The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Daisy came in, “What are you looking for? Need a hand? Lost something?”

Allison sighed, “Yeah, I lost something I thought it was a gift from you, so I’ve been wearing it all the time. It’s an agate necklace, simple design. I thought it was your birthday gift for me, but now I can’t find it anywhere”

“Agate necklace? What does it look like, which brand, do you like it? If you really like it, we can buy another one. If it’s limited edition, I can get the factory to make you an exact replica”

But here was the thing, Allison had no idea who gave her the necklace, and why it suddenly showed up at her place, in her clothes. She shook her head, “Never mind, not important, lets go eat.”

That night, Allison was in bed, but couldn’t sleep no matter how hard she tried. She got up and opened her suitcase, looking again, but still couldn’t find it. That necklace, it’s like it just vanished out of thin air.

Suddenly, Penelope’s face flashed through her mind. Especially that time when Penelope impersonated her and came to Blue Mountain Estate. She got the spare key from property management and broke in, took the agate necklace that Grace had left for her, and kept saying it was a token from Lucian?

She remembered that Allison found it a bit strange.

A token? From Lucian?

Her eyes widened! Could it be that the agate necklace was from Lucian?

The first time! The first time at the hotel, it must be! It had to be! Other than that time, Lucian always treated her with disgust, there was no way he’d give her a gift. It must’ve been then.

But how did the necklace disappear all of a sudden? It couldn’t possibly be with Penelope Penelope probably found out about the necklace out of the blue, but didn’t know what it looked like, and that was why she impersonated Allison and broke into her house.

She mistook the agate necklace that Grace gave her as the one from Lugian, which explained why she took it.

Thinking about it now, everything made sense. From Penelope s reaction, this necklace must be really important. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have urgently impersonated Allison to con property management out of the key

So, where was the necklace now?

Allison lay in bed, trying to recall the last time she saw the necklace. It should be….

When she, as ‘Penelope, saw Lucian off on his trip abroad to the headquarters of Lindberg Corporation.

And then.. Where did she put it afterwards?

She rarely wore these pearl and agate necklaces, unless she was trying to match her outfit or there was a party. So, the necklace should still be in the Flanagan family’s backyard.

The next morning. Allison returned to the backyard of the Flanagan family

The lock on the yard gate was open, probably because Margo and her crew had been there, so she just pushed the door open and went in. Everything in the yard was untouched. When she pushed the main house door open, all the familiar old furniture was still in place. She rapidly scanned the surroundings

Once she entered her bedroom, Allison started searching meticulously Given that she rarely left with the necklace, it ruled out the possibility of it being outside. It was probably hidden somewhere in the house novelbin

She carefully checked under the bed, under the couch, under the cupboard. She even opened the washing machine and searched around the drum, but found nothing

Suddenly, she felt something hard under her foot. Allison looked down and lifted the rug next to the coffee table. A round agate necklace was just lying there

She immediately bent down to pick it up, gently caressing it with her fingertips. There was a circle of dark patterns on it.

Yes, this was it. So it had been here all along

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