The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 461 How I Met Your Mother (1)

Chapter 461 How I Met Your Mother (1)

Many questions now arise in Scarlett's mind about the two honorable guests in her house, especially Simon Gilwynn.

'Why did he come to my house? Did he want to express his anger? Again?'

She was trying to find an answer to why Simon suddenly appeared here, even though he clearly didn't like her the last time they met. They had nothing more to talk about. She feels puzzled. 

As Scarlett and Xander entered the living room, her heart began to pound nervously because this was the first time Xander would be meeting them in person. She held tightly onto Xander's hand, conveying her nervousness to him.

She noticed Roland and Simon deep in conversation and decided to make some noise so they would notice her.

Roland and Simon stood up and greeted Scarlett as soon as they saw her. She felt quite awkward but tried her best to stay calm. However, she was unsure how to address them — as king or father king. This is really confusing and left her speechless.

Xander sensed Scarlett's silence and efficiently took control of the situation. "Greetings, sir," he began, extending a hand towards Roland Gilwynn. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xander Riley, honored to be Scarlett's husband," he conveyed with refined courtesy.

With an air of contentment, Roland accepts Xander's hand. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Xander. I am Roland Gilwynn," he said, briefly shifting his gaze toward Simon. Roland then introduces Simon to Xander.

Xander extended his hand toward Simon, offering a gesture of respect. "Greetings, Your Majesty—"


"Simply address him as Simon. I believe you both have the same age, right? And we are family, Xander; no need for excessive formality," Roland interjected with an affable tone.

"Certainly, Xander," Simon acknowledged warmly, accepting the handshake. His lips curled into a friendly smile. "Feel free to address me by name. By the way, this isn't our initial encounter, is it?" He asks playfully.

"Indeed," Xander responded with a hint of awkwardness.

Scarlett, who had remained quiet until now, suddenly found herself captivated by their exchange. "Wait, you've met before?" she interjected, "When and where?" she asked curiously.

Xander's smile remained steady as he turned his attention back to Scarlett. "Did you forget that I am acquainted with Theodor? It was through him that I had the pleasure of meeting Simon..." He explained. 

"Oh, right. How could I forget about that?" Scarlett chuckled.  Not meeting Theodor in the last few days made her start to forget him. Gosh!


While Xander talked a lot with Simon and Roland, Scarlett sat silently, uninterested in their conversation. Her mind was preoccupied, 'Why did they come here?'

As Scarlett was about to speak, Roland Gilwynn interrupted with a serious tone, "Scarlett, can we talk alone for a moment?" His unexpected request surprised Scarlett and piqued the curiosity of Simon and Xander.

"Would it be possible to talk here?" Scarlett's reluctance was apparent. She didn't mind if Xander overheard their conversation.

"I don't object to that course, but the matter concerns your mother," Roland began to speak. Still, Scarlett interrupted him by nodding in agreement. He smiled affectionately, pleased that his daughter would listen to his wishes regarding her mother.

"Xander, I'm going to have a chat in the library. Can you wait for me here with Simon?" Scarlett said, her gaze shifted to Simon, the awkward atmosphere still lingering.I think you should take a look at

"Of course, my dear," Xander answered with a nod.


"You may begin speaking now, sir," Scarlett urged, her patience waning after several minutes of waiting. However, Roland remained passive, his gaze fixed on her but his lips unmoving.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss, Scarlett," Roland's voice carried a weight of sorrow, his words hanging in the air.

Scarlett found herself taken aback by his words; his expression could warm her heart. 

"You knew? How?" Scarlett asked, wondering how he got that news. 

"Robert told me," Roland confessed.

Scarlett could only manage a wry smile inwardly. 'Oh, really, Grandpa? Why did you feel the need to tell him?' She scolded her Grandpa Robert silently. 

"I appreciate that," Scarlett said. "So, is this what you wished to discuss with me?"

Roland smiled. "Of course not. I want to tell you how I met your mother, and why I had a relationship with her when I was still married..." he said.

Instantly, Scarlett felt her heart beating faster. This is something she really wanted to hear but in their last encounter, this man didn't say anything about it.

Roland continued, "Before meeting your mother, my late wife was already very ill after giving birth to Maggie. She could do nothing but lie in bed, helpless." He paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "She battled illness for years before finally passing away."

Scarlett didn't quite know how to respond to his story. She quietly listened as he spoke about his past despite her limited interest.

"But a few years before her death, she entrusted me with something that you and others might find unbelievable," his voice trailed off as he released a heavy sigh, easing the weight in his chest. He continued, trembling, "She asked me to find a new companion for myself if she were to pass away..." 

Scarlett, who had previously shown little interest in his tales of the past, felt her curiosity stir. She cast a sidelong glance at him, silently urging him to continue.

"At that time, I completely refused her request. However, she remained firm, even threatening to divorce me if I didn't comply. With little choice, I reluctantly agreed. Nonetheless, I merely placated her with false promises, never intending to truly seek another partner." He smiled bitterly.

His tone shifted as he added, "But then I encountered Vanessa... I mean Rosalie, your mother. After that, everything changed." He wore a fond smile as he reminisced. "From the moment our paths crossed, she captured my attention, and in that very instant, I knew she was the one I had been waiting for..."

Scarlett felt a little relieved upon hearing the story. 

'So, my mother isn't a homewrecker? Thank god.' 

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