The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

“Alright.” Another girl chimed in with a smile.

They were bored anyway, so the young ones agreed to play this exciting and fun game.

*Same rules as before. The one who gets this card gets to kiss a girl of his choice.”

Nicholas sighed, Same old boring rules. He stood up. “You guys carry on, I’m stepping out for a smoke.”

James nudged Lucian lightly, “How about it, Luca? Want to join in for a bit?”

The man pursed his lips slightly but eventually nodded.

Lina dealt the cards, deliberately giving that card to Lucian. The thought of getting a chance to kiss such an incredible man was unimaginable. Each of the three girls at the scene had a one in three chance

“Aw man, who’s the lucky one this time?” A young man glanced at his card.

It wasn’t James either, as he flipped his card. Everyone started revealing their cards. Lucian slightly frowned, glancing at his card. The card was in his


Lina’s cheeks flushed, “Oh, Mr. Lindberg It’s you

The man just smirked dismissively. James chuckled, “Luca, you’re really in luck tonight.”

“You can choose the previous dare, or truth.” Lina said, her face flushing as she looked at the man’s handsome profile. She had seen all kinds of men, plenty of wealthy ones. But none were like Lucian, so handsome, so distinguished, so noble. Other men couldn’t even compare to a single hair of Lucians.

The man stood up, walking around the table. Lina blushed, thinking he was coming towards her, and she stood up excitedly. But to her surprise, the man walked past her

Ever since Lucian entered the private room, Allison had been tense. Suddenly, a pair of men’s shoes appeared in front of her. She stared blankly at the high-end shoes.

The air was filled with a familiar masculine scent. She looked up and saw a familiar handsome face in her sight.

Lucian, why did he suddenly come over?

She wanted to back away, but there was no way back. Her back was against the wall.

“What are you doing? Allison pressed her back against the wall, her voice tensed up.

Suddenly, the liandsome face in front of her enlarged

The man grabbed her hand, and the next second, his lips pressed down and landed on hers. Allison’s lashes fluttered as the man’s tongue pushed against her teeth and hooked around hers in an alcohol fueled kiss that lasted two minutes.


Lina bit her lip. She couldn’t believe that Lucian would choose to kiss a waitress! Not just Lina, even the other girls and those casual young men were surprised. Luca, kissing a waitress? It was unbelievable.

Yet, this unimaginable thing happened right before their eyes.

“Who’s that woman? Nicholas also went to her just now.” A girl said.

Lina wore a complex expression, “Who knows? She’s just a waitress, but why Lucian and Nicholas…”

Only James was calm. He took a sip of his drink and chuckled quietly. He knew it. Lucian couldn’t resist.

The way Lucian stared at Nicholas earlier, it was as if he wanted to kill him.

However, only Lucian himself was unaware of the fact that he was so protective of this woman.

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