The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 I Seem to Be out of Love
Gong Yu frowned. “Lord Lian? I’ve never heard of the name before!”

‘Chimpanzee’ stared at him wide-eyed and in shock, as if he had just encountered an alien. “Oh my God, are you from Mars? How can you not know Lord Lian?”

Gong Yu asked disdainfully, “Is it weird that I haven’t heard of him before?”

‘Chimpanzee’ turned to his team and they all broke into laughter. “Haha… this frog in the well doesn’t even know who Lord Lian is… he has just opened my eyes to a whole new world.”

Murong Yunxi suddenly asked from a distance, “Is the Lord Lian you’re referring to the Lord Lian from A city?”

‘Chimpanzee’ immediately pointed towards Gong Yu and said, “Oh my God, you’re worse than a girl. Even she has heard of Lord Lian, how can you not?”

Murong Yunxi took out her phone from a waterproof bag and dialed Murong Ye’s number. “Bro, let me ask you something. Is Lord Lian Lian Can’s father?”

Murong Ye was very happy to receive a call from her, but he was stunned at the kind of question she asked. He replied, “Yes, what’s wrong?”

Murong Yunxi frowned and glanced at ‘Chimpanzee’ and his gang. She continued, “Bro, is he a big shot?”

“That depends on who you’re comparing with. If you’re comparing with others, he’s certainly very good. But if you’re comparing with me, he can’t even pass as a dish.”

Murong Yunxi chuckled, “Alright, I know my brother is very powerful!”

“Why are you asking about him?”

“His subordinates are trying to fight us, although Gong Yu can defeat them on his own, they failed yesterday and brought more people today to continue.”

“Okay, I got it! Give me a minute.”

Murong Ye then hung up.

Standing not very far away from Murong Yunxi, ‘Chimpanzee’ heard the entire conversation. In actual fact, she purposely made sure that they could hear her, so she spoke louder than usual.

‘Chimpanzee’ was full of curiosity. “Little girl, what are you trying to do?”

“I’m not trying to do anything. If you are patient enough, you’ll find out in a few minutes.”

Just as she said her last word, ‘Chimpanzee”s phone started ringing. He picked up the phone in horror. “Lord Lian.”

No one knew what Lord Lian said over the phone. They could only see the fire in ‘Chimpanzee’ being extinguished instantly. At this moment, he was as obedient as a primary school student receiving his punishment.

He kept his head lowered and continuously nodded and bowed while saying, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

He finally hung up the call. When he looked up, the arrogance in his gaze was already gone. He suddenly seemed shorter by a few centimeters.

‘Chimpanzee’ looked at both Gong Yu and Murong Yunxi in fear and confusion. His lips naturally formed a smile. It looked even worse than his crying face, probably because he was born without knowing how to smile.

“Erm, I didn’t know that you guys are from the Murong Family. If we had known we would definitely have not treated you that way. We have offended you guys just now, please forgive us.”

Seeing all of them change their attitude immediately, Gong Yu could not help but find it hilarious. But at the same time, he also felt complicated. He was now relying on the Murong Family name to get by, this was just…

Murong Yunxi carried Niannian and walked forward, “You guys have triggered my husband, he’s very angry. What do you think you should do?”

‘Chimpanzee’ immediately nodded and bowed down to apologize. He even added, “If you really hate the sight of us and feel upset about this, then we will let you hit us until you’re satisfied. How does that sound?”

Gong Yu was indeed not pleased, but he did not want to just hit them. That is because they would definitely not retaliate. If he were to hit them, it would seem like he was picking on them instead. Besides, he would not gain satisfaction from just hitting them.

Gong Yu shook his head and looked at Murong Yunxi, “Wife, what do you think? I don’t want to bash them up, it’s meaningless!”

Murong Yunxi’s lips curled and she said sinisterly, “Well then, if you’re not willing to fight, then let them fight on their own.” She then turned and said to ‘Chimpanzee’, “All of you, come forward two by two and fight each other. You can go after you hit your opponent 100 times. Remember, do not go soft. If you let me catch you, then you’ll have to hit another 100 times.”

‘Chimpanzee’ looked at Murong Yunxi in bafflement. “Ah?” “Here?”

Murong Yunxi blinked innocently like a naive child. “Yea? If not where do you want to go?”

‘Chimpanzee’ shrank his neck and hesitated.

Murong Yunxi pulled Gong Yu and walked towards the hotel’s big door while saying, “Hubby, if they feel like they’re being put on the spot and are unwilling, then let’s forget it. I’ll just inform my bro and let Lord Lian come and settle this on his own.”

‘Chimpanzee’ started panicking instantly. “Don’t, don’t, don’t! Ma’am, please, please don’t! We’ll fight now!”

Then, he turned and ordered his subordinates, “Did you hear that? Start now!”

Murong Yunxi and Gong Yu walked into the hotel with Niannian, leaving behind a series of slapping sounds.

After returning to their room, Gong Yu frowned and said to Murong Yunxi plainly, “Xiao Xi, I feel that you’ve changed.”

She was slightly taken aback. She looked up at him and asked, “For worse?”

“No, instead, I like you better like this, because you won’t get bullied anymore. But I also don’t like it because it feels like you don’t need me anymore.”

Murong Yunxi laughed. “Haha… my dear Prince Yu, you will forever be the great Prince Yu in my heart, but I don’t want to be protected by others forever. Increasingly, I find myself wanting to get stronger. I want to stand at the same level as you guys and become someone you can fight with. This makes me feel that I’m no longer the black sheep that’s pulling you guys down. If I can protect myself, then we can do more things together. If I run into trouble and need you guys to save me, it makes me feel so small, and I cannot be on the same level as you guys.”

Gong Yu rested his arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his embrace. “Xiao Xi, it doesn’t have to be like this. We can protect you and you can live an easier life.”

Murong Yunxi buried her head in his shoulder and said bitterly, “But I don’t feel like my life got easier at all. On the contrary, trouble kept coming because of how weak I am! I really feel that if I can become stronger and make more people wary of me, perhaps I wouldn’t run into so much trouble!”

He caressed her hair and said, “Silly girl.”

She continued with some disappointment, “Besides, I feel like I did not become stronger yet. I’m just a sheep in wolf’s skin; I really want to become stronger. Are you willing to help me?”

She lifted up her head and looked at him with her clear, sparkling black eyes. Her gaze was full of desire. He smiled and replied lightly, “Of course.”

Niannian was getting impatient. She looked up at the both of them and complained, “Daddy, mommy, are you two done being lovey? I’m hungry.”

It was then that the couple realized they had forgotten about little Niannian. Thankfully, they did not go overboard, for that would be really embarrassing.

Murong Yunxi immediately squatted down and placed her hands on Niannian’s shoulder. She smiled, “Niannian sweetheart, what do you want to eat? We’ll take you to dinner.”

Niannian showed a face of disappointment. “Mommy, I seem to be out of love. Now that you have daddy, you don’t seem to love me as much anymore. In the past, you only pay attention to me, but now it is all daddy.”

Murong Yunxi burst into laughter instantly. Looking at Niannian’s cute little expression, she could not stop laughing.

Gong Yu also found her cute. He smiled and explained, “Niannian sweetheart, firstly, you have to know that being out of love only applies to couples, and a couple refers to a boy and a girl who are dating each other. You and mommy cannot be out of love. Being out of love can only happen when one day mommy doesn’t care about daddy anymore. Then, I’ll be out of love. So you’re using it wrong. Also, you’re daddy and mommy’s sweetheart, we all love you. But you must know that we first love each other before we have you, so we will forever be each other’s number one, and you’re number two. You should understand first come first serve, right! We promise you, we love you the most, other than each other. Is that okay?”

Niannian seemed to understand but also seemed like she did not. She stared wide-eyed at Gong Yu with a blurry look.

Gong Yu pondered and continued, “Let’s think of it this way. We must first love each other before we have you. If we don’t love each other, you won’t be here, then you won’t be able to be jealous of us. Now, do you understand?”

Niannian still nodded her head in confusion.

Gong Yu caressed her small head. “Yea, what a good girl! Let’s go, daddy’s bringing you two to dinner.”

The three of them took a shower and changed their clothes before heading down to the restaurant for dinner.

As they walked into the restaurant, they found that the atmosphere was surprisingly lively. Murong Yunxi walked towards a waiter and asked softly, “Excuse me, is there an event today?”

The waiter replied politely, “Yes, we have a couple event today. If the participating couple can become the champion, they will receive an unexpected big prize.”

Murong Yunxi asked, “What’s the big prize?”

The waiter replied with a mysterious smile, “This is kept a secret because it’s a mysterious gift.”josei

Murong Yunxi turned towards the stage in the middle. Just then, the stage light shone on her.

Everyone started casting their gaze onto her. She was wearing a white chiffon dress and looked very lovely. With the light shining onto her, she looked even more dazzling.

Everyone could not help but exclaim in surprise and whisper among themselves.

At this point in time, the host spoke. “Then let us welcome our first pair of contestants for tonight, may I please invite this lady.”

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