The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Watching her struggle with a mix of helplessness and heartache, Thalassa couldn’t help but ask, “If you

still care so much, why pretend it doesn’t bother you?”

“What good does it do to care? It just gives him more power to hurt me more,” Hertha replied with a

grim face. She stared at the retreating figure of Alaric in the distance, murmuring to herself.

Thalassa heard her and understood all too well.

Caring for a man who didn’t love you back only made you fall deeper and allow him hurt you,

intentionally or not. And you’re left powerless, with nothing to do but guard your own heart.

Hertha was a testament to that, and Thalassa was the same.

Thalassa didn’t try to stop her from drinking anymore. Instead, she signaled the bartender and ordered

another cocktail and a juice.

“To you, with juice as my wine,” Thalassa said, raising her glass of juice in a toast.

Hertha managed a wry smile and lifted her glass, “Cheers, to life that kisses us with pain, and to us

who sing back. We’re quite the pair of star-crossed besties, aren’t we?”

Thalassa’s lips curled into a half-smile as she sipped her juice, while Hertha downed her fiery drink in

one go.

They were enjoying their drinks when Hertha suddenly looked as if she’d seen a ghost. She nudged

Thalassa’s wrist and pointed ahead, saying, “Look, he’s showing his true colors.”

Following Hertha’s gesture, Thalassa saw Alaric with an outrageously dressed woman. His one arm

wrapped around her slim waist, and the other playfully lifted her chin. He wore a roguish smile on his

face as he flirted with her.

The woman, swaying her hips seductively, responded to Alaric’s advances with a coy smile, and their

eyes were filled with unspoken desire for each other.

Seeing this, Thalassa quickly reached to cover Hertha’s eyes.

Hertha, whose eyesight was blocked, laughed and said, “Thalassa, are you trying to deny the obvious

truth? I’m not your little kids. Do you think I won’t know what’s going on if you cover my eyes?”

Hertha didn’t need to see to know what Alaric was going to do with the woman next.

Hearing Hertha’s comment, Thalassa silently took her hand away. She was feeling a mixture of

melancholy and helplessness. She couldn’t even change her own situation, let alone help Hertha

change hers.

Hertha knew the scene before her was painful to watch, yet she stared openly, with a cold, self-

mocking laughter bubbling up inside her. This was the man she had chosen, and her taste was damn


As she was silently berating herself, a middle-aged society lady appeared. She was clad in a chic and

expensive dress, adorned with jewelry, and was clearly a woman of high society. She looked around,

then her eyes locked onto Alaric, who was still entwined with the other woman. Then, she strode over

with an air of authority.

Alaric, leading the woman out, caught sight of the approaching matriarch and panicked. He quickly let

go of the woman and turned to flee.

But he was too late. The society lady marched up, grabbed Alaric by the ear and yanked it upward,

“How many days have you been away from home, huh? You think you can avoid an arranged marriage

by hiding? I’m telling you that you must marry Georgia Reed! Get rid of all these other women! If you

don’t end it, I’ll cut off your funds!”

The lady was formidable and decisive.

“Mom, that hurts! Let go, you’re embarrassing me,” The lady was nearly screwing down his ear, so he

cried out in pain and begged for mercy as his eyes inadvertently caught Hertha’s curious gaze.

Their eyes met just as she saw Alaric being reprimanded and begging for mercy.

Hertha couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter at the sight of Alaric’s ear-twisting and the way he begged

for mercy.


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