The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 243 - Wrong Person

Chapter 243 - Wrong Person

Chapter 243 Wrong Person
Gong Yu became nervous and stared fixedly at Ouyang Fangzheng. “What do you mean, you can’t find him right now?””

What should Xiao Xi do if she couldn’t find Master? Niannian was still at home waiting for them to go back…

He was prepared to never return there. But when it came time to say goodbye, he found he had an attachment to the place. Even though he had only lived there for five years, he had so many memories and experiences he found difficult to let go.

Ouyang Fangzheng saw Gong Yu’s expression and was surprised. He had no idea what Gong Yu was thinking, but he could tell that Gong Yu felt a longing for this place.

“Anyway, Master has gone to chase after predecessor Baili.”

“Oh? Did Master’s wife show up?”

Gong Yu looked a little surprised. Master’s wife had disappeared from Master’s life for over ten years. Master was unable to find her anywhere. Many people told Master that his wife was dead, but he did not believe it and kept looking for her.

“Yes, there was news recently. In Jiayu City, some people say they saw predecessor Baili. Master went straight after her. So far there has been no news, so we do not know where Master is now.”

Gong Yu’s heart went cold. A sense of loss pervaded his entire body, it made him appear absent in mind.

Huangfu Jianan saw the expression on Gong Yu’s face, he turned to look at Murong Yunxi and felt a little sad. “Third Brother, are you going to try your luck in Jiayu City now, or are you going to wait here for Master Kuang to come back?”

Gong Yu turned to look at Murong Yunxi. “In Xiao Xi’s state, it is not very convenient for me to take her around. Let’s wait here for a while and send someone out to look for Master. If, after sometime, still he has not arrived, we will take Xiao Xi and go in search of him.”

Ouyang Fangzheng nodded. “Well, that’s right! We’ll send someone to help you find him. ”

“Fine, but I don’t want the news of me and Xiao Xi’s return to be leaked, so … you know.”

“Why? Are you afraid of Duanmu Gongcheng or…”

“Yes and no!”

“What do you mean?”

Gong Yu was silent, he wasn’t sure what to say. When he was alone with Murong Che, he felt nothing. But now in front of so many people who cared for him so much, he found it hard to find the words he wished to say.

Murong Che glanced at Gong Yu with some resentment and said with some bitterness, “The reason why he does not want to disturb the others is that he has no wish to stay here at all. After Xiao Xi is cured, he will leave. If he hasn’t happened to run into me, he probably would nit have been back to see us at all. He doesn’t even intend to meet you after seeing me. ”

Murong Che complained of Gong Yu’s “crime” with anger. His anger wasn’t because of anything other than he found Gong Yu was deliberately estranged from them, and this was unacceptable to him.

Gong Yu did care about them, it was just that he didn’t want to upset people again with his departure. Murong Che didn’t know this, which resulted in a misunderstanding between them.

The crowd did not leave until it really late that night, but Dong Fangying and five others again refused to leave. Gong Yu understood their concern, so he did not force them to leave.

The next day, Gong Yu planed to take Murong Yunxi to the streets and buy some daily necessities. Under the circumstances, they had no choice but to settle down here for a while, so they needed to buy a lot of things.

Because they were staying in the suburbs, there were few people on the street. After so many years of being missing, most people had forgotten Gong Yu. So with a hat covering his wierd hair, he took Murong Yunxi outside and into the street.josei

Gong Yu was riding on a high horse. He had not done this in a long time. A sense of familiarity came to him, and somehow his feelings were changed.

Murong Yunxi was sitting in the front, with Gong Yu’s arms tightly encircling her. Murong Yunxi nestled in the arms of Gongyu. This scene actually reminded her of the scene in which the movie was completed. She was riding a horse in Gong Yu’s arms just like now, then she accidentally fell off the horse and subsequently discovered news of her pregnancy.

Then, when she knew that there was new life in her belly, she could still feel the joy then, now. However, things have already changed and her baby never arrived in this world.

The series of thoughts upset Murong Yunxi. A sorrow and melancholy that was totally different from Gong Yu’s feelings.

They were both preoccupied with their own memories, and neither one took notice of the change in the other. They arrived at West Market before long.

It happened to be the day when the monthly trade fair was held.

The western suburb was not a prosperous region, people could only buy limited commodities. When there was a large trade fair, merchants from other places would set up stalls and sell an abundance of goods. Therefore, there were crowds today, a lot of sellers and buyers.

Gong Yu didn’t expect to be caught in the middle of the crowd. But he thought of today’s market having a full range of goods, and forced himself to take Murong Yunxi into the market.

When they reached the market, Gong Yu jumped off the horse and left Murong Yunxi sitting in place on it. He led the horse and walked through the crowd.

Both Gong Yu and Murong Yunxi wore normal clothes. Gong Yu wanted to keep a low profile when he came back, so he drew clothing patterns and he asked Murong Ye to make very simple clothes for them to wear. People would hardly notice two such people in the crowd. If no one paid attention to their faces, they would be invisible to the crowd. However, some people would just a likely pick a quarrel out of nowhere.

They were walking along quietly, when suddenly, behind them, a sharp female voice shouted. “Ouch! It stinks! ”

Then a woman came forward and grabbed a tight hold on Gong Yu’s clothes. “Hey! You! Stop there! ”

Gong Yu frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment, but still he turned around and removed the small hand from his clothes.

The woman disturbed by Gong Yu’s action, looked up and then shouted at him. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Your horse farted at me …”

Before she could finish her words, the last word stuck in her throat. The woman looked at Gong Yu in amazement, shocked as though she had seen a ghost. “You, you, you, are you Duanmu Gongyu?”

Gong Yu looked at her calmly and said, “Duanmu Gongyu? He was the well-known Prince Yu of Jin Lin City. How can I be such a noble person? Miss, you have the wrong person.”

Gong Yu’s voice was tender and gentle. It wasn’t like Duanmu Gongyu’s voice—cold and indifferent. Even the tone of his voice had changed.

The woman, still in shock, not be convinced. She asked,”Don’t you remember me? I’m She Yingzi? My father is the Minister of Rites? We met once in Jin Lin City?”

Gong Yu kept a poker face. “I’m sorry, miss. You have mistaken me for somebody else. I’m not Prince Yu. My name is Mu Lengyu, “Leng” means cold, “Yu” means bird’s feather.”

Such a courteous tone and voice was quite different from the cold Prince Yu of former times. She Yingzi couldn’t help wondering.”Do I really have the wrong person? But they look so much alike.”

She Yingzi asked again to confirm.”Are you really not Duanmu Gongyu?”

“I’m really not him.” Gong Yu looked directly into She Yingzi’s eyes, which made him look as though he were telling the absolute truth. His tone and expression were really different. In She Yingzi’s impression, Duanmu Gongyu has never been so gentle.

Murong Yunxi, sitting on the horse, laughed to herself. “Gong Yu’s acting is turning into perfection. His acting skills have so improved from his roles in film and television shows in recent years. The title of best actor is a well-deserved honor for him. It almost made her believe the illusion the woman had got the wrong person.”

She Yingzi scratched her head shyly and apologized. “I’m really sorry, it seems that I have really mistaken you for another person, but you and Duanmu Gongyu look very much alike!”

Gong Yu smiled softly, like a spring breeze, and made people extremely comfortable. “It’s a great honor for me to be so similar to Prince Yu. What a great fortune in my life!”

Gong Yu’s smile completely erased She Yingzi’s doubt. She was sure this person was not Duanmu Gongyu, because anyone in Jin Lin City knew that Prince Yu never smiled. Many people might even say Prince Yu couldn’t smile. But this person’s smile was warm, he could never be the cold Prince Yu.

When she thought of this, She Yingzi apologized again in embarrassment. “It is true, how can you be Duanmu Gongyu? He has been missing all these years, how could he be here?”

After her argument, She Yingzi completely forgot the reason why she had stopped Gong Yu in the first place.

Gong Yu bowed slightly and said gently, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take my leave.”

After saying that, he turned and leading the horse he left with Murong Yunxi.

As they walked away, Murong Yunxi chuckled and whispered. “Gong Yu, the best actor is truly a well-deserved title for you. Your acting is brilliant!”

Gong Yu raised his hand and patted Murong Yunxuan on her little butt. “Flatterer!”

After he patted her on her butt, Murong Yunxi argued angrily. “No! I’m not telling the truth. You’re stupid.”

Gong Yu looked at Murong Yunxi and said, “Okay, say nothing more. We should be careful with people around us. I don’t want others to hear our conversation.”

Gradually, they walked away and vanished into the crowd. Behind them, She Yingzi was still stunned to see the two people disappearing in the crowd.

As she stood in a daze, someone tapped her on her shoulder. “Hey, Zi, what are you thinking?”

She Yingzi turned to look at Duanmu Gongqi, who resembled Duanmu Gongyu at some level. she flashed a sweet smile. “Where have you been, brother Qi? I have been waiting for you for so long!”

Duanmu Gongqi, as though presenting a treasure, opened one hand and a beautiful jade hairpin came into view. She Yingzi clapped her hands and cheered. “Wow! How beautiful!

Duanmu Gongqi smiled lightly. “It’s for you!”

She Yingzi turned around, pointed at her head and said, “Brother Qi, help me put it on!”

Duanmu Gongqi raised his hand and put the jade hairpin into her hair. He asked casually. “What did you just think about? I called you twice before you heard me.”

She Yingzi turned her small head and said, “Oh, just now I mistook someone for Duanmu Gongyu, He looked so much like him!”

Duanmu Gongqi’s hand stopped suddenly midair and surprised he asked, “Oh? Duanmu Gongyu?”

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