Xiao Wu knew about this, so they did not know where Chen Lei had taken Niannian to. Now Master Bao’s men are also trying to contact Chen Lei. “Besides, Master Bao has already indicated his attitude. If Chen Lei were caught, Master Bao would definitely not protect his man and would give full power to you, Big Master.”

“Keep searching. Niannian must be taken back today, safe and sound.”


Little Two was about to go out when he turned around again and said, “Big Master, do you want to sleep for a while? I’ll have someone prepare breakfast for you, and you can eat it when you wake up.”

Murong Ye nodded and looked at Little Two as he leaving the lounge. Murong Ye’s mind wandering for a few seconds before his cell phone rang. He looked down at the caller ID, frowning, and picked it up in a hasty way.


“Xiao Ye, I’ve got clues of where Niannian is. She is in Eastern Suburb Farm.”

Murong Qingtian’s hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone. Murong Ye knew that his father must have stayed up all night as well. He always had a hoarse voice after staying up late. At the moment, Murong Qingtian showed deep tiredness in his voice.

“Okay, I know. I’ll take care of the rest. You’d better to bed now. When you wake up, I promise I would have brought Niannian back.”

Hanging up the phone, Murong Ye quickly got up, washing his face in the toilet. He hurried to the Eastern Suburb Farm with Little Two and others.


Gong Yu had a sleepless night. The sky was still hazy when Brother Seven called him.

“Gong Yu, I found out that after her indecent photos taken on streets were made public, Ding Sisi almost lost all her money in order to pay off all kinds of liquidated damages. Later, she went to South Korea alone. In South Korea, one of my sisters encountered her. My sister went to South Korea to have her nose trimmed. She met Ding Sisi in that plastic surgery hospital. Ding Sisi should have had plastic surgery in South Korea. But no other information could be found after that. There is no record of her returning to China. However, I still don’t know whether now she is in South Korea or not. Also, I don’t know whether she had started a new life anonymously after taking the surgery.”josei

Gong Yu had to admire Brother Seven for this since he always could find a lot of things that others couldn’t through his own information sources. Gong Yu estimated that not even Murong Ye could find such information.

“Okay, I know! You must be tired, Brother Seven. I suspect that Ding Sisi has sneaked back to China. Please continue the investigation for me and let me know if there is any new information.”

Hanging up the phone, Gong Yu glanced out of the window. It had been light already. After a while, it would be time for Yun Muxi to get up.

Gong Yu tidied up himself and went out to buy breakfast for Yun Muxi.

However, Gong Yu did not know that at the moment he went out, Yun Muxi was awakened from her sleep by her mobile phone ring tone.

Yun Muxi picked up the phone sleepily. With a languid voice, she asked, “Hello?”

From the other end of the mobile phone came a familiar voice of a woman. She said, “Yun Muxi, if you want to see your daughter alive, then come to the Eastern Suburb Farm.”

Yun Muxi instantly woke up. She sat up suddenly, with her eyes wide open. She asked, “Who are you? Why Niannian is with you?”

“Little girl, say hello to your mommy!”

And then came the cry of Niannian from the other end of the mobile phone. Niannian said, “Mommy, I am so scared. I want mommy…”

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