The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 317 - Near To Bankruptcy

Chapter 317 - Near To Bankruptcy

Chapter 317 - Near To Bankruptcy

Although old Charles isn't feeling well, he still meets up buyers of the new drugs and their products from different countries. They were extremely into the Killing Machine that they built. Currently, the Charles Empire's project went to minors. They adopted a few children and injected them with a little amount of the drug to give them a fat brain.

"So, is this video real?" His Russian customer asked.

"Yes," Klaus said as he showed them the reaction of the children from before and after they were given the drug. The drug was injected into them every week and they responded well. They were currently practicing some martial arts they learned from watching television.

"That's impressive." He said. "How about guns?"

Klaus smirked as he nodded his head and the man slid it and watched as those kids were firing a small revolver and they target most near or on the red spot.

"Hmm, very impressive." He nodded his head. "I will take it then."

"I will give you a sample for one of your people." He titled his head. "It is for free."

The man stared at him for long as he waved at his men and spoke in Russian. Shortly, he faced the old Charles and nodded his head.

"Yes, that's a good proposition. It is better if I see it with my own eyes."

The old man stood and gave him free items from their military.

"Meeting tomorrow." The Russian said.

"I will have my secretary set it up for you and a few of my doctors."

"Yes, that would be better." He agreed to it as the man stood and fixed his coat. He walked out first as his men followed.

"Sir," The assistant approached him and showed him how many men that they lost. "None of them get back." He said.

"Hmm," he tried hard not to react but his mind was full of stressful things. "Recruit more and discuss what happened while we are on our way."

"Yes, sir."

He held his cane tight as he walked toward the car. Then, the assistant sat beside him and started discussing what happened. All of the cameras were destroyed. He watched the clips of the cameras and they didn't spot the room or the baby. But they knew well that Victor had an offspring from his fiancee.

"Find more. We need that thing." Klaus said, indicating the baby.

"Yes, sir." The assistant fixed his glasses. "What is Victor's situation?"

"He is currently in rehabilitation."

"How long are we going to invest in him?" He asked. "The kids that we bought were getting better from killing," Klaus said as he checked the amount that they spent on Victor. "The Rossie Empire is bigger than we expected although I drained them out."

"Sir, with the Golden Age and the Rossie Empire and De Alegre, I think their resources are unlimited."

"Golden Age's resources came from the Rossie Empire." He said. "We already killed Henry, didn't we?"

The assistant nodded his head.

"That is what Jeremy confirmed, sir."

"Hmm, find where Jeremy was. Make sure that he investigates well…"

"Yes sir."

"But if Henry is dead, how come that she only came back to the Rossie Empire?" He thinks out loud. He started to think that there could be more shady things that they could do. It is the Rossie Empire after all. He swore to his death that he is going to drain them but it seemed like his plan backfires. He needs to find a way to stop the Rossie Empire from operating or else they will be drained out.


Violet's day was complete upon seeing her baby smiling at her after he woke up. He crawled closer to her chest and leaned his head.

"Hello, Kal." She giggled and kissed Kal's head. "Did you miss mommy so much?"

Baby Kal kissed her lips and lay flat down so he could reach her face.

"I love you, more." She said softly and caressed his face. "Mommy is sorry for leaving you, but I will make sure that daddy will be with us."

Kal cooed and reached her chest.

"Tam-tam." He said and she carefully lay him down and she lay sideways to feed him. He sucked hard and looked up at him with those twinkling eyes. josei

"You are so handsome." She said, "You looked like your daddy." She kissed his forehead. "No one will stop me from loving you."

She admired him while he was busy sucking and when there's no milk on the other side, she fed him on the other side and he was happy after that. He hugged her neck and burped loudly.

"Alright, we need to go now." She kissed her head. "Mommy is hungry too."

She fixed her shirt and put him on the crib as she took out the new diapers and changed his diapers. Then, she took him downstairs where the atmosphere smelled like delicious food. She went to the kitchen where Leon and his girlfriend are cooking a massive dinner.

"Wow, that's great." She exclaimed as the two turned their heads.

"Good Morning! Max and Terrence are still asleep and I am sure that they have a big appetite." Alicia said as she put the soup on the pot.

"I bet." She said and Kal's eyes widened at the food. "Aunt Ali made you soup. Are you happy?" She spoke to her son who had that 'O' expression. She smooches his fat cheeks. "I think he is ready to eat too."

Leon put the food on the table while Alicia put the soup in a small bowl and let it cool down.

"Why won't you eat first, Vi? I will have that little man."

He removed his apron and sanitized his hand as he carefully took Kal from Violet who willingly approved of him but he stared at him for long.

"Hey, I am your godfather. I will give you a lot of gifts this Christmas." He pointed his nose. "Don't worry. I will feed you."

"Nam-nam." Kal pointed to his food. "Nam-nam!" He shouted angrily.

"Okay, don't do that. Or else, I will get angry. Your mommy needs to eat first."

He started crying dramatically with tears as Bull and Maxi came.

"That's what he always does to me. I think he hates men." Terrence said as he took a cup and put it on the coffee maker.

"He's just adorable," Maxi said as she greeted everyone with a good morning. Then, Kal quickly extended his arms to her as his hands closed and open to tell her that he wanted her to carry him. "Darling, your Uncle missed you."

Yet he still bent closer to her and Maxi had to catch her.

"Yup. I think he hates his annoying Uncles." Violet said who eats like hulk.

"Why?" Leon pouted. "Now, I think I better have a baby girl then."

Kal, who stopped crying instantly after reaching Maxine, stared at Leon.

"What? You think that you will be surrounded by girls in your life?" He crossed his arms. "Once your mom has a baby girl, I am sure that she will take her to the mall and dress her up."

"Hey, don't say that." Violet glared at him.

Kal turned his head, completely ignoring him as he hugged Maxine's neck.

"See? He will ignore you." Violet told him.

"Babe, let's have a baby." Leon suddenly told Alicia who frowned at him.

"Stop talking nonsense. I am a busy woman." Alicia shut him up but still, Terrence and Violet could read his mind. If Leon is silent, it only means that he is already plotting to impregnate her. What an asshole? But since Leon was in love with Alicia, there's no doubt that he wouldn't get her pregnant and would show that it is an accident.

"Okay." Leon finally said and somehow, Alicia stared at him before putting two more plates on the table.

"By the way, how is your music going?" Terrence asked. "Even Kal loved your new danceable songs."

"It was great," Alicia said. "I got full of schedules in my hands. Full of movie offers and modeling. I have to turn down other sexy movie offers."

"Yeah, because you are my porn."

Alicia grabbed the rag, balled it, and threw it to his face but he caught it.

"Babe, I'm just kidding." He said as he chuckled, approached her, hugged her from behind, and kissed her cheeks. "I'm just kidding." He chuckled and kissed her temple.

"I don't want to watch anything lewd this day." Violet suddenly said. "I am the only one who is single here." She waved them off and reached the steamed fish, and poured the sauce on it.

"So, is it alright if we stay here?" Maxi asked as she sat down while holding Kal. A

"Yeah, of course," Alicia said. "Stay here as long as you want. This house is secured too since Leon upgraded a few things on it. Also, it is not visible for people around here. Besides, I have a really busy schedule on the following days."

Leon nodded his head and pulled out from his girlfriend before he did anything else.

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