The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 This Is Really Karma!
In the office on the top level of a building.

Second stood in front of Murong Ye’s office table and asked respectfully, “Big Master, the two women are still held captive in the dungeon. What’s our next step?”

Murong Ye did not even look up. He continued to read and sign the documents in his hand. “Find an opportunity to bring Lian Can back to the Lian Family. She has already suffered enough this time around. We have given her enough punishment. Let her go first, think of it as a favor to the Lian Family.”

“What about the other woman?”

“Just do it.”

“But Big Master, now isn’t quite the time to do so.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“That woman… she… is pregnant.”

“What? How could that be? Isn’t she together with Lian Can?”

Murong Ye finally looked up from the documents. His gaze was icy-cold and blood-thirsty.josei

“Yes, but we found out that she’s nearly three months along.”

Murong Ye stood up and turned to look out of the french window.

After thinking for a while, he said helplessly, “Then let’s keep her first, we’ll think about it after she gives birth to the child.”

“Yes, Big Master!”

“What’s the recent update on Xiao Xi?”

“The staff from the studio have already started filming. They are expected to finish tomorrow and return the next day.”

“Okay, during then, remember to find time. I’ll go fetch them.”

“Yes, Big Master.”

The big door opened and a few flat-topped men in black suits came in.

“Miss Lian, please come with us.”

Lian Can stared at the two in disbelief. After the past few days of torture, she was horribly unkempt and her clothes were ragged. She looked nowhere like a rich girl. On the contrary, she looked like a beggar. Also, her attitude was no longer as tough as before, she was decayed and calm. This was a completely new Lian Can. Her father might not even recognize her when she returned home.

She looked at the men with chaos in her eyes and took a long time to process what was going on.

At this moment, Jia Tianxin started to feel nauseous again. She ran to the toilet and started vomiting into the toilet bowl. Lian Can quickly ran towards her and stroked her back gently. She comforted worriedly, “Tianxin, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?”

The toilet was very simple and crude and had a pungent odd smell. The two of them were already immune to it. They did not find it smelly even when hugging the toilet bowl like this.

Jia Tianxin’s nauseousness passed and she was exhausted from all the vomiting. She sat defeated on the ground. Lian Can wiped her mouth for her with a towel. She pulled Jia Tianxin towards her and let her lay her head against her shoulder comfortably.

“Babe, I’m sorry that you’re having a hard time. If I had known how horrible being pregnant feels, I would you brought you to have it removed so that you don’t have to suffer so much now.”

“I’m already much better, don’t worry. I’m so useless, always making you worry about me and also causing you to suffer my punishments with me and ending up in such a terrible state.”

“Don’t say stuff like this, silly! I’ve already promised you that I’ll be with you.”

“Can’er, I’m so sorry. I didn’t listen when you told me to stop, I caused you to become like this.”

“Okay, what was done was done. Stop saying all these things. As long as you’re fine, we’ll still have hope. My dad will definitely think of a way.”

“Can’er, if we have the chance to get out, I will definitely not hesitate, I will be with you for good.”

“Okay, let’s get married overseas. We’ll go to whichever country you wanna go, okay?”

“Okay! I will definitely treat you really well and repay the debt that I owe you.”

“Xin’er, what nonsense are you sprouting? Since when do you owe me anything. The only reason you treat me well can only be because you love me.”

“Yes, I love you! I love you very much!”

“I love you too, more than how much you love me!”

The lovebirds looked into each others’ eyes, paying no attention to their current state. Love was overflowing around them, they felt as sweet as if their hearts had been soaked in syrup.

“Miss Lian, please come with us!”

The man spoke again, disrupting their moment.

Lian Can frowned and looked towards the man standing at the bathroom door, “Where are we going?”

“Just follow us.”

“I won’t go, unless Xin’er comes too. Otherwise, I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m sorry Miss Lian, if you’re not going to walk on your own, we’ll have to do it ourselves.”


Jia Tianxin seemed to have guessed something. She smiled and embraced Lian Can, “Can’er, be a good girl and go! I’ll be fine here, you don’t have to worry about me!”

“I’m not going! I’ll only go if you’re coming with me! No matter where they’re taking us, we must stay together! Even if we’re going to hell, I’ll still hold on to your hand and never let you go!”

“Silly Can’er, who wants to go to hell with you? If you love me, then go, otherwise, I’ll die in front of you right now. You can try me. You know my character.”

Lian Can stared at Jia Tianxin in horror. There was an unerasable spread of sadness in her gaze.

The man in black suit hurried her again, “Miss Lian, we have to go now.”

Following which, the man gave the men behind a look. Immediately, two men came forward, pulled her up and dragged her out.

Jia Tianxin followed Lian Can out of the bathroom. After seeing her got out of the big door and disappear completely, a faint smile spread from the corners of her lips. She was feeling unusually peaceful at heart.

Lian Can, on the other hand, was very anxious. She kept calling Jia Tianxin frantically, “Xin’er, Xin’er… I want to bring Tianxin with me, I want to take her with me. I cannot leave her alone…”

Lian Can’s voice disappeared outside the big door, she seemed to have gone far.

Jia Tianxin lied on the hard and plain mattress. Usually, she did not feel anything when Lian Can was here. But now that she was alone, she felt so uncomfortable, to the extent that she felt like she was lying on a nail board.

The faint smile still hung upon the corners of her lips. She said softly, “Can’er, goodbye!”

The unfathomable look in her eyes lingered for a long time.

After Lian Can got out of the front door, she was blindfolded and her hands were tied behind her back. The two men held onto her and after walking for quite a distance, she finally felt that she was pushed into a car.

“Where are you guys bringing me?”

“We’re sending you home.”

“Home? You guys are letting me go?”


“If that’s the case, I want to bring Xin’er with me, if not I won’t go.”


“Even if you don’t agree to let her out, I’ll still come back to save her.”


Lian Can did not get a single reply after that. Because of the silence, she became surprisingly peaceful. She used her heart to feel where they were going, but she overestimated herself.

After an unknown period of time, the car pulled to a stop. The man took off her blindfold and untied the rope. He then pulled her off the car.

Then, the car drove away. Lian Can stood where she was and looked around her. It was such a familiar place, but at this current moment, it felt so foreign to her.

Yes, it was indeed her father’s home.

It had been a long time she had been here. Ever since her father brought that woman through the door, she had never stepped into it ever again.

She fixated her gaze onto the door. Suddenly, the door was opened. The butler, Uncle Fu, walked out. After seeing Lian Can, he took half a minute to process. After which, he ran towards her in surprise and grabbed onto her hand. “Miss, you’re back. It’s really you!”

Lian Can glanced at Uncle Fu’s old and aged hand. She smiled faintly, “Uncle Fu.”

Looking at Lian Can’s current state, Uncle Fu’s eyes were instantly covered with a layer of mist. He watched Lian Can grow up and treated her like his own child. Now that the once glamorous lady had turned into this state, his heart ached and he started crying profusely.

“Miss, how did you end up like this?”

“Uncle Fu, did you come out specifically to welcome me?”

“Old Master called and asked me to come out to welcome you. Lo and behold, you’re standing at the door the moment I opened it.”

“My dad knows that I am coming back?”

“Yes, Old Master said that he’s rushing back now and he told me to come out and welcome you. Let’s go, we can talk later, don’t stand at the door. I’ll ask someone to fill up your bathtub. Take a nice bath and change into clean clothes. I’m preparing your favorite food, red bean soup. We’re going to have a whole table full all of your favorite dishes. You must have had a hard time and suffered a lot outside. Sigh, you’ve really suffered a lot. From young to old, you’ve never had to go through any hardship…”

Uncle Fu could not stop nagging. Lian Can followed him into the house. Uncle Fu’s hands were already full of callus. He never let go of her hand and held it tightly.

Although the callus on his hand were prickly, it made her heart feel especially warm. In the past, his non-stop nagging was the most boring. But at this moment, it was so melodious. She truly felt his love for her. At this instant, this love was like a gentle big hand that comforted all the pain in her heart from all these while.

Upon entering the door, Uncle Fu started giving instructions right away at the top of his lungs, “Xiao Lan, quick, go fill up Miss’ bathtub. Xiao Hong, go make red bean soup. Aunty Liu, add more dishes for tonight’s dinner. Make sure they are all Miss’ favorites…”

Uncle Fu led Lian Can up the stairs as he continued giving orders. His obvious excitement had spread to the servants, everyone started getting busy.

Just as they reached the second floor, a woman walked down gradually from the third floor. She put on an enchanting voice and said, “Oh my, I was still wondering what the fuss is all about. It turns out that our Young Miss Lian has returned home. This is quite the commotion.”

Lian Can glanced at Ruan Ruolan and did not speak a word. Her face was as cold as if it was plastered with the frost of winter.

Oblivious to it, Ruan Ruolan continued sarcastically, “Oh my, Young Miss Lian, is this behavioral art? This is quite the image! It suits you, it matches you!”

Uncle Fu’s expression immediately turned from excitement to sullen. But as someone inferior, he was not in the position to say anything, so he pulled Lian Can towards her room.

Seeing Lian Can leave, Ruan Ruolan’s grin grew. She continued nagging, “Oh my, this is really karma!”

Ruan Ruolan walked down the stairs with her hips swaying from side to side.

When Uncle Fu brought Lian Can to her room, Xiao Lan had already filled up the bathtub. She smiled at Lian Can and said, “Miss, the water is ready. I’ve prepared your clothes too. Call me if you need anything else.”

Uncle Fu also looked at Lian Can and said, “Miss, take a hot bath, change into clean clothes and come down to have some food. Old Master should be home soon, he’ll definitely be very happy.”

Uncle Fu then turned to exit the room along with Xiao Lan, but Lian Can shouted suddenly, “Uncle Fu, wait…”

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