The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380 After hanging up the phone Isaac turned to Brittany and said, ‘Cool down, okay? Brittany was an easygoing person, not one to lose her temper easily. She chose to trust Isaac, sticking to the principle of mutual trust between husband and wife ‘Xingh.” “What was that call about the probed gently “Work related stuff: Seeing him unwilling to talk more about it, Brittany didn’t ask further. Like always, is prepared breakfast. After eating with Brittany, he dropped her off at the Dustin Group Then, he drove to Imperial University Jole got into trouble at school, getting into a fight with a classmate, and getting hit on the he the was now at the administration office. Once carved at Imperial University, Joe’s eyes lit up immediately

She hurried over, looking all pathetic, and grabbed Isaac’s hand, “Bo Isaac. I’m so glad you’re here” Isane took a step back. The smile on Joe’s face from The Dean, who was familiar withhar, nodded slightly, “Mr. Saltet, we ve sorted everything out. Both parties are to blame, but it was Ms. Joie who threw the first punch Jole’s wound was already bandaged, making her look fragile bt her lip as if the wanted to say something else. “BroIsaac,know shouldnt have hit her, but the things they sa were so hurtful ” They said she was lying off men, and the men she was with must have families! She was not that kind of person

“Okay” Isaac cut her off, “Lets leave it at that. If the other party needs an apology or compensation Joie be her Ipin dissatisfaction,” get it” The female classmate who had the conflict with Joe was standing aside. Seeing Isaac, she looked a bit weird. After Joe apologized, she also apologized and then left The female classmate was standing outside the door. It seemed like she had confirmed Isaac’s identity She made a phone call “Kari, is Ms. Dustin’s husband having an affair?” Kari stood up immediately, “Explain clearly” The girl told her everything in detail, 1 heard from Jole that her admission to imperi iversity was arranged by Mr. Salier” This girl was close to Karl. She once interned at Brittany’s studio, so she had seen Isaac a few Kari sad doubtfully. “Mr. Salter treats Brittany very well. I don’t think he would_ Could they just be friends? The girl was also unsure, “Kar, dolls. Difor now. Let’s avoid unnecessary trouble” Kari hung up the phone, thought for a while, and decided to probe Brittany a bit. In the afternoon, Brittany arrived at the studio, and Kari pushed open the door, “Enttany, how are you and Mr. Salter doing lately?” Entry was six months pregnant, and her belly was quite obvious. She was weaying a light colored sh hher coat off and hanging on the She had lost some weight recently if you didn’t look at her belly, you wouldn’t know she was pregnant. “We’re doing great.” Seeing the happiness in her eyes was genuine, Kari didn’t bring it up again They didn’t have any evidence, and Mr. Salter school to facts, which didn’t prove anything An hour later, Kari left. A new product was about to be launched, and Kail needed in contact the

supplier in advance After some thought, she decided to rent a haury car to make an impression, which reminded her of Nathan she met before She picked up her phone and dated a number, “Hello, is this Mr. Nathan?”


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