The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 217 - What About the Children?

Chapter 217 - What About the Children?

Chapter 217 What About the Children?
Murong Ye knit his brows suspiciously and asked coldly, “News? What news?”

“Then, you are here for…” The woman at the front desk shivered as she looked at Murong Ye. Although he was handsome, he looked very scary.

Murong Ye glanced at her. The neurotic look on her face made him feel sick. Thus, he directly walked past the front desk and moved toward the elevator.

Murong Yunxi wanted to console the girl, who was obviously scared of Murong Ye. Thus, she grinned at her. “Just leave us alone. We’ll go by ourselves.”

Then, she followed Murong Ye into the elevator.

They went all the way to Jia Tianxin’s ward. However, just as they reached the door, they heard the child inside crying loudly.

Irritated by the crying sound, Murong Ye frowned. Murong Yunxi, who had experience nursing children, just slightly raised her brows, opened the door and walked inside.

She saw nothing but the infant in the crib, who was weaving its two little arms and crying loudly.

Murong Yuxi moved quickly to the crib and gently lifted the crying baby into her arms.

“Oh, baby, don’t cry! Where is your mommy?”

Murong Yunxi softly hummed to the baby in her arms and bent her index finger at the corner of the little one’s month. The baby stopped crying and tilted his head to seek the finger, trying to put it into her cherry-like mouth.

Murong Yunyu seemed to become another person. Her unusual tenderness touched Murong Ye and made his heart soften.

He turned around, stood in the doorway, and shouted, “Where is everybody?”

Murong Yunxi completely ignored Murong Ye. When she looked around the ward, she finally saw some milk powder and a bottle on a table.

“Brother, stop yelling and help me make some milk.”

Murong Ye turned to look at Murong Yunxi with a gloomy expression. “What… What did you say? You want me to help you do what?”

“Make some milk! The baby is hungry,” Murong Yunxi said frantically as she looked at Murong Ye’s face, which had turned even more ghastly now.

“You want me to make milk for this little bastard?” Murong Ye clenched his teeth.

“Yes, how can I make milk while holding the baby in my arms? What if he gets scalded by the boiling water? Quick, quick, quick! If he doesn’t have milk, he’ll cry again.”

Murong Yunxi urged him impatiently while teasing the little baby in her arms.

Murong Ye walked back in, looking sullen. Although he found the little thing in Murong Yunxi’s arms a bit lovely, he thought that the baby was an irritating devil when he was crying.

“Disinfect the bottle with boiling water. Then, pour 90 ml of 45-degree hot water. Put three spoonfuls of milk powder into the water and shake the bottle gently…”

Murong Yunxi babysat the child in her arms as she taught Murong Ye the basic steps of making milk.

Murong Ye stood there frozen, his face growing increasingly dark.

Murong Yunxi looked up and saw Murong Ye, who was standing still. She was about to urge him when a nurse rushed in. “Big Master Murong, you are here.”

Murong Yunxi told the nurse hastily, “You’ve come at the right moment. Make some milk for the baby, please. She is hungry.”

The nurse took a brief look at the baby in Murong Yunxi’s arms and began to make milk in a hurry.

As the nurse was busy making the milk, Murong Yunxi asked suspiciously, “Where is Jia Tianxin? Is she having any tests? Why isn’t she in the room? How could she leave the baby crying like this?”

The nurse paused. Her hands started trembling, causing the spoonful of milk powder that she meant to pour into the bottle to spill onto the desk.

“She, she is getting emergency treatments.” The nurse sneaked a peek at Murong Ye with a terrified expression.

“Emergency treatments?” Murong Yunxi tensed up, suddenly feeling uneasy. A sense of foreboding flashed by.

“Yes, she had a hemorrhage in the evening. Now, she is in the emergency room. Every doctor on duty is helping in the emergency room. One of the doctors has called the director, but he is still on the way.”

The look on Murong Ye’s face became severe. He furrowed his brows and asked in a cold voice, “How could this happen? Didn’t the parturition go quite well?”

“Yes, there were no problems during the parturition. However, after the child was born, her blood pressure went up suddenly. Then, it all went alright after the emergency treatment. Since then, there have been various complications. Today, she had a hemorrhage, so she is still in the emergency room right now.”

Murong Yunxi’s heart sank as she looked down at the baby in her arms. Her heart was throbbing.

Murong Yunxi took the bottle from the nurse and sat down on the sofa, feeding the baby quietly.

Unfortunately, the baby only took one sip of the milk before she spit it out. Then, she couldn’t help crying out loud.

The nurse approached them hurriedly and looked at the baby, feeling embarrassed. “The baby has only been breastfed. It’s likely that she is not comfortable with milk powder. Unfortunately, Jia Tianxin is now…”

The cries of the baby gave Murong Ye a splitting headache. He had a somber expression on his face as he said, “I’m going to go check on Jia Tianxin.” He immediately left the ward.

Murong Ye walked down the silent corridor. His head, which had nearly exploded because of the baby, was now empty again. Dealing with children was probably the only thing that could drive him crazy.

When he rushed to the emergency room, he found Lian Can sitting on a chair. Lian Can was crying with her face buried in her hands.

A headache struck him again. He had just gotten rid of the little one, but now he had to deal with the elder one. He really shouldn’t have come to the hospital today.

He was about to leave when the door to the emergency room opened. Lian Can got to her feet abruptly and hurtled towards the doctor, grabbing him by the hands.

“Doctor, how is Tianxin?” Lian Can fixed her peach-like eyes on the doctor as her hands clutched at the doctor’s sleeves, almost hurting his arms.

The doctor couldn’t bear to tell Lian Can the truth. He simply shook his head helplessly.

Lian Can tightened her clutch on the doctor’s arms, digging her nails into his skin. The doctor gently moved her hands away. “Miss Lian, calm down. You are hurting me.”

“Doctor, why are you shaking your head? Why?” Lian Can ignored the doctor. She was still grasping at his hands, as if she could hold on to something.

“Miss Lian, we’ve tried our best. We are really sorry.”

“What do you mean you’ve tried your best? What exactly do you mean?”

Lian Can, who didn’t seem to believe what the doctor had said, forced the doctor to speak more bluntly.

Murong Ye shook his head. This woman was an idiot. He immediately turned away, unwilling to watch the woman go insane.

The doctor had to be completely blunt. “Miss Lian, Miss Jia just died. Please accept my condolences.”

“That’s impossible. She loved her child so much. She could at least wait until the baby took her first steps. How could she leave her child and me? How could she?”

Lian Can kept babbling, refusing to accept the fact that Jia Tianxin had died.

Murong Ye, who had nowhere to go, returned to the ward. The little baby had stopped crying and fallen asleep after drinking half a bottle of milk.

Murong Yunxi looked up as Murong Ye came in and asked in a low voice, “How is Jia Tianxin?”

Murong Ye shook his head. “She has been pronounced dead.”

Murong Yunxi looked down at the baby, who had fallen asleep in his arms, and said worriedly, “She is too young to suffer through this. She doesn’t like milk powder. She only drank the milk because that was all she could have. It seems like she will never be able to enjoy breastfeeding anymore.”

“Perhaps losing her mother at such a young age is not a bad thing. At least she’s got no memory of her. Everything could begin again for her.”

Murong Ye watched the baby, glad to see that she could still eat and sleep ignorantly. This could be considered a sort of happiness.

He actually recalled being a five-year-old child himself. He had relied heavily on his mother at the time and had his own memories of her. One day, his father had told him that his mother had died and his newborn sister had been nowhere to be found.

He had cried for god knows how many days without his mother by his side. He had kept crying until he had been tired enough to fall asleep.

The little baby was much luckier than him. At least she had nothing to worry about while she slept.

“Brother, what should we do?” Murong Yunxi gazed at Murong Ye. She had never liked Jia Tianxin, but now that she had died, all could be forgiven. She had to let go.

“I’ll have Second cope with all this!” Murong Ye said emotionlessly.

“Brother, shouldn’t we inform the Ding family? After all, she was a member of the family.”

“According to Second’s message, the Ding family presumed that Ding Sisi had already died after she went missing. There is no point informing them. Why not hand over this business to Lian Can? She is the only one left who still cares about her. As for Ding Sisi, nobody cares about her anymore.”josei

“What about the child? We can’t send a small baby like her to the orphanage.”

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