The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Brook chuckled a bit awkwardly. Looking at Allison’s delicate features, he said, “That’s just how my mom is. Please don’t mind her.”

A few strands of hair fell across Allison’s cheeks. She gently brushed them behind her ear, her voice calm and steady. “My job’s not as fancy as yours. I’m currently working at Red Jack Club, basically a server. I work my butt off day and night, and my paycheck’s nothing compared to yours.”

Brook nodded, “Ana mentioned it.” But clearly. Allison could read a sense of superiority in his eyes, the kind that thought his job was a cut above the rest. Just like in school, when the honor roll students looked down on those who weren’t doing so well,

But Allison didn’t seem ticked off.

Marian, however, seemed a bit miffed. She looked at Ana, “Ana, how could you set my son up with a server?” She added quickly, possibly sensing the awkward energy. “I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t get it twisted.”

Grace’s face was void of any smile.

Ana hadn’t expected Allison to be a server at the Red Jack Club. Anyone living in Blue Mountain Estate wasn’t exactly hard up. How could a server afford such steep rent?

Perhaps Marian’s voice was too loud, Brook glanced at Allison again. He found her attractive. Despite her humble job, he was smitten with Allison at first glance. Brook was young, but Marian kept pushing him to find a girlfriend. None of the girls he met at work were as attractive as Allison. Aside from celebrities on TV, this was the first time Brook saw such a beautiful girl in real life.

Her not-so-fancy job didn’t matter. His paycheck alone was enough to support them both.

“Mom, what are you talking about?’ He grinned at Allison, ‘Don’t let my moms words get to you. I didn’t mean that at all.”-

Marian glanced at her son, worried that he might actually start dating Allison. She had worked hard and spent tons of money to send him to college, until he landed a job at Genesis Industries. If he ended up with a server, then what?

With this in mind, Marian decided it absolutely couldn’t happen. She got up, walked over to Brook, and grabbed his arm, Brook, Ill set you up with someone better next time. Let’s forget about this time”

Brook was usually dependent on his mother, but right now, he was somewhat smitten with Allison’s beautiful profile. Allison went almost makeup-free today. Without any cosmetics, her face was still flawless. Brook said, “Mom, I think Allison’s great. Just let it be.”

Allison sat there, looking out of the window, not uttering a single word. The mother and son seemed to be putting on a play for her to watch.

Ana turned to Grace, Im so sorry, Grace. She’s just like that.”

Grace was always kind, but now, even her smile had faded. Her daughter was obviously extraordinary, yet she was being looked down upon by them. She stood up and said, “Allie, let’s go.”


Allison stood up and replied, Okay”

She took one last look at Brook and Marian, “Goodbye.”

“Allison, Allison! Don’t go.” Brook rushed forward and grabbed Allison’s hand. She glanced at him. He quickly let go, seemingly a bit embarrassed, ‘Allison, my mom and I don’t see eye to eye. I think we’re a

perfect match. I can earn my own money, enough for both of us.”

Allison responded bluntly, “I think, we’re not a match.”

“I also think you’re not a match. A man’s voice suddenly rang out.

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