The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chapter 648

Chapter 648

Chapter 648

Chapter 648 The car quickly stopped at the entrance of the hospital where Stella worked. Mr. Brulee, Mr. Brulee, was shocked when he saw Griffon, who was covered in blood. He quickly calmed down and commanded the medical staff to take Griffon to the emergency room. He then turned to Zack, who was closely following behind him, and asked, “Where is he injured?” Zack, clenching his fists and keeping his voice steady, replied, “He has two knife wounds on his back, and his head was hit with a stick. I’m not sure how many times he was hit, so you’ll need to examine him to determine that.” Upon hearing that Griffon had a head injury, Mr. Brulee’s expression tightened, and he stepped forward to conduct a preliminary examination of Griffon’ brain with gloved hands. “He was hit twice on the head, once at the back of his head, which is a fatal injury,” he explained. Realizing that Griffon had other brain diseases, he became anxious and quickly instructed his assistant, “Call the dean in Washington and connect me to him immediately!” After Mr. Brulee finished speaking, he turned to the other doctors and ordered, “Notify the surgical doctors to come and handle the knife wounds immediately, and contact the brain specialists to come to the emergency room!”

A group of doctors hurriedly pushed Griffon into the emergency room after receiving orders. “Alpha Knight’ injuries are very serious, fortunately the injuries on his body have not penetrated his o rga ns, timely hemostasis and treatment is good.” “The brainstem is a fatal injury, and it is necessary to quickly deal with the congestion and perform surgery as soon as possible!”

“The other areas are bruised, and cleaning the wounds of germs will suffice. The impact is relatively small!” “But multiple surgeries must be performed simultaneously, which is very risky!” After the surgeons and brain specialists completed their examinations, they quickly reported to Mr. Brulee, letting him make a decision on whether to immediately proceed with the synchronous surgery. Mr. Brulee thought of Griffon’ instructions and hesitated. The off-site guiding Washington dean, however, decisively said, “Operate the skull immediately!” Although Griffon had previously instructed not to perform a craniotomy, in this situation, it was necessary to save his life. As Washington’s chief Stella, only he had the authority to make the decision, and Mr. Brulee had to follow his lead and immediately order the doctors to perform the surgery. Outside the operating room, Zack clenched his fists and stared at the red light, suddenly remembering that Griffon had gone to save Taya. But when they rushed in, they didn’t see her anywhere. If Griffon woke up and realized he hadn’t found Taya… Zack thought of this and quickly took out his phone, intending to send someone to look for her. But he saw Griffon’ most trusted bodyguards approaching. The leader of the bodyguards stood before Zack and asked anxiously, “Mr. Zack, how is Alpha Knight now?” After a brief explanation, Zack asked the leader of the bodyguards about what had happened. When he learned that they had failed to protect both Griffon and Taya, he became furious. “What’s wrong with you guys? You lost Ms. Palmer and let Alpha Knight go on his own. Don’t you know that many people

want to kill him?” The leader of the bodyguards hung his head in shame and apologized, “I’m sorry. Alpha Knight asked us to find Ms. Palmer as soon as possible, so I sent all the personnel out. I didn’t expect him to go to the coast alone, and he got seriously injured. It was my fault.” Zack scolded the bodyguard furiously and gritted his teeth, “Why are you here if you’re not going to find Ms. Palmer? Hurry up and look for her! If Alpha Knight wakes up and doesn’t see her, then you will have truly failed!” After the bodyguards apologized and left the hospital to continue searching for Taya, Zack called Andre on the phone. “Alpha Knight is in trouble, you need to come back!” He couldn’t stay there for too long due to his identity, otherwise, he might be exposed. As he was about to rush into Eric’s villa to fight again, Andre’s face changed drastically when he heard about Griffon’ situation. “I’ll be back right away!” He could not care about Stella at this moment. He threw away his weapon and quickly got into the car, telling the driver to hurry to Wolverly Capital’s Airport!

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