The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Hades Was Waving at Him
Yun Muxi saw his change in expression and asked, “Seventh Brother, what’s wrong?”

He replied coldly. “We don’t need you now, someone has stepped up to explain.”

“Who?” Yun Muxi asked, very confused.

Seventh Brother glanced at him and said in a meaningful tone, “You know this person, it’s your friend, Tong Nan!”

She raised her brow subconsciously and asked in confusion, “Tong Nan?”

“Yes, that Tong Nan. She posted online saying that she’s dating Gong Yu and that they were together that night!”

Right after he finished his sentence, his phone started to ring. An unknown number was shown on the screen. He paused momentarily before picking it up carefully. “Hello?”josei

“Excuse me, is this Gong Yu’s manager, Seventh Brother?”

“Yes, I am, who am I speaking to?”

“I am Tong Nan’s manager Zhang Jingting. I want to discuss about the news with you!”


“Honestly, it is all her own doing. I don’t even know why she did that. But now that it happened, I want to discuss with you how to solve it.”

“Well then, what does Miss Zhang have to suggest?”

“Here’s what I think, now that it has already happened, we don’t have a better solution at the moment. Why not we just go with the flow? Let the two put on a loving show and when things get settle down we’ll announce their breakup or come up with something else! Tong Nan is a model and has very good conditions. Our company really wants to invest in her. She has just started to build her career, and Gong Yu has just returned to build his locally. If we do this well, it will be beneficial for both of them. If it goes haywire, then both will be doomed. I’m sure Seventh Brother knows how realistic and brutal the industry is, better than I do!”

Seventh Brother went silent momentarily and glanced at Yun Muxi. At this point in time, she was listening to their conversation attentively. Upon knowing that he was speaking to Tong Nan’s manager, he had turned on the speaker. Yun Muxi heard everything.

Yun Muxi did not respond. She was unusually calm. Actually, she was not really being calm. Instead, she was thinking about why Tong Nan would do so. Yun Muxi knew that Tong Nan liked Gong Yu. However, he had made his stance very clear. It was Tong Nan’s character to be making decisions on her own. However, Gong Yu might not appreciate it. Instead, he might even despise her even more.

Seventh Brother considered about it and said, “How about this, let me discuss this with Gong Yu himself. This is about him, I am in no position to give you a reply.”

“No problem, but I hope you’ll give me a reply as soon as possible. We can’t control how fast the fire spreads!”

“I understand, please wait for my reply!”

After hanging up, Seventh Brother looked at Yun Muxi silently, waiting for a response.

Yun Muxi looked at him, unusually composed. “I don’t think he will agree to this. I’m sure you know his temper better than I do. I understand why Tong Nan would do it, she is rash just like that. She never thinks about the consequences. However, she truly wants to help Gong Yu. It’s just that I’m afraid he won’t cooperate.”

Seventh Brother nodded and cleared his throat. “However, there is still a solution to this. You’re the key person! He listens to you most!”

Yun Muxi hesitated immediately. Honestly, it was a lie to say that she did not mind. She was taken aback by how much she actually cared. The sourness in her heart spread to every corner like a plague. She hated that she was so useless. It’s just acting, isn’t she doing the same thing with Mou Yichen now? But no matter what, she could not erase that sour feeling. It made her want to shout out “I don’t agree, I cannot accept this”.

However, she went against her heart’s desire and said, “Okay, I’ll go to persuade him! But I cannot promise that my words will be effective, since our situation is a little different now.”

After Gong Yu got out of the shower, he found that Seventh Brother was not at home and the doorbell rang just in time. He fetched the door himself and was shocked to see Xiao Xi.

The look of joy was seen in his eyes immediately, but he composed himself very quickly and said coldly. “What are you doing here!”

Yun Muxi’s cheeks blushed with awkwardness. Not knowing what to do, she stole a glance at Gong Yu. Although he had taken a shower and was refreshed, she could still clearly see the heavy look in his eyes and the tiredness on his pale face.

Yun Muxi’s heart could not help but ache for him. It seemed like he suffered a great blow yesterday.

She lowered her head hurriedly and struggled to find the right word. After some time, she finally opened her mouth. “I… I came to talk to you.”

“Oh, haven’t we already had the talk yesterday? There shouldn’t be anything left to say now, right? Or are you regretting? Indeed, Yun Muxi, you’ve changed. You’ve become someone who I don’t know. You’re so skittish and unsettled!”

As he spoke, although he sounded like he was blaming her, in his heart, he wanted her to tell him this, “What I said yesterday wasn’t true. I regret it now. Ignore everything that I said.”

However, he did not hear the answer he wanted. Yun Muxi paused and said plainly, “I’m here to talk about you and Tong Nan.”

“Me and Tong Nan? I don’t think we have anything to talk about!”

“Gong Yu, can you let me in? It isn’t convenient standing here.”

Gong Yu opened the door and stepped aside to let her in. As she walked in feeling a bit lost, Gong Yu looked at her back view and wanted to hug her from behind and never let go.

“Gong Yu, perhaps you two didn’t have anything to talk about, but things are different now.”

“…” He lifted his brows and looked at her in disdain.

“This morning, there was news about you going to a hotel with a woman. Then Tong Nan came up front and claimed that it was her. She said that you two are a couple.”

“What? That woman is crazy! Since when do we have anything to do with each other? Does she think she can gain my heart like that? Is she looking down on me or thinking too highly of herself?”

“Gong Yu, stay calm, listen to me! Actually, I understand why she would do that. She’s a passionate girl, although sometimes she lacks thinking and is more rash, she didn’t mean harm! She must have done it to solve your problem!”

“Oh, then what are you trying to say?”

“…” She could hear the pain in his voice. Suddenly, she did not know what to say.

“You want me to go with the flow and put on the show? This will also help you to get rid of me, right? You can then be with Mou Yichen that fella without any hindrance, right? Actually, you’ve planned to be with that fella a long time ago! Niannian is his, right?”

Gong Yu practically shouted out those last words. His hysterical rant shocked Yun Muxi. She stood frozen while her heart suffered a great blow. The huge pain hit her brain directly. Tears would not stop flowing into her eyes. However, stubborn as she was, she had to hide them. She felt like suffocating from all these.

Yun Muxi lowered her head deeply and said lightly, “If that’s what you really think, then so be it!”

Yun Muxi did not dare to meet his almost-crazy eyes. She kept her head lowered and did not want him to see her on the verge of tears. That sentence had drained almost all her energy to be said out loud. She had no more energy for another word.

Gong Yu walked to the window and stared out of it. Tears rolled down his cheeks silently. The pain in his heart rose again, it was so overwhelming he could hardly stand still. He rested his arms against the cold window. The cold feeling traveled from his fingertips through his whole body, right up to the deepest part of his heart. The brittle coldness merged with the overwhelming pain and dissolved into silent tears.

Gong Yu’s eyes were covered with mist, like his heart. He felt like a lost kid in a dark forest. He was tripping everywhere and could not find a way out of that faraway forest. He was encamped in the darkness, invaded by the brittle coldness, and completely lost…

“Fine! As you wish!” He spoke in a husky voice.

Gong Yu’s voice was too sorrowful. She had never seen him like this. He was as fragile as a glass doll, he would fall into a million pieces by a gentle touch. This moved Yun Muxi so much, she could not repress it any longer. She dashed towards his back and stretched out her arms to embrace his sturdy yet lonely back. However, she froze mid-air.

A clear internal voice questioned her, “Yun Muxi, what are you trying to do? Didn’t you say to let go, to never come back, to seal off all feelings for him? What are you trying to do now?”

Her frozen hand evolved into a hand of comfort. She gently patted his back and comforted, “Actually, Tong Nan is a good girl, you can consider her. She’s bright and lively, she can bring sunshine into your life.”

After which, she turned to leave. The decision to leave was similar to when she left the country of Mu Xia back then; it was a firm decision with no hesitation, yet her heart was dripping with blood.

Hearing her words, Gong Yu shouted in his heart, “Do you know you’re my only sunshine? No one else can bring the light into my heart! Losing you is the thing that really pushes me into the darkness, making me walk into hell and never see light again.”

When the door was shut, Gong Yu started to bawl like a helpless child. Leaning against the French window, he sat on the floor. He buried his face deep into his cupped hands. Big drops of tear fell through the gaps between his fingers onto the floor. They turned into tiny pearls that reflected the sunlight that shone on it. It was a stark contrast to the darkness that Gong Yu was in. It accentuated his pitifulness and sorrow.

The thumping pain in his heart hastened his breathing. He took in large mouthfuls of breath but none of that entered his body. The feeling of entering suffocation traveled to his brain clearly. Gong Yu suddenly felt like Hades was waving at him. The corners of his mouth lifted up as a sign of relief and his eyes lit up brightly…

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