The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 210 - Scheduling a Blind Date

Chapter 210 - Scheduling a Blind Date

Chapter 210 Scheduling a Blind Date
At this time, the bull’s eye had already been passed through. Murong Yunxi actually achieved the score of hitting the target on the spot 10 consecutive times.

Jumping up excitedly, Murong Yunxi turned around and gripped Fourth’s arms. She jumped merrily as if she were still a little girl. “Fourth, I actually have gotten a full score! I have hit the target on the spot 10 consecutive times!”

Murong Yunxi did not notice Fourth’s peculiarity at this moment at all. She continued showing off her high score. She was like a child who had earned a full credit and was begging for candy from her parents.

With Murong Yunxi’s delicate and soft hands placed on his arms, Fourth immediately felt that his skin seemed to be burning. It was so hot that even his body became hot and dry.

Moving his Adam’s apple up and down, Fourth looked at her as if he were staring at prey. He said dully, “Should I say you are heartless? Don’t you have any idea how attractive you are to a man?”

Murong Yunxi was a bit confused. It seemed that she still did not understand what Fourth meant! Breaking free from Murong Yunxi’s hands, Fourth turned around and left with big strides.

Murong Yunxi felt more confused. Fourth was so abnormal today. What did he mean just now?

At this time, Murong Yunxi started to recollect what Fourth had said a moment ago. At that time, she was too excited and only focused on her own good score of hitting the target on the spot. She did not listen to what Fourth had said at all. Upon reflecting on the words now, she suddenly realized it and blushed immediately.

“Could it be that I was too excited then, and I was too intimate with Fourth? In that case, I need to behave myself in the future. I can’t be too intimate with Fourth. It seems that he hates me doing this!” Muttering to herself, Murong Yunxi seemed to completely overlook Fourth’s real intentions.

Murong Yunxi then shot on her own for some while. After that, she put the gun down and walked toward the entrance.

When she walked through the gate, she found that Fourth was surprisingly actually still in the car, waiting for her.

Trotting, she leaned on the car window with her hands when she got to the car’s side. Staring at Fourth, who looked a bit unpleasant in the car, she asked, “Why are you still waiting for me? I thought you were already gone, so… sorry, I am sorry!”

“Get in the car!” Instead of staring at Murong Yunxi, Fourth spoke indifferently and then started the car impatiently.

Murong Yunxi got in the car quickly and fastened her seat belt. She then said pretty casually, “Fourth, thanks a lot. The method you have imparted unto me is really useful. I now shoot using your way and every shot hits the target!”

“The credit goes to your gift!” Fourth’s voice was as flat as flowing water, without any emotional fluctuation at all.

However, Murong Yunxi still could tell that he was praising her. Fourth never praised and complimented her. This was the first time that he had made a compliment and praised her in such a long time.

“It is still your credit. The instructors had taught us the basic skills of shooting when we were going through military training. However, I only mastered a little of it. The reason I can get such a score is still because of you.”


Fourth was silent and did not talk anymore. He found out that all of a sudden, he did not know how to communicate with her. He even could not sneer at her the way he did before.

Murong Yunxi seemed to be a bit tired as well. Amid the silence, she soon fell asleep while leaning against the car window.

When Fourth drove the car to arrive at Murong Ye’s villa, Murong Yunxi was still sleeping safe and sound. Fourth laid his eyes lightly on Murong Yunxi.

At this time, she was as quiet as an elegant swan, calm and dainty. Her long, dense eyelashes drooped lightly. Her smart and flexible eyes were closed.

With her small, delicate lips lightly closed, she was so quiet that she was a feast to the eyes.

He quickly took his eyes off her. When he was about to turn the car forward, he surprisingly found Gong Yu walking out of the gate of the villa at this time. Collecting his mind and thoughts, he became the old cool him again.

Walking forward, Gong Yu gently knocked on the car window. Fourth rolled the window down.

“She is sleeping and it seems to be a deep one.”

Fourth spoke coldly, looking calm as if it were none of his business. Gong Yu consequently did not discover anything abnormal at all.

Quickly walking over to Murong Yunxi’s side, Gong Yu opened the car door. Looking at the cute girl who was sleeping deeply, he could not help smiling. The curve lifted by the corner of his lips was just perfect. It was not an excessive one nor a perfunctory one, but it formed a beautiful smile.

Unfastening Murong Yunxi’s seat belt gently, Gong Yu then placed his hands under Murong Yunxi’s knees and back. He took the quiet sleeping beauty up lightly.

Gong Yu smiled and nodded at Fourth, indicating his gratitude.

Seeing Gong Yu leaving while holding Murong Yunxi in his arms, Fourth felt peculiarly that a hint of desolation was lingering in his heart.

“You are really out of your mind! Don’t forget who you are, and more importantly, don’t forget who she is!” Cursing himself verbally in a low voice, Fourth even cursed himself heavily secretly.

Collecting his mind, which was a bit out of control, Fourth started the car and left.

Gong Yu walked toward the room while holding Murong Yunxi in his arms the entire way. After entering the room, he gently placed the beauty in his arms on the large bed.

He helped Murong Yunxi take off her shoes gently. After taking her clothes off, he saw the bruises on her body accidentally. His heart ached for her slightly.

He knew Murong Yunxi had been learning how to exercise from Fourth recently and he knew it well that she consequently would suffer a lot of hardship. Though he had been fully prepared for this earlier, when he saw those scars at this moment, some of which were old and some of which were pretty new, his heart still ached so badly that he almost suffocated.

His heart had not ached for a long time. However, it ached badly at this moment. Rummaging through stuff in the drawer of the bedside table randomly, he finally found the provided drugs. Taking the drugs out of the drawer and pouring them into his mouth hurriedly, he swallowed the drugs along with his drool, since he had no time to fetch water.

As his Adam’s apple moved up and down, the drugs went down his throat slowly. Raising his head and closing his eyes, he was quiet for a very long time. After that, he felt that he started to gradually get some relief from the pain.

He then took off his shoes, turned over, and got in bed. Lying beside Murong Yunxi, he held her delicate body in his arms and fell asleep.

After fighting the whole day and night, Gu Yuxuan finally brought down her fever. Murong Xu’s face looked much paler. Barely sleeping the whole day and night, he who had been worn out at first now looked much worse.

Cui Pengrui finally let out a foul breath. “She is finally safe! You can now feel at ease!”

Letting out a sigh light-heartedly, he felt that he finally relaxed his nerves at this moment. Though he was relieved now, his stomach ached badly. Covering his stomach tightly with his hands, he was in so much pain that he broke out in cold sweat.

Cui Pengrui frowned and asked in a deep voice, “What is wrong with you?”

“My stomach aches!” Murong Xu replied almost through his teeth.

Cui Pengrui came forward quickly to see what was going on. After a detailed look, he said solemnly, “It might be gastric hemorrhage. You need to be sent to the hospital for further diagnosis.”

Murong Xu turned around and looked at Gu Yuxuan on the bed. Anxiousness filled his eyes. He was reluctant to part with her.

“Well, look into your current situation. You actually have time to be immersed in love. Go to the hospital quickly.”

Cui Pengrui dragged Murong Xu and scolded him in a cold voice. Since Murong Xu came from the Murong Family, who was sort of his boss, if anything should happen to him, he definitely would not end up well.

Cui Pengrui kept urging and pressing Murong Xu. In the end, Murong Xu was sent to the hospital.

On the way, Cui Pengrui gave Murong Ye a call and informed him of this news.

As soon as Murong Xu arrived at the hospital, Murong Ye got there as well.

At the same time, he also informed Murong Haotian, who soon rushed to the hospital along with Zhuang Yaru.

As expected, Murong Xu was suffering from gastric hemorrhage. Cui Pengrui pushed Murong Xu lying on the stretcher into the emergency room. After some treatment, Murong Xu was taken into the ward safe and sound.josei

While in the most deluxe suite, Murong Haotian asked in a deep voice, “What has happened?”

Cui Pengrui related what had happened to Murong Haotian in a simple and detailed way. Zhuang Yaru was completely confused. She then muttered to herself, “Surprisingly enough, it is weird for the Gu Family to reject us, who are in a good financial state. Before we could oppose this marriage due to their mediocre family background, which we would never do, he actually came forward to voice out his opposition first. It is so annoying. Why does he dislike us exactly?”

Murong Haotian’s expression became a bit rigid. However, he soon became calm. It happened so fast that his change of expression was barely noticeable. But Murong Ye saw it all with his sharp vision and took all the peculiarities in.

Maintaining his composure, Murong Haotian then said, “Gu Chengkang did that out of self-abasement. His family background is far worse than ours. He should be concerned that Xuanxuan would get hurt often once she became our daughter-in-law due to the huge gap between our family backgrounds!”

“Get hurt? He is so naive. Does it necessarily mean that we will hurt his Gu Yuxuan due to our good family condition? It is so silly. We are not tigers or wolves. What is the point of hurting his Gu Yuxuan?”

Standing by the side, Murong Ye observed everything indifferently. He did not say anything. Nor did he ever show expression at all.

Murong Xu woke up soon. Zhuang Yaru rushed forward in a hurry and asked eagerly, “Xu, what happened to you? How did you end up this way all of a sudden?”

“Due to a large number of issues to attend to in recent days, I kind of could not manage it and I consequently forget to eat food often. Then it got this far.”

Murong Xu spoke in an indifferent way. He completely left out the fact that he had been attending to Gu Yuxuan, who had had a fever the whole day and night.

“Oh, my! Even though you are old enough, you still don’t know how to take care of yourself. It is time you should get married so someone could attend to you. Otherwise, based on your current situation, we would feel anxious for you!”

Murong Xu dropped his eyes while maintaining his composure. He slowly closed his eyes and said, “Mom, Dad, I am a bit sleepy. Let me have some more sleep then!”

Murong Haotian got his point and pulled Zhuang Yaru up. “Yaru, since Xiaoxu is tired, let’s go back first. Nothing will happen to him since he is attended to by so many doctors and nurses. We can check on him some other day. He needs to rest more now.”

Zhuang Yaru seemed a bit unhappy. Giving Murong Haotian a hard look, she said, “We have made a deal at home. The children are under my charge and you only attend to the business in the company!”

It seemed that Zhuang Yaru did not fully get Murong Haotian’s point. Giving Murong Xu a glimpse, she sighed slightly. “Oh, my! Poor child. Why is he down with an illness? It seems that I have to schedule a blind date for Xiaoxu, which cannot be delayed anymore.”

Upon finishing her words, Zhuang Yaru took out her cellphone directly. She then gave her bestie a call in the presence of Murong Xu, Cui Pengrui, and a crowd of medical workers, which she did not mind at all. She said to her bestie, “Ah, Qinger, who is the girl you mentioned several days ago? You say she is a perfect match for Xiaoxu.”

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