The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001

Her fingers tensed slightly on the tabletop as she looked across at Callum. “I really appreciate that you were taking my side yesterday.” she said, her voice steady and sincere.

If it hadn’t been for Callum backing up her story and claiming that it was only Elliott who had kidnapped her, Lysander Sinclair wouldn’t have dropped the matter so easily. He would have dug deeper, relentless in his pursuit of the truth.

“I’ve told you before. You may come to me with any trouble and no need for thanks.” Callum replied earnestly.

“So, can you tell me why? The real reason?”

Thalassa’s brows furrowed ever so lightly. She had kept Bruce’s involvement in her abduction a secret, as she worried that revealing his assault would subject her mother to public scandal.

But now, should she confide the truth to Callum?

Could she trust him?

They had only met a few times; was he truly worthy of her trust?

If she disclosed everything and word got out about her mother’s ordeal, and the existence of that video in Bruce’s possession, could her mother handle such a scandal?

Her mother was already so fragile.

She couldn’t take the risk, not even the slightest.

Soon, she would erase the files from Bruce’s grip, and things would settle down. This was not the time for any unforeseen complications.

After a fierce internal debate, Thalassa spoke, “The man you saw taking me to the room, that was my father, Bruce. He took a wrong path – he accepted money for someone else’s dirty works. If Lysander finds out, it would be the end of him. Despite everything, he’s still my father. He made a mistake, and I want to give him a chance to make things right.”

She chose to withhold the true reason for the sake of her mother’s life. She couldn’t afford to gamble on that.

And the reason she provided was plausible enough to be believable.

Having said her piece, she paused and looked at Callum.

He remained silent. Those normally warm and smiling eyes now looking at her with serious intent, as if weighing the truth of her words.

Feeling the weight of his gaze, Thalassa found her breath slowing down yet difficult to maintain further eye contact./

Just as she was about to look away, the waiter came with their meal and blocked their visual connection, providing Thalassa with an out.

“Let’s eat, Mr. Gordon.” she said. “Excuse me, could you please bring another set of cutlery?”

“No need.” Callum interjected, “I’ve already eaten. I’m not hungry. Please, go ahead without me.”

He nodded politely at the waiter, who set down the dishes and left with the tray.

“Family is important, but there’s a limit. Anyone who does wrong must face the consequences.” Callum said after a moment.

Thalassa glanced down guiltily, fidgeting with her fork. “I know.”

No one hated Bruce more than she did she wished she could turn him to dust!

Yet despite her hatred, she was forced to help and defend him. Her helplessness and conflict were beyond anyone’s understanding.

Once she deleted the video from Bruce’s possession, she would fight back.

“Have you given any more thought to what we discussed last time?” Callum suddenly asked, changing the subject.

Thalassa was caught off guard and looked at him with confusion.

The plan to get away from Lysander.” he reminded her in a lowered voice.

It was a request entrusted to him by his late friend, Leopold Sinclair, and it was also Leopold’s will.

As Leopold’s closest confidant, Callum was determined to honor his friend’s last wishes.

Thalassa froze. Her heart skipped a beat.

So much had happened recently. She’d been so preoccupied with Bruce that she’d nearly forgotten about her plan to take the kids and leave Lysander. “What’s the matter? Are you hesitating about leaving?” Callum asked and rose an eyebrow at her silence.


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