The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272 The man who realized he had stepped on a landmine suddenly stopped playing with her hair. “I won’t do it.” These words were not convincing at all. “Why won’t you do it?” Taya raised her finger and listed Griffon’ past mistakes. “You used to hold hands with Tara.” “You even took her to the hospital.” “And…” Griffon quickly interrupted, “You’re talking about sex, I haven’t done it, and I won’t. And before, it was just a fling.” Taya retorted, “So you mean Zack was just having a fling too, he just got more into it than you did?” Griffon panicked, “That’s not what I meant, I don’t know what ”

Zack was thinking, and you can’t compare me to him.” Taya snorted, pushed him away, rolled to the side, and lay on the edge of the bed, “I’m going to sleep, don’t come over.” The man behind her couldn’t believe that just a moment ago they were making love, and now they were sleeping separately. It’s all Zack’s fault! Griffon stared at her back, hesitated for a few seconds, then wrapped himself and the blanket around her, and carried her back. When other couples have small conflicts, the man usually pursues the woman, apologizes and begs for forgiveness. But he, on the other hand, wrapped her up like a giant burrito, leaving only her head exposed, and sat cross-legged in front of

her. The man leaning against the headboard was completely unaware of his inappropriate behavior. He just held onto her and took responsibility for his past mistakes. “I apologize for my childish behavior in the past. I am truly sorry.” “If I could go back in time, I would not have tested you like that. I would have just told you that I love you.” “Baby, don’t be angry about what happened before. I have changed myself and will never use another woman to make you jealous again.” Taya, with half of her face covered by the blanket, slightly curved her lips. “Can you guarantee that you won’t use another woman to make me jealous in the future?” “I promise, I will never use another woman to make you jealous.” “What if you do?” Griffon paused, seeming to consider the possibility, but ultimately shook his head in denial. “Unless I fall in love with someone else, I will never use another woman to make you jealous. But I can assure you that I will never fall in love with anyone else in my lifetime.” Taya was finally satisfied and extended a little finger to him, beckoning him to h ook it. “Let’s pinky swear, don’t go back on your word.” Griffon h ooked her little finger and pulled her into his arms. “Let’s just seal the deal.” He opened his pajamas and let Taya bite his shoulder. “Bite hard enough to draw blood.” This way, whenever he saw the mark, he would remind himself to never let her down. “Are you silly? I’m just teasing you.” She was just playing around with him, not really angry with him. It had been so long ago, why keep holding onto it? “You don’t want to bite me, do you?” “Hmm, I’m afraid it would hurt.”

Taya, along with her blanket, jumped into Griffon’ arms. “Let’s go to sleep, babe.” Griffon felt relieved that she wasn’t holding onto their past anymore. He hugged her tightly. “The situation with Zack and Gigi has nothing to do with you. Don’t feel guilty. I’ll take care of everything.” “But, is it easy to solve?” “Yes.” If Zack wants to mate Gigi, Griffon is prepared to offer a generous gift and take Zack to Brook’s house to propose. If Zack doesn’t want to mate, Griffon will respect his decision. It’s not a difficult problem to solve. Taya, nestled in his arms, nodded gently. She still hoped that Zack and Gigi could be together, but matters of love should be left to them to decide.

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