The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Doomed
However, Yun Muxi pulled the trigger faster than the man did. After an astonishing shot, a bullet burst out of the gun and rushed forward, straight into the man’s arm.

The man was attacked by the sharp pain and tilted to one side. The bullet from his gun hit the ground directly, and the gun fell to the ground.

Jia Tianxin, who was not far from him, had evoked an evil smile. However, her smile also instantly froze on her face, with a strange expression which was twisted and ferocious.

Lian Can looked at Yun Muxi in horror. She had never thought that Yun Muxi would shoot, nor had she expected that Yun Muxi was better at shooting than the man who was proficient with guns. Yun Muxi was faster, more accurate and more relentless.

As a participant, the man was even more shocked. The little woman in front of him was indeed not to be underestimated. He had looked down upon her. But the sharp pain in his arm made him clearly aware that they had lost all the advantages.

The three men behind him had always regarded him as their eldest brother, and they believed him sincerely. They did not expect that he would be defeated by this little woman.

In fact, it was not because the man was not as skilled as Yun Muxi. He was retired from the army and was among the best in all kinds of training when he was in the army. But now the loss was actually only because he took his enemy too lightly.

Yun Muxi held the gun in both hands, and moved toward the gate step by step, taking the men as the axis centre. Her eyes were fixed on the several people unblinkingly.

The man held his injured arm in one hand. Blood on his arm had dyed the whole hand. Drops of blood were flowing towards the ground, which had been dyed red. The man also glared at Yun Muxi angrily, moved slowly following Yun Muxi’s steps, with a furtive glance at the pistol on the ground.

Jia Tianxin suddenly ordered, “The four of you catch her for me. Don’t let her run away.”

The man suddenly lowered himself to pick up the gun on the ground, but before his hand touched the gun, Yun Muxi hit the gun with a bullet, which bounced back and hit the man’s face.

In an instant, a blood mark was left on the man’s right cheek. With a burning pain hitting him, the man frowned, cursing in a low voice, and lift his eyes, giving Yun Muxi the cold stare.

At the same time, Yun Muxi had moved in the direction, facing the gate. She was holding a gun. With all the cells on high alert, she stepped backwards.

Jia Tianxin growled when she saw this, “A bunch of trash!”

Then, ignoring the bruises on her ankle, Jia Tianxin came with a rush toward Yun Muxi, hopping. Lian Can dashed to help Jia Tianxin when she saw this. Jia Tianxin flung Lian Can to the ground with a hard push.

Although Jia Tianxin’s ankle was injured, she still managed to move at relatively high speed. Maybe it was because she was really anxious. She was about to approach Yun Muxi within a few steps.

After seeing this, Yun Muxi tilted the gun in her hand slightly aside and gave another shot to Jia Tianxin’s thigh.

Jia Tianxin was shot in the leg. She stumbled and fell to the ground. Lian Can saw that and she rushed to Jia Tianxin clumsily, almost rolling and crawling on the ground. She cursed and said, “Yun Muxi, are you crazy? How dare you shoot?”

“I have no choice. It is you that drove me to do this,” said Yun Muxi with a sneer.

Yun Muxi continued to move slowly toward the gate step by step, paying close attention to these people in front of her.

As a little child, Niannian was so scared that she had already covered her ears and closed her eyes, lying on the back of Yun Muxi, shivering. Yun Muxi was keenly aware of what had happened on her back, moving outward a little bit faster.

However, at this moment, the sound of cars came closer and closer outside the door. It seemed that there was more than one car.

The sound made Yun Muxi suddenly felt quite nervous. She wondered whether it would be their backups. If they were, then she was definitely doomed. She barely managed to cope with these few people. If more people came here, she would surely die here today.

Jia Tianxin curved her lips in an evil way. She smiled and said, “Hum, our people are here now. So you can stop dreaming of escaping from your destiny today. I will let you leave your life here today.”

Yun Muxi frowned at Jia Tianxin’s smile and felt it particularly offending. She said, “Jia Tianxin, why do you hate me so much since I haven’t offended you?”

Jia Tianxin chuckled and looked at Yun Muxi with her eyebrows raised. She looked evil like an evil spirit. She said, “Oh, you said you hadn’t offended me? There has been a quite long story between you and me and there is a historic enmity between us. I will devote the rest of my life to revenge against you. Unless you die, then I can close my eyes.”josei

Yun Muxi stared at her and saw a trace of familiarity in her face, but it was only a flash. Yun Muxi continued to say, “But I don’t remember when did I offend you? And it seems that we have never met before.”

Jia Tianxin was also very alert and she said coldly, “Yun Muxi, keep quiet. Today, you must leave your life here. You can keep the rest of the nonsense, take them with you into the hell, and talk with the King of Hell.”

Yun Muxi still refused to give up. She still desired to get more useful information from Jia Tianxin, so she kept asking, “Is that you who had done all the previous things? Writing the letter in blood, kidnapping Xuanxuan, arranging a car accident of Gong Yu and Yichen’s family accident?”

Jia Tianxin’s face grew colder when she heard this. She replied, “Yes, it’s me. I wanted to have fun with you at the beginning and slowly consumed you. Who would have thought that suddenly you have Murong Ye beside you? It’s true that a bitch would always live longer, though disgracefully.”

Before Yun Muxi could continue her dialogue with Jia Tianxin, the gate was opened from outside, and a row of figures stood at the gate against the light, looking at the situation inside the gate.

Yun Muxi quickly turned her eyes and looked at them. Since they were standing against the light, she failed to recognize their identity at first sight. However, just during the gap when she was distracted and carefully trying to identify them, the person at the gate quickly pulled out a gun from the waist, aiming at the direction of Yun Muxi, and pulled the trigger quickly. The shot was done in one smooth motion, quick and decisive. Before Yun Muxi had time to think over, a bullet had been flying over her ears, roaring, and hit the man behind her directly.

Yun Muxi quickly turned around to see who that was. It turned out that the man was waiting to pick up the gun on the ground and wanted to take the chance to shoot Yun Muxi.

After Yun Muxi had understood the cause of the incident quickly, she looked back at the gate. The person at the gate had already marched towards her. At this moment, Yun Muxi could also clearly see the guy. It was Murong Ye.

Being astonished, Yun Muxi asked, “Brother, how come you are here?”

Murong Ye’s face was frighteningly cold, with his words even colder. He asked, “Why are you here?”

Yun Muxi stuck for a while. She wondered whether Murong Ye was angry at her. But what was he mad at? Was it because she hadn’t told him when she came here? Or was it because she didn’t go to Lingyin Temple? Or…

But before Yun Muxi could continue to think, Jia Tianxin exclaimed, “What? Murong Ye is your brother?”

Murong Ye and people standing around him, as well as Yun Muxi all turned their eyes to Jia Tianxin but Jia Tianxin completely ignored their gazes and continued to ask, “You are not his new mistress but his younger sister? How is that possible? You are definitely an orphan? All your parents are dead, aren’t they? When did you have a brother? It must, it must be the way for you to cover the truth of being his mistress, by calling him brother. Yes. This must, must be the truth.”

Jia Tianxin’s words were incoherent, even with a hint of madness. Nervously looking at Jia Tianxin, Lian Can was almost scared to death at the moment. It was indeed, what one was afraid of would eventually come. She didn’t expect to offend Murong Ye, which was not the price she could afford. If her father knew, he would definitely punish her. What frightened her more was that, most likely, her father could not handle the matter either, which meant that she and Jia Tianxin were doomed.

Murong Ye looked around at the situation here. He ordered the people behind him coldly, “Take these people away.”

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Yun Muxi’s arm and headed for the door.

Murong Ye grabbed tightly over Yun Muxi’s arm, which made Yun Muxi felt a surge of pain in her arm. She almost felt that her bones would be crushed by Murong Ye. She frowned and looked at Murong Ye from the side, trying to say something.

However, Murong Ye opened the conversation and said, “Do you know how dangerous it is?”

Yun Muxi tilted her head, looking at Murong Ye’s face with a chuckle. She said, “Bother, are you worried about me?”

Murong Ye turned around and glared at Yun Muxi. When he saw Yun Muxi’s sweet smile, his anger was suddenly soothed. He said, “How can you keep laughing now, stupid girl! Don’t you know that when I just heard gunshots, my heart was almost going to jump out of my chest.”

When Yun Muxi heard this, her heart was warmed. Yet she kept smiling and said, “Yeah? It turns out that Master Murong will be afraid of something. The way you behave made me think that you had no idea of what fear was.”

While looking at Yun Muxi, teasing him, Murong Ye felt that all emotions in his heart faded away. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Yun Muxi’s hair. He said, “Stupid girl.”

Then his glance wandered to Niannian on her back, huddling up in fear. He asked, “Niannian, are you all right?”

Yun Muxi untied the rope immediately and held Niannian on her back. Murong Ye quickly took over Niannian from her hands and held the child in his arms.

Yun Muxi frowned. She said, “My girl must have been scared.” Her voice sounded concerned.

The little child huddled, shivering slightly, with her eyes tightly closed and her eyelashes constantly trembling.

Murong Ye was also worried. He said, “Hurry up. Let’s get back to the car first and check Niannian’s condition carefully.”

Yun Muxi nodded and followed Murong Ye at his side, walking to the car in a hurry.

When they got back to the car, Murong Ye sat into the car directly with Niannian in his arms. Yun Muxi followed him and took Niannian from his arms.

Resting in the arms of Yun Muxi, recognizing the familiar smell, Niannian opened her eyes just a fraction. She saw Yun Muxi holding her, just as she had expected. Then Niannian tightly grabbed the front of Yun Muxi’s clothes with her two small hands shivering slightly. Mist suffused Niannian’s eyes.

Yun Muxi knew that Niannian was frightened. So she touched Niannian’s hair gently and murmured, “Hulu hulu little pot, you will never be scared off. Dear Niannian, do not afraid. Since mommy is here, I will not let Niannian get hurt. Mommy will protect Niannian, so there is no need for Niannian to be frightened. Sweetheart, don’t be afraid…”

Murong Ye looked at Yun Muxi without saying anything. The gentle and enchanting appearance of her was very touching.

Niannian still did not reply, just with her eyes closed, resting in Yun Muxi’s arms. Her hands still tightly clutched Yun Muxi’s clothes.

Murong Ye brought them with him and went straight home. Entering the house, Cui Pengrui had been waiting for them.

After going through the door, Murong Ye ordered directly to Cui Pengrui. He said, “Dr. Cui, please conduct a comprehensive examination for Xiao Xi and Niannian.”

“I don’t need examination,” said Yun Muxi hastily, “There’s nothing wrong with me. It is Niannian that I am worried about.”

Murong Ye glared at Yun Muxi and said, “Do you really have the consciousness of being a mother? Don’t you know there is another child in your belly?”

Being scolded by Murong Ye, Yun Muxi immediately bowed her head with a sort of guilty.

Cui Pengrui still gave Yun Muxi and Niannian a detailed examination.

When he finally walked out of the room, looking at Yun Muxi and Murong Ye, he frowned and said with a low voice, “There is nothing wrong with Niannian physically, but mentally… I am a little bit worried!”

Yun Muxi grabbed Cui Pengrui by his sleeve and asked nervously, “What do you mean by that?”

Pushing his gold-rimmed glasses and glancing at Yun Muxi and Murong Ye, Cui Pengrui then said in a low voice, “I suspect that Niannian had been frightened. She had some symptoms of PTSD. It may turn into autism if it becomes serious. We need a psychologist to do an examination for Niannian.”

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