The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Brittany Dustin apoleg zed mechanically, and her mind was stuck on the accident scene where Milam Dithen had pushed her poid the deady

blow for her

“What good is your apologs now? My son is in there fighting for his life, and he’s not even that. Why did you do this to him!

Mrs.Dillion lost “er shit,hing Brittany over and over, Dely stopping whe My son it’s on you‘

e’d had her fil, tea’s ring down her face. “Brimary, anything happen to

Brmany crumpled on the floor and was swallowed by gut. She was at a loss for words

Timothy Dien was a bit more composed. He helped his wife up and then turned to Bettany “You’ve had a rough night, gohome He wanted her por

“Mr. Dillon, I want to stay This happened to Wan because of me I can’t just leave

Tears walked up in Inittany’s eyes. “Once I know bum is out of danger, lililove is that skap?

Timothy knowing his son’s feelings, muld then forgren Hirany nor be overly harsh to her. He helped her

and sad. You can wat”

Bettany sat stifly on the bench, her eyes glared, and on the operating room.

The pounds of Mrs. Delons sols, and the hustle and bustle of the medical staff formed a web around Sitany, suffocating her After what felt like an eceived Mrs Dillioncredherself sur

The lights in the operating room feally went off

The Dons stopped Inward ‘Doctor, how’s our man?”

Wlor His Don, William was lucky in Buleve,” the doctor sand grimly Butts

ka serious he. I’m afraid he cant save them”

Kron turned ghostly white, “You mean amputatio?”

Timothy swayed.

Brittany felt like she was plunged into an icy abyss. She was ourwhelmed with gut and remorse. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out Wikam was the best person she knew

In college, wie guys his age were goofing around, he was already a well known nerd

He was always polte and humble

Such a great guy was facing amputation because of her!

“You need to decide quickly, and if we don’t operate soon we might not be able to sarhsilc

Fundus, Mrs. Den grashed Brittany, “This is all your faul! My song legs are tuned! Bitary, what and my son da to descrve this and to get hurt because

Tears clouded Hullany’s eyes she didn’t know what the to pay offer than sorry.

Barely holding together, Timothy signed the consent form


“Mr. Calor fanted before she could frish her sentence.

Brittany mali–curly caught het; Timothy signed the form, held his wile, and pushed fetary away. The usually gentle Timothy looked displeased. “Ms. Dustin, please least!

Bretary couldnt find the words as he gave her a disgusted lon

Timothy took his wile and left

The door to the operating room shut tight, and a burning noise fled Brmany’s ears She could almost feel Willams pain. Suddenly her legs buckled, and she collapsed onto a chair in the alway

What happened?

Vily did it fun out this way?

The operation to a long time. Meanwhile, the pole checked the surveillance and found out the tacker was a mentally person hired to finan But Willam look the hit for her

Hearings, Ms. Didion grabbed a vase and flew it at Hullany, as though she wanted to kill Britany

Bettany hadn’t slept a win. She just raised her hand and wiped the blood off her forehead after he waselit ber

“What good is your sorry! How m my sonsupposed to i

Bary’s patrembled, but she couldnt make a sound

My Dillon fainted again.

This time, Timothy had some


“Bever show your face to my son again was kicked out of the hospital. She stumbled towards her apartment, slipping and falling

The road was covered with thick snow. soaking her clothes instantly, but she didn’t feel the cold,

The hum of the hospital machinery echoed behind her

Brittany was exhausted, feeling like she was enveloped in darkness. She didn’t know how long had been since she collapsed in the snow!


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