The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chapter 968

Chapter 968

Chapter 968

Chapter 968 “I remember when you used to like drinking strong coffee while studying. Why do you like to drink tea now?” Harper asked. “I used to drink coffee to stay alert and make use of most of my time. I thought that by reading more books, I could gain more wealth. But what is the wealth of life? I still haven’t figured it out,” Silas said lightly as if the hardships he had endured in the past were not worth mentioning. He felt that those who were trapped in the past couldn’t know what is the wealth of the world. Perhaps they could realize it, but they had already lost it.

Silas leaned back in his wheelchair, holding the teacup and looking down at the tea. The gentleman was unparalleled in the world. But even such an outstanding man was still trapped by love. Harper didn’t know how to respond, feeling bad. Perhaps the most pitiful person in the world was Silas. ” The person he had loved for half his life had left him, and he had lost his legs. He was alone, far away from everyone, sitting alone in the garden of the Wolverly Capital, perhaps thinking about his beloved for hundreds of days and nights. But he would never have someone respond to him with the same passion and rush towards him without hesitation as before. Silas had received Taya’s love without reservation, but precisely because he had received it, he felt so regretful and unable to let go. Harper felt that if she were in his shoes, she would also find it hard to accept. But no one could understand Sila s’s emotions better than himself. So Harper didn’t know what to say. Sitting across from him, she felt a bit lost, unsure whether to comfort him.

“Are you here to return the gift?” Silas seemed to sense her discomfort and regained his calmness as he looked at her with a smile.

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