The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Follow You Without A Proper Name?
The knife cut across Yun Muxi’s slender finger and blood oozed out instantly. She felt a heart-wrenching pain.

Upon hearing her cry, Gong Yu and Murong Qingtian rushed into the kitchen. Seeing her bleeding finger, Gong Yu’s heart dropped and he quickly held her hand and placed the bleeding finger into his mouth. He gave her an intense stare.

Murong Qingtian walked towards her and asked with a worried look, “How is it? Is it serious? Why were you so careless? ”

Yun Muxi shook her head gently. Her gaze caught the small head that stretched into the kitchen door. Yun Muxi’s heart dropped. She could not care about her pain anymore. She pulled her hand away and ran towards the door.

Yun Muxi ran towards the door and knelt down to look at Niannian. She spoke gently. “Sweetheart, were you worried about Mommy?”

Niannian nodded and held Yun Muxi’s hand. She started analyzing her hand and blood gushed out again. Niannian frowned and said calmly, “Blood.”

Yun Muxi was shocked again. This was the first time that Niannian had talked ever since that incident. At this moment, Yun Muxi was so thrilled she almost felt like jumping in joy. She compressed the excitement in her heart but the corners of her mouth exposed her emotions. That wide grin of hers that almost stretched to her ears made her look a little silly.

“Then what should we do? Does Niannian have any ideas on how to stop this bleeding?”

Niannian nodded and pulled her to the living room. She dragged out the medicine box from the cabinet and wrapped Yun Muxi’s wound clumsily with a band-aid.

Niannian’s brows were furrowed and her big eyes did not blink at all as she stared at the wound. Her expression was as serious as if she was tearing down a bomb. Her actions were soft and gentle, just like slow motion.

After she finally put on the band-aid neatly, she heaved out a big sigh and looked at Yun Muxi.

Yun Muxi straightened Niannian’s brows with her finger. She joked, “You’re looking more like your father. You look ugly when you frown.”

Niannian looked up at Gong Yu. He smiled and walked over, “What’s wrong with looking like Daddy? You’ll look handsome right, Niannian?”

Niannian nodded and her lips formed a subtle smile that could barely be seen. However, Yun Muxi captured this small move. She cried out in surprise, “Wow, Niannian, you’re smiling?”

Niannian felt awkward and her cheeks turned red like a big apple. It was another kind of cute.

Yun Muxi became happier. She stood up and said, “Niannian, Mommy will cook one more dish for you, your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs.”

Gong Yu frowned and said coldly, “You’re going to continue cooking in this state?”

Yun Muxi dismissed him. “Yea, it’s just a small cut, it’s nothing.”

Gong Yu pulled off her apron and put it on himself. “You command from aside, I’ll be your hands.”

Yun Muxi stared at him in shock. “You? You can?”

Gong Yu glanced at her. “Please remove the question mark.”

He then led her into the kitchen.

Gong Yu washed his hands and picked up the knife to cut the meat that Yun Muxi had left unfinished.

After trying a few times, he started picking up speed. “Chop! Chop! Chop!” His actions were as fast as lightning and were difficult to follow with the eye. Yun Muxi stared at him in shock. “You… you’ve practiced before?”

Gong Yu snorted, “Don’t forget, when I was practicing my sword moves, you were still playing with dirt! This is a piece of cake, I can even carve a flower if you ask me to.”

Yun Muxi scoffed. “Continue bluffing!”

Gong Yu turned and glanced at her. He then picked up a carrot and started making random cuts here and there with the tip of the knife. He was extremely fast and Yun Muxi could not even spot where the knife landed. However, she still did not believe that he would be able to carve out a flower.

After a few minutes, Gong Yu put down the knife. He turned the carrot upside down and gently patted it twice. Small chunks of carrot fell off. Gong Yu then presented the carrot in front of her. It was indeed a rose in full bloom.

Yun Muxi looked at him in shock with her mouth wide-opened. “You… How did you do that?”

Gong Yu turned around casually and continued cutting the vegetables, “Haven’t I told you already? This is nothing difficult; you chose not to believe me. It’s just that I haven’t practiced for a long time and my technique is rusty. If not, I wouldn’t have needed as much time!”

Yun Muxi looked down at the flower in her hand and murmured, “Genius… a true genius.”

Yun Muxi exited the kitchen and passed the carrot to Niannian like she was showing off a treasure. “Niannian, do you think it’s pretty? Do you like it?”

Niannian nodded and took over the flowers. She fiddled with it fondly.

However, Yun Muxi was not only amazed at his knife work. When she saw him pick up the spatula, he looked extremely handsome.

Yun Muxi was confused. Gong Yu carried out each step according to her command, but when he did it, he seemed so skilled. He made it look like he was trying to act cool instead of cooking. But speaking of acting cool, he did it so perfectly and naturally, as if he was a natural-born.

Yun Muxi gave him the same word again. “Genius.”

Gong Yu served up the last dish and placed the frying pan into the basin. He started scrubbing the pots and pans.

Yun Muxi looked at his each and every move. She suddenly felt emotional. He was a prince, but now he was cooking in the kitchen? Who would believe this when told? All of the servants would probably drop their chins off. At the end of the day, he did all of this for her. Having someone like him, what else was there for her to hesitate?

Thinking of this, Yun Muxi walked up to him and hugged him from behind. She leaned her head against his back.

Gong Yu was surprised. He asked calmly, “What’s wrong?”

Yun Muxi hugged him silently and answered calmly, “You will always be this good to me, right? You will never do anything to hurt my heart again!”

Gong Yu put down the pot in his hand and wiped his hand with a cloth near him. He placed his big hand over her thin hand. When his slightly cold fingers touched her warm hand, the warm sensation reached the bottom her heart directly and her heart melted into a puddle.

Gong Yu looked outside the window and said naturally, “Of course, never in my life will I let you get hurt a single bit again. I will love you with all my strength.”

Yun Muxi nodded and the corners of her mouth pulled into a sweet smile.

Suddenly, a cough came from the kitchen door. Yun Muxi let go of Gong Yu’s hand and turned around to take a look.

Murong Ye was standing at the door in his home clothes. Yun Muxi smiled sweetly, “Bro, you’re back!”

Murong Ye walked into the kitchen. “I’m here to see if I can help.”

Yun Muxi scanned the kitchen and said, “There’s no need, everything is ready. Just wash your hands and get ready to eat.”

Murong Ye nodded and turned to walk out. He had barely taken two steps when he suddenly turned and said, “Erm, you guys can continue with what you were doing. We’re all not hungry yet, we can always eat later.”

Yun Muxi’s cheeks flushed red immediately. She stared at him in embarrassment and he exited the kitchen smiling.

Gong Yu placed his head on her shoulder and asked softly, “Then should we continue?”

Yun Muxi turned and flicked his forehead. “Enough, let’s bring the dishes out and start eating.”

Everyone took their places at the dining table. Murong Qingtian was exceptionally happy and held a bottle of wine in his hands. “I’m happy today, everyone should drink some.”

Murong Ye then stood up and took over the wine bottle in his hands. He poured some for everyone but Yun Muxi.

Murong Qingtian was not pleased. “Hey! Why didn’t you give Xiao Xi some?”

Murong Ye glanced at Gong Yu. “Xiao Xi can’t drink, and Gong Yu doesn’t let her drink.”

Murong Qingtian said in a cold voice, “How can that be? If you don’t know how to drink, then drink lesser.”

Gong Yu opened up calmly, “Xiao Xi gets drunk very easily. She can’t take it even if it is just a little bit.”

Murong Qingtian looked at her in shock. “Is your capability that bad?”

She nodded, “Yes, you can’t imagine how bad I am! I should just drink other things.”josei

She then picked up a bottle of juice and poured a cup for herself and Niannian respectively.

Murong Qingtian smiled at Gong Yu. “Well, it’s a good thing that you’re looking after your wife. It’s okay if she can’t drink.”

As everyone was about to dig in, Murong Qingtian suddenly asked, “Xiao Xi, do you have any ideas for the wedding?”

Yun Muxi froze. “Wedding? What wedding?”

Murong Qingtian glared at her crossly. “This child! Forget it that you didn’t mention to us about registering your marriage. Are you also not going to let us attend your wedding?”

Yun Muxi turned and looked at Gong Yu. “But I don’t have plans for a wedding?”

This time around, Murong Qingtian was the one that was shocked. “Not having a wedding? So you’re going to let Gong Yu follow after you without giving him a proper name?”

Hearing his words, everyone froze.

The corners of Murong Ye’s mouth twitched a little. Did his father just say that? Why did that sound like the opposite of he should have said instead?

Yun Muxi was even more displeased. She somehow felt that Murong Qingtian was extremely in favor of Gong Yu.

Gong Yu glanced at Murong Qingtian and smiled to himself. This old man…

Seeing everyone’s reaction except for Niannian who had none, Murong Qingtian smiled and asked, “Niannian, do you think Mommy and Daddy should have a wedding?”

Niannian looked up at her Mommy and then Daddy. Then, she thought of the beautiful weddings she watched on TV. She imagined her Daddy wearing a handsome tuxedo and her Mommy in a beautiful white dress. She would then be following behind Mommy in her small gown, holding her long dress for her…

It was a beautiful picture that Niannian spent a few moments fantasizing. Murong Qingtian waited a long time for an answer. Just as he was about to give up, Niannian suddenly blurted out, “Beautiful!”

The table was confused and everyone looked at her with a strange look. For one, Niannian just spoke. And two, what did this “beautiful” refer to?

Murong Qingtian voiced out everyone’s question. “Niannian, what did you mean by that?”

Niannian kept her head lowered as she bit into a pork rib. She mumbled, “A wedding is beautiful.”

Everyone seemed to understand what she meant, but at the same time, it seemed like they did not.

Murong Ye continued asking, “A wedding is beautiful, so you agree to let Daddy and Mommy have a wedding, right?”

Niannian nodded as she continued eating her pork rib.

Murong Qingtian laughed out loud. “See? Even Niannian agrees that you should have a wedding. Just do it! I wanted you guys to have an engagement party before the wedding, but since you’ve already gotten your certificate, just get the wedding done. Besides, the little one in your stomach cannot wait for you guys to take things slowly.”

Yun Muxi found it overwhelming. “But planning a wedding is so troublesome. Let’s just forget about it, having a certificate is enough.”

Murong Qingtian was not taking no for an answer. “You don’t have to worry about it. Just voice out your ideas and I’ll take care of the rest. Also, remember to include your return to the Murong Family on your agenda!”

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