The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 One Pregnancy Results in Three Years of Silliness
Gong Yu put down his phone.

Murong Yunxi asked first, “What do you need to ask me?”

Gong Yu briefly summarized Seventh Brother’s message. “Seventh Brother said that since we have to announce our marriage in the future, and Niannian will also gain exposure, he contacted a reality show for couples. He hopes that we can use the program to gain fans who support us to be together. By doing so, we can steer the news towards the positive side and there would not be too much negative impact.”

Yun Muxi did not like this kind of high-profile and exposure. Her initial reaction was to reject, but after thinking about it, she asked, “Then do we have to do anything on the show? Does it mean that if we go we can prevent any harm to Niannian?”

“Seventh Brother said that this is a three-day-two-night activity. In every episode, the theme is different. Both the themes and the segments will be specially created based on the participants so we don’t know the details yet. There will be three pairs of couples in every episode and the couple with the highest points at the end will get the big prize. Of course, we are not there to get the prize, it is mainly to gain more fans in order to steer the comments towards a positive direction. Also, we have to show the best form of ourselves to the rest, so that they will believe that we aren’t together because of our child, that we are a real couple with a real relationship, a connection between each other, and capabilities. The public would then believe that this is true love. People are usually more endearing and yearning for love, so they would naturally overlook many of the things that are unsatisfactory. And as for whether it will hurt Niannian, I can’t answer that now. I can only tell you that by doing this, there will be minimum damage done. If we don’t do this and don’t come up with a better idea, then hurt is inevitable.”

Yun Muxi nodded, “Okay, I’ll go.”

Gong Yu looked at her. “You’re not going to consider it carefully again?”

“No need, I always believe in my instinct, my instinct tells me this is the way.”

After lunch, the trio returned to their room. Murong Yunxi tried to get Niannian to fall asleep, but in the end, Niannian was too excited and Murong Yunxi fell asleep instead. Gong Yu shook his head helplessly and laid down beside Niannian. He comforted in a gentle voice, “Niannian, be good. Look at Mommy, she’s already asleep. You have to sleep too. After your nap, we can then go down and play.”

Niannian glanced at Murong Yunxi and copied an adult’s sigh, “Indeed, one pregnancy results in three years of silliness. Mommy is so silly now; she fell asleep before she managed to make me sleep!”

Gong Yu was shocked and stared at her. “Niannian, how can you say that about mommy? The baby in her stomach is absorbing all of her energy and blood, so she needs to get more rest in order to recover. Niannian, you’re a big kid now, I’m not saying you should do anything for her, but you have to be considerate and take care of mommy. You have to take things off her shoulder, understand?”

Niannian nodded obediently. “Okay, I understand.”

Gong Yu continued, “So do you know what you have to do now?”

Niannian nodded and shut her eyes tightly. Not long after, the little girl fell asleep on her own.

Looking at her sleeping face, Gong Yu chuckled. She’s indeed a child, so easy to tame!

Gong Yu played ball with Niannian while Murong Yunxi lay on a lounge chair under the beach umbrella, reading a book.

Although her baby bump was not obvious at all, she was starting to get sleepy more often and also lazier.

At this moment, a male foreigner walked towards her and sat down by her chair. He spoke with a strong accent in Mandarin, “Miss, do you mind if I sit down here?”

Murong Yunxi looked at the foreigner. He looked well-spirited, had a tall nose and big eyes. His blue eyes were very charming and his skin was very white. He was a typical white man who had slightly long golden hair. He could be categorized as an attractive person.

But out of instinct, Murong Yunxi dared not let down her guards. She replied coldly, “There are people sitting here.”

As if he did not hear what she said, he continued hitting her up. “Miss, you are very pretty, where are you from?”

Murong Yunxi glared at him. “Sir, I’ve already told you, there are people sitting here. Also, I am not interested in chit-chatting with you, please leave.”

A disdain smile formed from the corners of his lips. “Don’t all Chinese girls like to find foreigner boyfriends? I’m interested in you, we can try and date.”

Murong Yunxi could not help but be in awe of his confidence. Who gave him the courage to think that he was so welcomed in China? That all women were willing to have him as their boyfriend?

She sat up and stared at him coldly, and her words became even harsher. “Sir, I don’t want to comment on your narcissism, but you have to know that not all Chinese girls like foreigners as boyfriends. Besides, for foreigners like you who can’t keep up with the lifestyle here, where did you get the courage to think that you are so welcomed in China? I think that you’re way over-confident!”

Murong Yunxi was not soft in her words at all, yet the foreigner did not retaliate a single bit. Instead, his smile grew even brighter. “I know, you Chinese girls like to play hard to get. You pretend to be reserved but you are actually very open. You don’t have to play this trick on me; I like girls to be direct.”

As he spoke, he moved from his chair to hers and sat down. His hand started wondering all over her body.

Murong Yunxi stood up immediately. She picked up the glass of juice prepared for Niannian and poured it onto him. “Sir, if you don’t have any dignity, then let me wake you up. I have been very clear; I am not interested in you at all. Please leave. Also, I would like to tell you that your behavior disgusts me.”

The foreigner was instantly enraged. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his embrace. Murong Yunxi kept her brows furrowed tight and her expression was horrible. The rage on her face was obvious.

She aimed for his lower body with an outward kick. She gave him a good hard one, causing him to immediately fall onto the sand with his hands covering his lower body.

The foreigner was suffering from so much pain; his sweat started pouring down immediately. His face was painted red and he clenched his teeth so tight, his whole facial expression was slightly twisted.

He glared at Murong Yunxi angrily. He pointed a finger at her and wanted to say something but was unable to due to the pain.

At this moment, another three foreigners walked towards their direction from nearby. They looked like his friends and were mumbling something in their mouths.

The commotion had formed a crowd on the beach, many looked over in curiosity. However, none of them came forward. They all stood rooted to their spot as they watched.josei

As the other three foreigners got nearer, Murong Yunxi stared at the three of them with a cold face. She did not show any sign of fear in her face. Silently, she grabbed a drink bottle from the table and held it in her hand.

A sturdy foreigner pointed at her and said, “You, to him do what? Know who we are?” The foreigner’s Chinese was obviously not as good as the one kneeling in front of her, all of his grammar was wrong.

She snorted, “You can’t even speak Chinese well, yet you’re claiming to be king here. What a joke.”

The foreigner was very angry. He stepped forward, trying to pull her. Murong Yunxi hit the bottle against his head without holding back. It was a half-empty glass bottle. At that instant when the glass broke, the juice inside spilled all over his head. Since her strength was quite weak, while the glass broke, his head was still intact, despite him being in a mess.

She held the half-broken bottle in her hand and cried out in regret, “Ah! What a pity! Looks like I went soft on you.”

This triggered the foreigner even more. He touched his forehead. While there was no blood, he still felt pain.

The commotion had already alarmed Gong Yu and Niannian, who were both far away. Seeing the situation, Gong Yu scooped up Niannian and ran towards Murong Yunxi.

Just as the foreigner was about to fight back, Gong Yu pulled his arm from the back. He gave it a good tug and the foreigner’s arm was instantly dislocated.

The foreigner immediately held onto his arm and glared at Gong Yu, “You, stay out of it.”

Gong Yu’s face was already gloomy and scary. He shot an icy cold stare at the foreigner, causing his heart to freeze. He turned his gaze away guiltily.

Gong Yu took one step towards Murong Yunxi and looked at her nervously, “Did anything happen to you?”

She shook her head.

At this interval, the two other foreigners came ambushing from behind. One stood on the left and one stood on the right. One of them was holding onto a fruit knife.

Gong Yu did a swirling kick and knocked the fruit knife out of the foreigner’s hand. With a sweeping kick, he sent the two foreigners flying onto the ground.

His actions were swift and quick, the foreigners had fallen to the ground before they even had time to react.

The foreigner was shocked, but seeing that he had more people, he stood up once again and clenched his fist, ready to attack Gong Yu. These foreigners seemed trained, but their actions seemed more like boxing moves. They all held their fists tightly and lined up one behind the other. They were waiting for the right timing to launch their attack.

Gong Yu pushed Niannian into Murong Yunxi’s embrace. He then turned and faced the foreigners while squinting his eyes slightly. He stood up straight and placed both hands behind his back. He was very calm and composed.

But the crowd was not optimistic about Gong Yu, as his build was much smaller than the foreigners’. Although his body was sturdy, he was not as buff as them.

Besides, they were obviously trained and their actions were professional. Others felt that Gong Yu would be the one to suffer.

Only Gong Yu himself knew that he was more than ready to put up a fight. It had been a long time since he practiced his Kungfu, now that someone was offering to practice with him, he did not mind playing with them.

There were four foreigners, apart from the one who dislocated his arm and had moved aside. The one whom Murong Yunxi kicked had recovered more or less. He stood up too and joined his team behind the front-line.

In that instant of wild rain and crazy wind, the three foreigners flew towards Gong Yu from three different directions.

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