The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 821

Chapter 821

Chapter 821

Chapter 821

In the midst of a relentless downpour, Isaac got home at the stroke of eleven, his coat clinging to him like a second skin.

He pushed open the door to the master bedroom as usual.

But it was deserted, not a soul in sight.

Where was Brittany? Hadn’t she said she’d be home straight after work to rest up?

Isaac’s brow furrowed as he reached for his phone and dialed Brittany’s number.

No answer.

A chill ran down his spine, and he immediately called Nathan. “Get the surveillance footage from the office, now!”

“Is it Ms. Dustin? Is she in trouble?’

Nathan’s voice was laced with concern, guessing boldly from Isaac’s tone.

Aside from Brittany, he couldn’t imagine who else could cause such an emotional storm in Isaac!

“Just do it!”

The call ended, and Nathan sprung into action, grabbing his jacket and scrambling down the stairs as he summoned his team.

Meanwhile, Isaac entered his study and booted up his computer.

His fingers, long and elegant, flew across the keyboard until the screen went dark, only to reveal a tiny red dot- the latest in GPS tracking technology!

Leaning in, Isaac scrutinized the location, discovering the red dot blinking in the company’s parking lot.

Brittany couldn’t possibly have detected such a covert device; the only explanation was that she was in trouble.

Isaac bolted up from his chair. At the same time, his phone rang.

With a quick response, he picked up.

“Mr. Salter, we’ve got something. Ms. Dustin was taken by Ms. Joie.” Nathan sounded frantic.

“Keep digging!”

Isaac hadn’t expected Joie to dare lay a finger on Brittany, not now!

He hung up and strode out, determination in every step.

In the meantime, Brittany regained consciousness, her vision blurred, head throbbing with pain. She found herself gazing into Joie’s deep, brooding eyes.

“You’re awake.”

Brittany tried to sit up, struggling against the pain at the back of her head. “What are you doing?”

Joie’s voice dripped with venom. “Did you honestly believe I’d let you escape unscathed after you wrecked my life?”

Instinctively, Brittany tried to recoil, her hands tied behind her back.

“Stop squirming.”

Advancing, Joie held a paring knife, its blade catching the light.

“What do you want?” Brittany’s voice trembled with fear.

Had Joie lost her mind?

“If you hadn’t come back, Isaac and I would be together by now.”

Joie crouched down, the cold steel grazing Brittany’s cheek, who stiffened in terror.

“Would Isaac still love you without that pretty face of yours?”

Joie was convinced that this face was all Brittany had over her.

Brittany tried to dodge, but Joie grabbed her chin firmly. “Don’t move!”

A chill flashed in Brittany’s eyes.

Enraged, Joie brought down the knife.


Brittany’s scream filled the room, fueling Joie’s rage. She lifted the bloody knife with a triumphant smirk.

“This face should have been gone a long time ago!”

The rain hammered against the car windows, each drop sounding a heavy, dull note.

Three hours had passed since Brittany was reported missing.

Nathan still hadn’t located Joie’s whereabouts.

With every passing second, the atmosphere in the car turned more rigid.

Seated in the backseat, Isaac gripped the GPS tracker, his eyes resembling bottomless pits.

Nathan swallowed his fear, “Mr. Salter, we’re on it.”

Isaac was silent, his gaze unrelenting.

Nathan’s scalp tingled under the scrutiny. “In an hour, we’ll have something…”

With a loud bang, the car door flew open.

The bodyguard’s voice thundered, “Mr. Salter, there’s a video online. It’s Ms. Joie and Ms. Dustin!”

Quick on his feet, Nathan flung the car door wide, not minding the rain soaking his face. “What do you mean?”

“On the dark web… there’s a live stream. It looks like Ms. Joie… she’s disfiguring Ms. Dustin’s face.”


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